Reviews for Advice and Trust
Starfire99 chapter 56 . 7/22
Something I've been wondering about for numerous chapters. With Ritsuko on their side, why didn't they tell her that Shinji and Askua know their mothers' souls are in their Eva cores?
Rankin de Merthyr chapter 1 . 7/21
Last update Jan 12
That's just, you know, a few days before the Wu flu spread through China and then rest of the world.
deathbringer374 chapter 56 . 7/13
Come ooooooon!

We must have... the precious! We needs it, we wants it! Holy balls I feel the conclusion coming.. holy balls! We demand Götterdämmerung! We musts have it!

Re zabzab chapter 56 . 7/3
No anti-at field materials exist in evangelion
Fucking really?
What about, I dunno, the Spear of Longinus? Or maybe the artificial spear-like metal of MP eva weapons that SEELE has secretly developed and deployed in EoE?

Grasping on straws much? :)
Zabzab chapter 51 . 7/1
I have no idea if it's canon but anti A.T field /materials/?

Bullshit ex-machina much? :)

You know, I hope Shinji will end up being able to shoot lasers from his nostrils (no, not his eyes, his nostrils because why the hell not?) because it's really tiring when the antagonists keep having all the good stuff out of nowhere when the plot requires it.

Here is how this chapter reads, IMO:
"Oh noes, too much waffle, you need some drama? Here let's give the evil doods the magical bullets that kill angel that NERV, fighting Angels for months, has somehow not developped."

Zabzab chapter 47 . 7/1
I thought for sure you were making two Rei. Like, no kidding, I was already seeing the Whatever special coming for Shinji.

I'm disappointed, not gonna lie.
Zabzab chapter 39 . 6/30
I honestly don't 'member the original show well (mainly that it was overly confusing and that the show runner apparently enjoyed vicariously torturing people through his character).

This version, with less biblical mumbo-jumbo involved as far as the Lilith-Adam duo is concerned, is already a clear improvement from the og. IMHO.

The fact the characters are allowed to NOT stay [depressive rags vaguely resembling human beings who are fragile to the point of eye-roll] is also a big plus, as far as I'm concerned.

I've just got one honest question:
Why did nobody put a bullet through the commander's brain and be done with this dood?

The story is awesome.

Best writing to you,
Zabzab chapter 21 . 6/30
The hell is it with all those "adults" and maturity?

Asuka and Shinji are are at that age where they are supposed to get mature. Also, those "children" (who really are teenagers) pilot giant robots against otherwordly monsters to save the world. They can be either batshit insane OR mature.

As far as this plot point goes, the "adults", as characters, feel less and less like characters and more and more like as many author's mouthpieces. They certainly aren't sensible, they aren't intelligent and they aren't mature. It's like the author actually doesn't feel quite comfortable with two nearly 15 y.o sleeping together and some sort of inconscious remnant of puritan education is rearing its annoying and ugly head and channeled through Misato and Kaji.

Asuka and Shinji made absolutely none of the mistakes of youth discovering sex. They fight better, sync better. They are happy. Reaction from the "adults"?
"Oh no, they are having sex, we can't have that, despite the evidence that it's beneficial for them." Also, arguments that aren't arguments. "But what if one of you is hurt?" Really Misato? If you're worried about them getting hurt, don't send them in giant robots to fight monsters maybe.

Yeah, this plot point was old the moment it was created and it's getting older by the sentence. It's creating a "tension" that falls completely flat, IMHO.

The rest of the story is absolutely awesome.

Best writing to you,
Concept of a demon chapter 1 . 6/28
I've gone over to reading this on the Sufficient Velocity forum (just because I'm impatient), but I'm still going to favorite it here, just so I don't one day forget what it's called.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how this story concludes.
Guest chapter 29 . 6/21
Yeah so i think i should mention that this is one of the best stories i have ever read. Not one of the best fanfictions, one of the best STORIES. Great writing! Love it!
sunny chapter 23 . 5/26
cant stop reading! this is amazing! its already 3am but no regrets!
FamIDontKnow chapter 56 . 5/28
Wait wait wait a fucking second

I can recognize a Chekhov's gun when I see one

-Evil Rei Clone
-One anti AT field bullet
-Inc final battle

Uh Oh
Alexsanderlay chapter 56 . 5/24
updated soon, I'm very curious as to where this will end
Magos Solarion chapter 25 . 5/23
You should also give NGE: Genocide a shot then. It's a wonderful fanfiction, on par with the original. Shinji and Asuka also fall in love there, but the process is more gradual, painful and cathartic beyond words
Nishi chapter 25 . 5/20
I think "Advent" is the best sequence of chapters thus far.

I'm very late to the party on this one but I'm glad I found this story as I now have something to binge during these quarantined times.

I love how this story identifies and explores the butterfly effect. Whether this was your intention or not, I'd like to think of episode 15 of the series to be a huge turning point for all the characters but especially Shinji and Asuka. Their failed kiss sets the tone for the remaining episodes as it drives a wedge further between them. Personally, I liked the direction the series took. I think it's important for a show like Evangelion to show people the consequences of the mistakes the characters make. The show wouldn't be as memorable if the characters overcame their problems. It would undermine the overarching theme of escaping from escapism. If the characters actually worked through their problems, then we, as an audience, can escape from our own problems vicariously, which wasn't the point. Anno created some of the most fleshed-out identifiable characters I've ever seen in any media in order to build a bridge between audience and medium. Then, he made them fail. He made the weight of their traumas crush them in an attempt to wake up his audience to their own problems and emphasize the importance of going outside and facing them instead of running away.
What I mean to say is that this story goes beyond the scope of the show. It almost pisses on the show's original message. Almost... I think there's something special here that I just have to say.

When I read the first chapters, I joked to myself that this was Evangelion - but with healthy relationships. Like, imagine the characters actually talking to each other and attempting to work out their problems. I remember watching the show for the first time last year (thank you, Netflix) and screaming at the television, almost begging Asuka, a fictional character, to seek help, to just talk to someone. It was just so painful to see all these characters that I personally related to and that reminded me of loves ones that I just wished them to be happy. Backing up to a previous point, the reason why I said this story almost pisses on the original's message is due to one fundamental reason: I think your characterization is spot on, like the closest to perfection I can imagine. Like, everyone speaks and behaves as the should, except the characters are actually talking to each other and being open and emotionally available. In an alternate world, I can almost imagine all of the characters behaving like this if only, Shinji took initiative and if only, Asuka let herself be vulnerable. Imagine that. I've heard people describe them as two sides of the same coin, as traumatized teens with uniquely similar backstories that dealt with said trauma in the opposite manner. This was intentional to aid the point Anno was trying to convey but still, I can only imagine what it would be like if they were a bit more balanced and I finally found it.

While addictive, reading this story filled me with some kind of dread, it's hard to describe. I didn't feel good. It occurred mostly during the first couple of chapters and I've struggled to understand what was bothering me. But after reaching deep, I think I've finally found it and I just want to share something a bit personal. BTW, you know that this is a good Evangelion story when you got me all self-reflective like this. It almost feels like I'm watching the show again.
The dread I felt initially was envy. Kind of like Rei, I was both happy to see these two get together but I was jealous of the type of bond you described because... I was that just a few years ago. And suddenly, all these old scars opened up but it felt good. It almost feels weird to get so emotional at the thought of fictional characters getting together but it reminded of a type of bond I felt not too long ago. I remember how it felt to finally find someone who understood me, someone that returned my feelings in then some, someone that kept the loneliness away, the night terrors away.
I was just a little older then they were at the time. I remember what it felt like to share a bed with someone. For the duration that we were together, we didn't leave each other's side for more than 3 days, constantly there, constantly reminding the other that they weren't alone anymore. I miss it so much and I think it's been so long because like the other important couple in the series and in this story, I had become a little cynical like Misato and Kaji.
I'm still quite a deal younger than they are but also older than Shinji and Asuka. I'm comfortably in-between both in age and it's strange to be like that, to have such a strong connection to both sides. Either way, I think my fear of losing the sort of love I once had has poisoned every relationship since then, I haven't felt that way in so long and I think I started to forget what it felt like, forget what it felt like to be loved. I was starting to get used to the idea that I would be alone and like a hedgehog but reading this story has reminded me of all that I had but forgotten.
I'm reminded of what it feels like to be one with someone, the closest two human souls can be without instrumentality. I remember that and miss it. But just remembering it alone has restored a vitality that I haven't had in a while. I don't know how long this can last but I'm looking to savor every minute of this happiness. Thank you so much for reminding me of that feeling. I love this story so much.

Anyways, I think I've talked about myself too much, back to the actual story itself.
I think this story speaks to the transformative power of love to heal and enhance. It first fills a hole within each of our main characters and then spreads outward affecting all those around them.
I knew this story had potential when the focus shifted to Rei. I don't recall Rei's docility being the result of pharmaceuticals but I believe it. It doesn't feel outside the realm of possibility at all. I love all the time you spend in developing her character. I didn't like her very much in the original series mostly due to that lack of development but this Rei is a completely different story.
I like all the comparisons between Shinji and Gendou that the character's start to notice. It's actually like he's developing as a character and maturing and isn't just a symbol of a depressed artist's exercise in self-flagellation. I can't remember where it occurs but I stood up and clapped when he denounces his father entirely. I can't tell you just how happy it is to see a Shinji that is actually standing up for himself. But it goes to show how much having a supportive partner can improve one's life.
Speaking of supporting one's partner, I'm so happy to see an Asuka that isn't imploding, an Asuka that isn't constantly on the verge of a mental breakdown. Hearing them share their stories, their trauma reminds me of a best friend and the transformation that she and her boyfriend (fiancee maybe? does a promise ring count?) underwent after their relationship started. How she just seemed so alive and happy and out of her shell and he seemed to actually have emotions for once in his life. I love how the flaws that Anno wrote for these characters have been eased as they have found someone to confide in and trust. I've seen this happen for so many people around me and it's perhaps the most heartwarming experience ever.
I'm glad that the story is shifting focus to Ritsuko, god knows she deserves something. The actual show kept all of that in the dark for so long but the poor woman is deserving of the treatment this story is giving her.
I'm happy that Kaji and Misato have finally and actually opened up to each other. I'm happy that Rei is happy. I'm happy that Touji and Hikari are actually going out. Like, imagine teens going out with each other... in an anime. Instead of stupidly beating around the bush just to tease the audience. Shocking.

But back to what I said at the very beginning of this review, "Advent" has been my favorite sequence of chapters thus far. I couldn't put it down. We're finally reaping the benefits of the butterfly effect I previously mentioned. The lives of everyone are changing for the better.
Misato and Kaji are finally a thing again. Asuka and Shinji have finally revealed the truth to Misato in the most hilarious part of this whole story thus far. I reread those sequences of the two of them messing with her over and over. It was just too good.

Well, anyways, this has gone on long enough. I just had a lot to say. If I review again, I promise it won't be as long.

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