Reviews for Though I Walk Through the Valley
psnshndys chapter 14 . 3/19/2011
This is a very good story. Will you finish it?

I dislike it when fan fiction writers don't finish a finish a


It is disappointing to us readers when stories aren't finished.

Will you please finish it?
Ishka chapter 14 . 1/6/2007
wow... i haven't read your fics in a while. glad to see you're still working on this one. :D

i miss reading your YnM fics. your writing is still as amazing, as vivid and as exciting as ever. keep it up!
Mishiko Shinsei chapter 11 . 9/21/2006

*does happy little fangirl dance*

No, I haven't read one word of the update, but I'm so happy there is one, I just had to let you know.

You are one of my fave authors of all time, in any fandom. I've made it a point to steer new readers (and old) to YnM your way. I friended you in LJ land as an act of worship.

And to now be rewarded with not only an update to one of my fave stories but additional YnM ficcage as well...!

I am in fanfic heaven and so happy I could just squeal.

Oh, wait. I already have.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

And Thank you again.
mysticalilly chapter 14 . 8/24/2006
OMG YOU MUST UPDATE! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE. THIS IS DRIVING ME NUTS! So please do update soon. I don't have the words to express my liking for this fic right now cuz I'm somewhat speechless. So all I can say is update!...



Yenny chapter 1 . 7/18/2006
Nice to see you've updated this Here's hoping to read more soon!
Happy Reader chapter 1 . 7/18/2006
Oh my god, you're back! This marks the happiest day in fanfic history since 2004. I read your stories sometime last year and enjoyed them so much. Your storylines are incredibly creative, captive, and full of surprises. I would spend the entire day reading your stories non-stop. My favorite is "Falling is Like This." I'm no fan of Muraki or Oriya, but I fell in love with "Where Will You Go," and I really hope that you'll continue it.

Your fan,

Happy Reader
Lady-Willowish chapter 13 . 7/8/2006
omg you updated! *I love you!* Thank you so much! (I alreadyt reviewed the newer chapter before so I had to go back one.)

You rule so much! what a way to end the chapter! Aamzing! I really hope there's more of this soon. you have the best charactizations I've ever seen! Your Muraki is so belevible, all of them are, I love the Oriya/Muraki scenes. And poor Hisoka and Tsuzuki. Wow.

More More!

I can't wait to see what happens next. What will Muraki do? *excited squeel*

*Luv and cookies*
JOSEPH JOESTAR chapter 14 . 6/30/2006
I had given up hope of this story ever being updated again! And the new chapter doesn't dissapoint. D
Daeleniel Shadowphyre chapter 14 . 6/28/2006
~grins~ It may have taken you two years, but it was worth waiting for. Of course, now the inevitable question arises - one my own readers have probably asked a time or twenty. ~teasin~ Will it take another two years to get the next chapter?
Rei Asakura chapter 14 . 6/26/2006
I am shocked, amazed, and happy that you are ALIVE. Never thought we'd hear from you again, Arashi-san! I hope you'll start updating regularly again...or if nothing else, give us a sign before you depart to limbo again. :D
Lone Wolf Pup chapter 14 . 6/25/2006
that was a greta chapter i can't wait to see what happens next
ForeverInFiction chapter 14 . 6/19/2006
Okay so I am officially in love with this story.

I'm horrible, I really am, but I can't escape my burning passion for angst (speifically Tsuzuki angst) It beseeces me, my love for it I mean, but yet I read it and eat it up continually looking for more.

No, but really I love your writing style and your ideas. You seem to think they aren'y coherent enough but I , on the other hbad, beg to differ. Though I am going to be annoying and urge you profusely to update. Please? Pretty please with sugar on top? And sprinkles. The chocolate ones, though. Rainbow tastes like artificial flavoring...hey maybe thats because thats what they are made of. Heh, I am idiot. Gotta love my review though. Right?

Neh. Oh and I did mean to mention that out of all the stories I have read so far, which is pretty much all of the decent Tsusoka or Tsusuki angsts, I find that you seem to be able to grasp the charecters most accuratley. What impresses me furthermore is that you made Hisoka and Tsusuki have memory altercations and STILL they are more in charecter tham most of the authors portray them.

Okay so I'm going to stop ranting now. Gives an insanely Tsusuki-like, impossible to resist, puppy-dog face. This is my first encounter with you and yet you find you hvae some odd desire to update for my sake...don't you? Eh...I tried. Lol.


jennamarie chapter 14 . 10/28/2005
This is almost as good as the trilogy, but no Akimaya *Sigh* Not as Hisoka centric either, but I shall survive. Still great!
Yamineko chapter 14 . 5/3/2005
I just read through this entire thing non-stop

*worships you*

First of all, I LOVE how you protray Oriya and Muraki around each other. It's prriceless. And also very in charecter _

I also love the way you write Tatsumi and Watari [not enough good fics out there with them as central chars]. _

Hisoka and Tsuzuki are also well in charecter, and I love the creative liberties you take for their pasts. I never thought that Tsu-chan could've killed his sis on accident... o.o;; *needs more imagination*

Overall, this fic is BEAUTUIFUL and you haven't updated in a long, long time so I really hope this isn't just going to die. ;_; You're probably busy with a million other things, but I look forward to when you come back to this one day! *waits patiently*

On a side note, I LOVE your trilogy Live Through, Somewhere I Have Never Been, and Falling Is Like This. _V I read them a few weeks ago on a site, and was surprised to find your name while browsing this section [just got obsessed -er, INTO- YnM a month ago]

Keep up the good work!
allison chapter 14 . 3/20/2005
I love it. Your writing style, characterizations, EVERYTHING. Please please please keep writing!
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