Reviews for Heptagonal Ring
MasterYoshi64 chapter 39 . 3/9
One of the best things I have ever read in my life. 7/5 stars! Get it? ...yea I'll see myself out.
Cweb2006 chapter 49 . 7/5/2019
10/10 would read again
TheLatiKing chapter 49 . 7/4/2019
This was an awesome story to read your one and only story hope you make more eventually.
ArcherAmpharos chapter 49 . 5/8/2019
I originally read this story several months ago, but didn't leave a review because I didn't have an account here at that point. But having reread it again now, I'm going to fix that.

I really like this story. There are some issues here and there, but overall I would say this is probably my second or third favorite fanfic that I've read. The main story is very interesting and, for the most part, a well done good vs good conflict that makes both sides understandable and sympathetic. The pairings are adorable and develop gradually and believably. I like that the battle scenes are very strategic and make use of a lot of unusual moves, although there are times when it gets a little silly how long the characters spend talking about what to do without the opponents doing anything. I also really like how the narration is handled, it adds a lot of flavor throughout the story.

As for the issues with the story, I feel like the introduction of Naamah could have been done a bit better. The fact that Tesla and Linze immediately assume the Beacon is a criminal group seems like jumping to conclusions, given how Naamah acts in that scene. I think that first scene maybe tries a little *too* hard to make sure Naamah doesn't come across as being a full-on villain, the first time I read the story it kinda made me think it was going to later portray the Beacon as the definite "good guys" and the main characters as being wrong for opposing them at first. But maybe that's just me, I don't know.

Another issue is that... I feel like the amount of time it takes to travel between nodes seems to vary based more on plot convenience than logic. The first several chapters, it takes long enough to reach even adjacent nodes that the characters can only travel one node per day, but later on characters can travel to a different node, spend several hours there, and have time to return in the same day. And you would think that, even with the conflux open, it would take especially long to reach a node on the opposite side of the ring, but that seems to be ignored mostly. I'm personally willing to overlook it, but I can see it really bothering others.

Overall, though, Heptagonal Ring is an excellent story in my opinion, and definitely one of my favorites.
Ant4456 chapter 49 . 1/22/2019
It really dragged on, but its still good
Snowwolf65 chapter 49 . 10/15/2018
That was an amazing read, the best story I've found on here in about 6 years, good job
Consuming Flame chapter 49 . 8/4/2018
To me, there is a large distinction from a story being just "good" or "great" and a story that surpasses these ratings and become true "masterpieces." There are a lot of fanfictions that I have read on this website that I would classify as "good." These stories may have an interesting plot, or have a captivating story, or have dynamic characters, or have consistent continuity and pacing. I consider fanfictions that do one or two of these well to be "good." Then, though fewer in number, there are fanfictions that do most or all of these characteristics well. These are what I consider to be "great."

Then, however, we get to what I would distinguish as "masterpieces." These are stories that have most or all of the good characteristics that I listed as qualities of good stories, similar to stories that I distinguish as great. But, these masterpieces contain something else, something entirely different. Masterpieces are stories that stay in my head for days, months, and years after reading them. Yet, they do not linger out of a odd nostalgia or lukewarm fondness that may sometimes occur to me in other good stories. These stories challenge the very thoughts I have, make me question the meaning of the themes that the story presents, and think of situations that would affect people in the real world. They make me think more about psychology, morals, ethics, politics, philosophy, the very nature of life and existence in ways that simple hypothetical situations or short thought experiments cannot do alone. And, most of all, these stories have nearly flawless execution. After all, the very nature of a masterpiece makes it extremely difficult to write. Bad execution will absolutely ruin a story that had so much potential to become something incredible.

There are a few novels, a few TV shows, a few movies, and a few animations that I would consider to be masterpieces. However, because of the very nature of a masterpiece, it is extremely rare to find one, especially on a place frequented by novice and recreational authors such as this website. Although this website contains many fanfictions that I would rate as good and fanfictions that I would rate as great, there is only one story here that I would as a masterpiece: your story, Heptagonal Ring.

I will admit that I completed this story almost eight months ago, but I did not think of leaving a review back then. I will also admit that, if one were to look at my review history, they would call me a liar and a hypocrite, as it seems that I have rated many fanfictions in the past as the same quality as this story. However, in the time period that has passed, I discovered new masterpieces and re-experienced the masterpieces I have looked at before. And, I have truly found out why I rated them so. So, after regaining understanding of what it means for something to truly be a masterpiece, and after experiencing some new ones to add to my mental list, I believe that your story, your Heptagonal Ring, is one that has been added to my list. I truly believe that, out of all the fanfictions I have ever read, your fanfiction, your story is the only one I can rate a masterpiece and the only one I will ever rate a masterpiece on this website.
BrightMind chapter 49 . 6/21/2018
* Standing ovation* That was magnificent! I have finally come back to finish the last few chapters. For sure, I would feel much more emotional and sad,have I had just finished the story back then, so maybe it would have felt more bittersweet... for me. But now, what left is a feeling of satisfied and serene. This definitely among one of the best fanfiction that I have ever had the honor of ever enjoying - charming characters, complex world-building, eloquent narrative,etc... but top it all for me personally is the philosophy and the perspective that the story shares. Good vs Good is a fascinated concept, and hard to pull of, however, I can firmly say that You have been able to pull this off successfully. Again, it is very satisfying to see all the problems were addressed in a conclusive and solid manners. And with the end, I just want to say thank you for EntrophyWing, I feel quite blessed for being able to chance upon this story.

... That said, the most mystifying of all is this story itself: An author with only a single story; The story is started on the same day of the account creation, and was updated frequently and extremely eloquently written and well-editing - what a fascinating circumstances surrounding this story, it might actually the unresolved mystery in itself. It does not take a genuine to know what is the implication of this , however, it will be rude to make assumptions,... let's just say what is the possibility of the roundabout story made it to the human world. And maybe if we are looking, I am hoping that this is not the only story the roundabout brought to us. Now if only there is a clue somewhere...
Its me Perdy chapter 49 . 4/1/2018
You special, talented, skilled son of a bitch. You've taken up too much of my time, for that I must say, from the very deepest depths of my heart, thank you. This has now become THE BEST story I've ever, EVER in my entire life, read. Although I was left with the want for more, which I do not deny is completely your choice to give, I have been filled with a deep sense of satisfaction. This story, the humour, the drama, the characters, the tension, the digression (just kidding! I've found your digressions to be entertaining), all have been combined to a beautiful story. My only regret is having discovered this so late, which was primarily due to my time being spent on reading other fabrics.

If you've just started the story and is just looking through the reviews, spoiler alert.

Zephyr X Kizuna/Kizzie, I NEED MORE FLUFFFFFF! Simply not enough! They were the first headcanon but they've received so little attention! I really love Kizzie and Zephyr, I absolutely love how Kizzie is Zephyr's guide to finding the satisfaction he seeks, that's not to say however, that I didn't like the fluff in the last chapter, oh I adored it, however I find that it was too short. If anyone makes a special 1-shot external fic, PM me please.

Quentino chapter 1 . 3/21/2018
Quentino chapter 1 . 3/21/2018
man I thoroughly thought that this story was great I'm kind of sad to see u r writing anymore stories
Karma Wong chapter 49 . 12/7/2017
"If a story ended, starts a new one."
Quentino chapter 18 . 11/30/2017
just realized adamantium is the name of the metal that the wolverine uses for his claws lol
TrueBolt chapter 1 . 11/25/2017
Again I am reminded why I read more fanfiction than actual books...
I know that there are already many heartfelt and flattering reviews on this old story, and you as an author have likely moved on, but on the off chance this makes it to you I wanted to bring you a smile with a little praise.
I loved this story.
And not just on a superficial level like I love Doritos, or the color green, it was a story that made my heart quiver. It was a story that challenged the way I think and interact with others. I is a story that I will read to my children when my life reaches that point. It is a story that I will likely pay to have printed as a hardback among few other fanfictions for a bookshelf and my careful hands when I am older.
I am not to bad at digressing myself...
In closing just know that you have touched a life for the better, and I will do what I can to spread the positivity this story placed in me.
From one kindred spirit to another

PS. To any pasersby, I see no reason spinoffs should be only hypothetical. If this story inspires your creativity, make a new tale one this one's foundation! What perhaps transpires through the generations in the Heptagonal Ring? Do the scientist of the Assure Nightingale succeed in connecting with the outside world? Perhaps or perhaps not, and if so, does it happen within our dear friends lifespan? If someone does happen to put their imagination to words, just remember; cannon and head cannon are redundant if the story is a good one.
And if you happen to remember a small comment on the original story that encouraged it. I would love to see another word grow.
dominic0401 chapter 49 . 10/14/2017
This was an amazing story. Period.
Thank you for putting in the time and effort of typing all of this down so that others could read it.
This was all so well thought out too, in the description it talks about an obsession with the number 7 and it shows. This story has 49 chapters, which you can get by doin and I doubt this a coincidence, nor do I think that this stpry takes place during the year 7777 and this story has 547,777 words.
Thank you once again for sharing this incredible story and while I don't think a sequel would work I wouldn't mind some side stories if you decided to tell them.
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