Reviews for The 9th Annual Kim Possible Fannie Awards Show
Slyrr chapter 9 . 12/29/2014
I'll never begrudge the Captain winning awards - if it weren't for him and his stories inspiring me, I might never have written any of mine! Sorry the road was rough sometimes, but sometimes life is like an old-fashioned railway journey. Jolts, bumps, dust and delays, only occasionally spiced with beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The thing is to be simply grateful for the journey :)

Slipgate, Whitem and LJ58 are no less worthy of course. I'm glad there are new stories to read so long after the end of the series. I'm glad the community isn't giving up! Hope for a 10th next year...
etyberz chapter 9 . 12/27/2014
Congratulations to the Winners, runner-ups, and writers.

This has been a most entertaining show!

I look forward to see who will be in it next year!
Sharper the Writer chapter 9 . 12/27/2014
A very good conclusion and congrats to the winners!
LJ58 chapter 9 . 12/27/2014
Love the epi!. :)
only-looking chapter 9 . 12/27/2014
Hey ho, congratulations to LJ58! Having recently discovered your work, this is now up at the top of the pile of stories I need to read.

Huge thanks and congratulations to Slipgate, CaptainKodak1, and whitem, for everything you do for the Kimmunity, and for making the Fannies happen, and for just being such good writers overall.

Happy New Year to you all, and now I'm looking forward to next year's awards.
CajunBear73 chapter 9 . 12/27/2014
And that brings another Fannies to a close.

Congratulations to those who won, those who contributed, and those who participate from the sidelines, no matter how.

Great inclusion of those who've contributed mightily in making the KP FF Site what it is, and helping show the way to those who wish to follow in their footsteps.

Terrific speeches from some of the Masters of the KP site as they humbly accept accolades they have been justly given.

See y'all next year!

Sentinel103 chapter 9 . 12/27/2014
Yay you guys did it. And again congrats to everyone.

Slyrr chapter 8 . 12/12/2014
A nice chapter that was a story unto itself. From it's perch atop the 4th wall, it felt like Sent and Cajun were characters in the KPverse. (Well, we're ALL characters, aren't we) Nice to see Kim get a chance to tell off, and make amends with, authors who put her and Ron through a wringer. Strength can come through adversity, which is a point many of us seem to slip into our stories.

Congrats to all the well-deserved winners - can't wait to read more!
Sentinel103 chapter 8 . 12/12/2014
Hey man I got a new handle...yippppppie, anyway congrats to everyone who won in this segment and all the others combined. And being recognized along with CB (from a year ago) as best reviewer it means a lot.


CajunBear73 chapter 8 . 12/12/2014
Congratulations to all of you, and to what you had to 'put up with' get to this point...

only-looking chapter 7 . 11/22/2014
Hah - two more stories I voted for won! Big congratulations to CaptainKodak1 and Mahler Avatar. "She Misses Him" made me cry, and "Tiger By the Tail" was just adorable.

And congratulations also to Molloy and Slyrr. I'm sorry I haven't read your stories yet, either.
AngelicInkLing chapter 7 . 11/22/2014
Call me Bebe?. lol Congratulations to all the winners and thank the heavens Junior is resting his vocals.. XD
Slyrr chapter 7 . 11/21/2014
Congrats to the Captain, to Molloy, and Mahler Avatar for yer well-deserved wins! (oh, and me too I guess ;) Thanks to everyone for hanging in during my infrequent posts, and don't give up on the story cuz it's just revving up!

And keep reading this one too, because all the authors out there who worked hard deserve their recognition. And the crew who keep the Fannies going are to be heartily thanked. In a way, it's keeping the series itself going - which is what we all really want ;)
Sentinel103 chapter 7 . 11/21/2014
I've seen a punch to the face up close and personal (they believed in realistic training at my training gym) and it's hard to believe how big those knuckles look right before the stars.

Gee you and Slippy didn't want to use Junior again? Man are you guys chicken, but it's probably the best thing. That Junior is best in very small doses.

Good thing you had the Jarvis system trying to warn you.

Still nice chapter and congrats to every one.

Mahler Avatar chapter 7 . 11/21/2014
Congrats to all who've won so far and to all who were nominated. And a special thanks to the Captain for his heartwarming story, which strikes very close to home as my own father is rapidly approaching a similar fate. True life is indeed a terrific inspiration, and the catharsis in reading such a heartfelt tome is truly a balm to my heart. Pain shared does indeed make the overall problem seem smaller, and your dad remains in my prayers, Cap'n.

It's wonderful that the Kimmunity is still alive and well after all these years, and that people still take the time and effort to continue writing (and reading) these great fics, even though the series ended several years ago. And by the way, I'm also old enough to get the Robinson Crusoe On Mars reference (loved that movie when I saw it on a B/W TV as a kid) as well as that ice cube tray, and, uh, whatever other old guy thingy that was referred to...

So here's to another 10 years of great KP fanfics, may we all last long enough to enjoy them all.

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