Reviews for Alternate Worlds
REX3145 chapter 8 . 7/11
Fuck me, seeing beloved characters die in new ways is mind fucking and traumatizing.
Agent Frank Underwood chapter 18 . 3/24
It was a good story. I only recently watched the anime and while i wasn't the biggest fan, getting to read fics like this makes it worth it.
kaffeenator666 chapter 18 . 3/23
So normally I don’t do reviews for stories that are pretty much 100% dead because the author will probably never read my review. I mean, I write them to encourage authors and give my respective feedback as well as opinion on the matter. The only reason I write this now is mostly for a wayward reader who finished this story and decides to scroll through some reviews and sum up some thoughts that I have about this Fan fiction.
This fanfiction is actually quite the gem. Yeah sure, it’s clear that the beginning as well as some middle parts are somewhat rough, but the author certainly makes with his stylish writing style up for that. I love stories that twist a certain aspect and change the outlook of the whole story the most, because it doesn’t seem like a forced process but rather a natural one. This fanfiction certainly fits into that category. There are many aspects that I could praise, but for me personally Tatsumi’s village friends and how they develop as well as how interactions between characters roll down is what I favour the most. Sayo and that other guy are in the original nothing more than shock value or tools for the story to have a better kickstart, but here both of them get proper characteristics and become really interesting. Especially Sayo. The interactions between the characters like Tatsumi and Esdeath seem real and not out of character. It’s also nice to see how Tatsumi becomes more hardened over the time. Now what I found really the most interesting was that backstory chapter about Esdeath. It really gave a better understanding of her character and why she does the things that she does. It’s really interesting to see her become the sadistic, selfish and battle crazed character that we know and love. You know it’s almost sad to see her turn into such a cold being. Really enforces the idea that no one is born evil, but the world and other people forge them. I admit that I was somewhat surprised when Tatsumi became a double agent for Night Raid. I felt a bit cheated because in hindsight, I never saw that twist coming. I mean yeah, I can roll with that, but I found that part a bit forced from the author. Also, neat little detail making Esdeath and Tatsumi’s Mentor the same guy. Oh and that mysterious guy with the hood? Yeah he’s safe that Genshi guy that got burned to a crisp. But I could be wrong so who knows. Also for every reader who has just joined Akame ga kill fan fictions and after reading this gem needs something new: go and read “down a different branch”. Best Akame ga kill story. Really it’s by far better than the anime and manga.

Well then, I’m done for today.
In kind regards Kaffeenator

Ps. I was tired as fuck so sorry for grammar mistakes
Flenners fanfics chapter 6 . 2/20
oh fuck
Flenners fanfics chapter 2 . 2/20
what the frick?
Nameless chapter 16 . 10/5/2019
This chapter is one of the best pieces I have ever read on this website. Well done. I hope you keep on writing, you're good at it.
Crow chapter 18 . 9/18/2019
Se que es un poco tarde para desir esto, y talves no sepas español pero a mi si me gusto mucho tu fic ojala y algun dia lo continúes.
ImGolden chapter 1 . 8/1/2019
I really enjoyed this fic. Even though it's been a while since the last update, I hope that you'll come back to it. I hope that you read this comment and see that your fanfiction is genuinely amazing from the first chapter to the current one.
Jman7 chapter 13 . 7/15/2019
An edgy fanfic based off a edgy, contrived anime/manga that took itself too seriously and was intended for angry, awkward 13-year old boys and their power fantasies.
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