Reviews for Symptoms of the Culture
Cole Anderson chapter 1 . 6/30
This entire story was amazing and you did what ND couldn’t do right in TLOU2 which is kill Joel in a way that is earned. Keep writing stories like these and wow,the emotions I felt were crazy but genuine unlike in TLOU2
Nost.Algia.reads chapter 16 . 5/28
Only I know this piece of work had been updated recently. Well, I guess.
Lumy12 chapter 7 . 8/7/2016
Okay so I still seem to have a weird aversion to reading Joel/Ellie even though I'm basically done writing my story now... I don't know what's wrong with me but I hope I figure out how to fix it someday cuz I'm sure I'm missing out.

I did read the Tess chapters and loved them! Great stuff. So different from how I've imagined Joel & Tess - which might be partially why it's so good? And I love the twist on Joel's split with Tommy. I never would have thought of that either. Bravo!
Lumy12 chapter 3 . 4/28/2016
I've been meaning to read this story of yours for a while now... I'm going to favorite it and come back later to read the Ellie parts (after I'm done writing, whenever that is). I'll read Tess later. This is a nice chapter to leave off with before

I think you're right about that moment in the game. Something like this definitely could have happened. It seems reasonable to assume Sarah's mother is dead at the start of the game because no one mentions her... wouldn't Sarah have worried that maybe the outbreak had hit wherever her mom lived? (plus I thought I read somewhere that Joel raised Sarah alone, it wasn't a joint custody deal) Well done. Very believable. I like how Joel knows for a very long time that he's not in love with her. I seriously wonder how many couples (not just young ones) only go through the motions, maybe lie to themselves and try to convince themselves they're in love so they can bear it. Your Joel here actually reminds me very much of one of my best friends... he would never ever leave his partner either even if things were shitty. -until he HAD to because her behavior was so appalling. Joel rightfully puts Sarah's needs first.

Okay so I'm babbling... just wanted to say nice work and I'll be back!
Guest chapter 10 . 10/7/2015
minor gammar error:

Joel please I know love you (missing the I) awesome so far
GrumpyShaman chapter 18 . 8/24/2015
fucking shit male sweats from my eyes.
yinyang754 chapter 18 . 8/11/2015
Oh, man.
That was a powerful ending.
ChainzOfThePast chapter 18 . 8/9/2015
Wow... Just... wow... I've never been so emotionally moved by a piece of literature in my life. It was by far one of the best fanfics Ive ever read and im so glad that i didnt stop Reading it. I nearly did when it switched to Joels past with Vera but i keep reading and fell in love with this story. The ending was bitter and sad and not very sweet; i couldnt have imagined it another way. True death isnt something that can be easily described, even more so with those that succomb to cancer. The description of Joel in the end was right. Sad, horrible, but right. You have created a masterpiece that i have truly fell in love with.
DespertaFerro chapter 18 . 8/7/2015
This was an amazing story. I truly thank you for taking the time to finish it. It's the best TLOU fanfic I've read up to date. Heck, you even got me to play the game again! xD Anyways, I do think this was a really good ending, and a very real one. The way you portrayed the illness... well, I've seen a person die from it, and you were absolutely realistic about it. I commend you.
Guest chapter 18 . 8/7/2015
This was so beautiful it made me cry. I really loved the ending
DespertaFerro chapter 17 . 8/1/2015
Oh well. I'd bet it's tuberculosis. Or lung cancer. Personally, I'd go with tuberculosis. Easier to spot, easier to describe the symptoms.
DespertaFerro chapter 16 . 7/27/2015
Heh. For a moment there, you had me. I thought: "Of course, who expected anything different?" And then the child actually lives. I must admit, you managed to surprise me. Mistook you for a cliché type of author for a second. Well done. :)
Guest chapter 16 . 7/27/2015
I cried :') finally joel is filled with love hope and happiness! I cant wait for next chapter! :D
Guest chapter 15 . 7/8/2015
I love it !
Guest chapter 15 . 7/7/2015
AWWWW he finally is acting so sweet! Loveit :')
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