Reviews for The Billow Effect 7 - The Source of Chocolate
excessivelyperky chapter 1 . 1/12/2018
Wow, this is a great story-but of course Albus and the others will never, ever figure it out. After all, they just know they didn't do anything wrong! (besides, if a Gryffindor does it, it's automatically Right anyway).
HoneyBear84 chapter 1 . 11/6/2017
Loved it lol
TimeyWimeyBadWolf chapter 1 . 2/12/2017
I love how protective the elves are of Severus. And I love their "punishment" of Albus and the rest of the Hogwartzers.
Saint Snape chapter 1 . 2/12/2017
HaHa! Don't piss off the elves!
trickster32 chapter 1 . 11/7/2016
Justified punishments, only a note is missing: "For harming our potions master - be glad that he is so merciful to you."
What a pity, that Severus wasn't in the Great Hall and getting severed is *normal meal* than Albus and Co would have been more perplexed and wouldn't understand it at all.
Alethea27 chapter 1 . 7/7/2015
The elves are determined to take care of Severus even if he doesn't want them to and they found a clever way to do it - they won't take the potion he brewed to protect them from the Dementors unless he eats chocolate on a regular basis. I love that they decided to punish Dumbledore, the other professors, and Harry and his friends for their treatment of Severus! I wish Severus could have been at the table so they could all see him get a regular breakfast and wonder why that was!
ANGEL FALLEN FROM HEAVEN chapter 1 . 9/10/2014
Ooohhh donr mess with snapes elves
KitElizaKing chapter 1 . 9/10/2014
Thanks for the awesomely cute story of how Severus Snape kept Hogwarts supplied with chocolate during a very difficult year! lol Or, of how he went shopping and cleaned London out of chocolate all in the name of magic, which is a very funny image if you think of Severus pulling up to the counter with carts full of chocolate bars.
It was more fitting for him to be experimenting with it as he was, trying to figure out why it worked. That was more like Severus. I loved that the house elves were stubborn and made him take chocolate, and that at the end they were furious with Dumbledore and Harry and the others and served bland porridge...that was a great finishing touch! Very well done!
Chantilly's Mom chapter 1 . 9/7/2014
He he he he he!
bkerrmom1 chapter 1 . 9/9/2014
Bwaahaaaa... House elf justice rules! I absolutely LOVE The Billow Effect! I never want it to end!
YenGirl chapter 1 . 9/8/2014
Hmm. For some reason, I feel beholden to check for typos and such. *tips her head to the side and gives you a quizzical look* Good thing I found some, eh? *winks*

Severus is... *sighs and searches her tired brain for words* An unsung hero, that's what he is. *nods and carefully makes a note of his favourite hot beverage* It's the same as my girl's although she's known to take large sips from my coffee and have been doing so for years *grins unrepentently and ignores Severus' muttering about setting bad examples*

Gritz is wonderful elf. He always seems so... real.. and 3D (for want of a better word) that I have to remind myself he's an OC! It's very heartwarming how all the elves have claimed Severus as theirs and takes as good care of him as he does of them. I like their stubbornness, about the same as his, I reckon *chuckles hugely and is hexed mid-chuckle, resulting in coughing fit and watering eyes* So is Fennel and Angio and everyone else that I've forgotten to mention *glares at Sirius and Remus waving their hands in the air* I said elves! And you two do not measure up to any of them at all! Time out! Go stand in the corner! On your head! *receives a pat on the head by Severus*

The chocolate buying spree and its mention throughout the chapter had me scrounging around in my fridge, Ree, I'll have you know. My hips say thanks, by the way, and yes, they were being sarcastic.

I like how you merged canon with your side of the story... I like Severus eating what the elves are eating (except for when he's so stubborn he lost his appetite) and living in the elves' quarters. I like everything about this story except how Severus and Harry weren't quite on the same page... but then again, this isn't a Snarry, I have to remember that.

Oh, I'm also glad the loyal, wonderful elves ignored Albus' signals and got their own back at everyone and I'm sure Severus enjoyed a bowl of very palatable porridge that is full of yummy goodness...! He deserves it and more.

Well done, Ree!
duj chapter 1 . 9/7/2014
Aww. So sweet that he has admiring friends.
BlueWater5 chapter 1 . 9/7/2014
Loved the interaction between Severus and the elves!
Phoenix1592 chapter 1 . 9/7/2014
Severus widely went to the muggle world for the chocolate

Lol, Severus is stubborn but the elves can be more so when they make up their minds
After all Severus did get hot chocolate out of the bargain

Indeed they did choose their Potions Master well

Well it's a good thing for lupin that he ran away from Severus or he'd have a very ticked off elf to dealt with who has had quite enough of him and his associates

Quite the punishment from the elves, plain tasteless porridge, and refusing to acknowledge albus
they chose their punishment well, for despite their treatment of him Severus won't want anyone suffering on his account
Tlcatlady chapter 1 . 9/7/2014
It's never a good idea to get on the bad side of the elves... TLC
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