Reviews for Save Me
it's simply me n you chapter 16 . 11/2/2019
I think you did a good job describing abuse victims.
I'm glad that both Bella & Emmett got their happy ending. Edward got what he deserved too, since he was never going to change.
momma2fan chapter 16 . 6/23/2019
Wow! That was hard to read Edward being that way. Thank heavens for sweet Em! Loved it.
Bevey99 chapter 16 . 3/12/2018
This was a spur of the moment read. O M G so good. Hard to read for the first few chapters. I'm not a non-canon fan - usually. Well written, and a really good read. Yep knew the baby was Edwards, figured that from the first. Thanks
Sandcastlefun123 chapter 2 . 8/9/2017
OMG! This is such a loveless and lifeless relationship! She is just going through the motions because she doesn't want to hurt him. She needs to leave!
gilmorekitten chapter 16 . 6/11/2017
Oh that was beautiful *wipes tears* glorious! *stands and claps* bravo!...brava! Oh just magnificent! Seriously though I'm in tears that was the perfect ending. Oh my god my emotions. This isn't fair! I'm already hormonal!
gilmorekitten chapter 11 . 6/11/2017
Personally I squealed in excitement.
gilmorekitten chapter 9 . 6/11/2017
YayJasper and AliceI take back my previous review
gilmorekitten chapter 6 . 6/11/2017
Gotta say I miss Alice and Jasper...but I like the story so far.
Crimson Sanguine chapter 16 . 12/6/2016
omg love intense
M. Cullark chapter 15 . 11/21/2016
Love this fic. It's so good.
mounds01 chapter 16 . 11/12/2016
I loved this story I don't know how I have missed it. Great job!
parkesy23 chapter 16 . 10/4/2016
Wow. Great story as always. Thank you
parkesy23 chapter 1 . 10/2/2016
Another intriguing story. Look forward to reading. Thanks
grandmachix chapter 16 . 8/31/2016
Another great story. It is very sad that many women go through the kind of treatment that Edward put Bella through. I hated that Edward was so cruel, but he was not in a good state mentally. Even if he had received treatment, he would probably have never been right. I am glad Bella had Emmett. It was a shock to realize that she was pregnant by Edward, probably that last time before Emmett took her to the hospital. Well written with a clear message.
purejoy chapter 16 . 7/2/2016
Wonderful, wonderful. Couldn't stop after reading the first page
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