Reviews for Where Angels Tread
Guest chapter 39 . 2/14
Just reading this story now and I couldn’t put it down once I started thank you so much for a great read
CarolinaFlint chapter 39 . 9/6/2018
Thank you so much for writing this story! You did a really fantastic job! I remember reading the first few chapters years ago when they were coming out and then took a break from fan fiction and didn’t check back until recently but wow! What a story! You do such an amazing job at showing us the minute details that make up a person’s psyche and keeping the reader on the edge of their seat. I hope whatever you are doing in life involves writing because you are amazing at it!
Just Wonderful chapter 39 . 5/30/2018
Through and through a wonderful story. Each character has such dimension and the writing is insanely good. Master level plot.
Guest chapter 39 . 5/8/2017
I just want you to know how awsome you are. This could seriously be a novel. It is simply that awsome i enjoyed it immensely. I couldn't stop reading it i loved it so much. I hope your doing more writing cuz you have a talent for it.
Chris chapter 39 . 12/2/2016
Wow, what a story! really enjoyed reading and quite binge-read it. Just one thing that drove me mad: It's "couldn't care less", not "could care less." ;)
inermis chapter 2 . 10/12/2016
This chapter was a massive let down. Writing style, characterisation and themes are noticeably different from the previous chapter. The most disappointing is Angelica, who is suddenly a completely different person. She makes several cringe-worthy faux pas and her trains of thought are haphazard. I can guess how her actions relate to the plot, but moving the story forward isn't ever a good reason for holding the infamous Idiot Ball.

I warned that I'll keep an eye on feminist themes, and I am already worried. In the first chapter, Angelica was a sex worker because she enjoyed it and it fed her ego, plus she had a professional attitude towards escort services. She was a subject who controlled her body, so all was fine.

In this chapter, we have whore-shaming (it still isn't okay even if it is said playfully), a throw-away female character is killed off-screen and her death is barely mourned for three paragraphs, the manager tries to coerce Angelica to accept a business deal that affects her private life, and Angelica endures sex that is clearly outside her personal comfort zone. Sex industry is a cruel and dark world, and it's important to write about these things, but one can not have a strong, independent female character who is blithely objectified; that's just contradictory.
inermis chapter 1 . 10/12/2016
I came for Mycroft, and I'm staying for the story.

This premise is intriguing and boldly different from typical Sherlock fanfics. But since sex industry inherently revolves around objectifying people, I will read this story more critically than I usually do. Otherwise, I have no problem with Angelica being an escort; she seems to be a self-assured, highly educated woman who has chosen her career voluntarily.

Angelica is a well-fleshed character with realistic flaws. I wouldn't want to be friends with her in real life, because I surround myself with humble, down-to-earth types, but it's interesting to get inside her head. Her observations of Mycroft's OCD were very analytical, and she has a vast vocabulary (truth to be told, I had to check 'effervesce' from a dictionary), but she acts and sounds like a genuine woman in her twenties (I smiled at the Harry Potter reference). I'm actually impressed how effortlessly the first chapter showed her intelligence, instead telling it.
MsOMyGosh chapter 39 . 7/27/2016
Holy hell, what a story, what an ending. I don't know what I'm going to read after this.
I hope you're working on a second story. I would love to read more from you.
Maryportia chapter 39 . 7/7/2016
Hands down, best structured and researched fics I've read. You should be so incredibly pleased with this. It really is fantastic.
I absolutely loved how you ended things between them. I wish that Angel had managed to confront Mycroft about what happened in the elevator from a better place but I think that it's more realistic the way you had her completely ignore it. I absolutely loved reading this. I'm going to miss getting chapter updates from you. Thanks for taking the time to share your creative process at the end there - it was super interesting and answered a lot of the questions I had in mind while reading.
I hope you have another project in the pipeline. I'd love to hear about it. If you need a beta reader/Brit picker, just give me a little shout. I have some experience betaing for a published friend of mine.
Mary x
SweetIronySince1997 chapter 39 . 5/2/2016
It's over... I've so much in my head right now and I know if I write it all here it'll wind up total babble but..
This was probably the best, most well developed and realistic fan fiction I have ever read. If this were a novel I'd totally buy it and anything else you wrote. Your research paid off. Angel is such a complex, intense and brilliantly written character with a strong sense of self! I love how she takes back control at the end of the story, deciding to take what she wants (Mycroft )while refusing to be owned or controlled. I like how she's still gonna do her job, that she enjoys, while independently perusing her education. The only issue I have with the ending isn't even really an issue at all, but simply that I want to know more! How did Sarah react when Angel just reappeared out of the blue after going missing? What did Mycroft mean by not being a real person? Is Arguson (sp?) Gonna come after Angel now that she is no longer an asset? (I mean, he was using her as bait for Mycroft which means he was keeping tabs on her so...?) I'll stop there :). All in all...Lovely.
iLoveYourFic chapter 38 . 5/1/2016
I have been following your fic ever since I came across it little over a year ago. It's been nothing but pure joy. I have just finished the final chapter and I'm overwhelmed with emotions. It's like I have gotten to know a part of you through the fic and now I'm sad to see you go. But I'm also happy that you chose to to take on this project, proud that you completed it and reached your goal, and overjoyed that you chose to share your work with us. Thank you.
redtartart chapter 39 . 4/30/2016
I thoroughly enjoyed this story. The focus/premise was quite refreshing. I'm glad you that you left it on an upswing. I appreciate your final "chapter", you hit your goals and I always like having a little more of the story.
Captain Evermind chapter 39 . 4/30/2016
Fantastic resolution to a great story. I've loved the glimpses of Mycroft you've revealed, and the way his character has grown. Would love to see more writing from you.
ABANDON3D PAG3 chapter 39 . 4/30/2016
Nooo! It... It can't be over, it just can't! *bursts into tears*
ABANDON3D PAG3 chapter 37 . 4/25/2016
Curse you cliffhanger!
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