Reviews for Merciless' One-shot
Guest chapter 1 . 5/26/2016
Carry on!
This could be a great prompt!
K. Le chapter 1 . 2/17/2015
Side Note : I'm honestly not sure whether you like Chrom X Robin or if you just happen enjoy putting them through situations like this, thereby almost "torturing" them. This is honestly almost more heartbreaking than a permanent Robin death after sacrifice Chrom x Robin fanfic.
K. Le chapter 1 . 2/16/2015
Yo, as much as I can count on you to consistently put out good tragedies, you need happy stories to. As good as it is, an entire collection of ONLY sad stories isn't exactly TOO attracting, and I've exhausted my list of good happy ending fanfics.
Deader than the Doornail chapter 1 . 9/12/2014
Now this is even sadder than its sequel! Oh goodness... To see Robin as the loving mother, so determined, so full of life, all while battling despair... Then she is reduced to death. It's awful. :(

And yet the fanfiction is good! Great, actually. I think you did the emotions exceptionally. But (me and my critism!) how could Lucina have been - say - a month old when the Shepherds left Ylisstol after the timeskip, and never aged a year for the entire time that the Shepherds fought, Robin was lost, and the sickness progressed? This doesn't make much sense.

And in terms of your sequel: If Robin goes - forgive my bluntness - crazy after Lucina's death, how could she conceive and bare Morgan? Robin is so crushed, she wouldn't risk becoming pregnant, would she?

Basically, I think Lucina should be a bit older. Otherwise, great job!
Gunlord500 chapter 1 . 9/10/2014
Aw, this was so sad ;_; Poor Lucina! ;_;
AccountKiller404 chapter 1 . 9/7/2014
Waaaaaaah! Sad fanfics be sad... I love it sooo much, NUUUUU NOT MAH LUCINAAAA!
squish13 chapter 1 . 9/7/2014

My heart! D:

I like sad endings, but this... *Slow claps*
Guest chapter 1 . 9/7/2014
Why do you hurt me so?...

See what I did there

OrangeStreakedStar chapter 1 . 9/7/2014
I am crying. I am sobbing. I was also listening to the godfather theme song so this just pierced my heart. WHY!?