Reviews for POTKM Volume 8: The Banoi Nightmare
Guest chapter 12 . 5/14/2017
They only have three more hearts of light to find. You might want to fix that.
Guest chapter 12 . 2/9/2015
I'm hating the bad guys even more:(
ananimas chapter 12 . 12/30/2014
i think i have the perfic enimy for chenerbog the lord of and feder of chaos the devil aka anticrist deus aka yukki from future diary/mirai nikki hed be go/crist youll know wat i meen wen you wiki and/or watch the anime and ova and he cod be the one hwo toc the powers of the pincesses and sinc we both like tenchi muyo us it amagin sephorath vs tenchi and ryoko vs sora and riku id be like the final boss batel in kingdom hearts 2 agents xemnes cus her powers are simeler to his and yosho cod have nown xeahnort wen he was yonger and bring melefacent back also tri soul eater buffy the vampire slayer and mew mew power/tokyo mew mew you should introduce Negima! Magister Negi Magi. It is a great anime and funny as hell. But you have to remember that Fate the main villian is stronger then sora riku combine and could possible rival xehanort if not surpass him and mite make a good new body for him . the familiar of zero same as sed for negima likewise for steel angel kurumy
db chapter 12 . 12/27/2014
Can you bring back the subtle knife?
The ability to cut anything is just too good pass up in a kingdom hearts series and we never heard the mechanics of how it was made.
We don't even know how many blades that can open to other dimensions
Please explore it in the story arcs
Austin Skywalker chapter 12 . 12/23/2014
Oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man oh man! Bioshock?! Shit!

This story was great, but now, i'm looking forward to something that I have known and liked. Back into the underwater city of Rapture! Ohhhhhhh that's gonna be good! I can't wait to read it on one of my favorite video games! Keep this up!
wright190 chapter 12 . 12/22/2014
well in Bioshock it's welcome to hell in more way than insanity, genocide, betrayal and power hungry creeps to boot all created by one mans idea of absolute independence where every man and woman could be their own person overall that absolute freedom without order can be just as destructive absolute order that just goes to shows how world gone wild like that can be very bad new.
ananimas chapter 11 . 12/19/2014
i think i have the perfic enimy for chenerbog the lord of and feder of chaos the devil aka anticrist deus aka yukki from future diary/mirai nikki hed be go/crist youll know wat i meen wen you wiki and/or watch the anime and ova and he cod be the one hwo toc the powers of the pincesses and sinc we both like tenchi muyo us it amagin sephorath vs tenchi and ryoko vs sora and riku id be like the final boss batel in kingdom hearts 2 agents xemnes cus her powers are simeler to his and yosho cod have nown xeahnort wen he was yonger and bring melefacent back also tri soul eater buffy the vampire slayer and mew mew power/tokyo mew mew you should introduce Negima! Magister Negi Magi. It is a great anime and funny as hell. But you have to remember that Fate the main villian is stronger then sora riku combine and could possible rival xehanort if not surpass him and mite make a good new body for him . the familiar of zero same as sed for negima likewise for steel angel kurumy . nice way to kill the lord of illusion clasc
CervantesOsis chapter 12 . 12/21/2014
... You sneak. You pulled a fast one on us.

Looking forward to BioShock!

Also, do you plan to have them visit Remnant, the world of RWBY, at any point? I think it'd be awesome.
D.J. Scales chapter 12 . 12/21/2014
You did an excellent job with this tale. This is the wake up call I was hoping for
D.J. Scales chapter 11 . 12/14/2014
Not bad. Very well written and Highly thought out. I can't wait to see what is next.
D.J. Scales chapter 10 . 12/9/2014
Wow not a bad way to turn a trap against the trapper but very good use of showing how the enemy is able to adapt and grow stronger as are the heroes. Not a bad chapter.
poseidon7 chapter 10 . 12/7/2014
please hurry on the new chapter! wowow
poseidon7 chapter 9 . 11/30/2014
wow Lilinan, you are a heart if Earth,
CervantesOsis chapter 9 . 11/30/2014
I'm picturing Elsa popping out of the Fold, somewhere in midair above the rooftop, and landing in the middle of the Heartless horde with an icequake. Am I off on my prediction?
ananimas chapter 8 . 11/26/2014
i think i have the perfic enimy for chenerbog the lord of and feder of chaos the devil aka anticrist deus aka yukki from future diary/mirai nikki hed be go/crist youll know wat i meen wen you wiki and/or watch the anime and ova and he cod be the one hwo toc the powers of the pincesses and sinc we both like tenchi muyo us it amagin sephorath vs tenchi and ryoko vs sora and riku id be like the final boss batel in kingdom hearts 2 agents xemnes cus her powers are simeler to his and yosho cod have nown xeahnort wen he was yonger and glad the lord of illusions is back but bring melefacent back too also tri soul eater buffy the vampire slayer and mew mew power/tokyo mew mew you should introduce Negima! Magister Negi Magi. It is a great anime and funny as hell. But you have to remember that Fate the main villian is stronger then sora riku combine and could possible rival xehanort if not surpass him and mite make a good new body for him . the familiar of zero same as sed for negima likewise for steel angel kurumy .
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