Reviews for Rumors of My Death
Guest chapter 5 . 5/23
Great story would love to see you continue it
strent23 chapter 1 . 2/26
Well a great first chapter indeed. Very intriguing. What in the world could have happened to her body? I can't wait to read chapter 2. The poor family.
Truckee Gal chapter 5 . 3/8/2018
It appears this story has reached its conclusion with Chapter 5. Amanda has been reunited her mother and sons. The truth about their marriage is revealed and it's their love for one another and time together that will restore their relationships. They have many new memories to create.

You tore them apart then pulled them together with a greater appreciation for what they have. Traumatic, but there's a happy ending!
Truckee Gal chapter 4 . 3/8/2018
Amanda is being loved and pampered perfectly by Lee. After months of fear, injections, poor food and poor living conditions she is luxuriating in nutritious food, warm bath and time feeling relaxed, safe with her husband. It's amazing that the baby hasn't been harmed by the many experimental drugs repeatedly pumped into her. A good night's sleep does wonders, too, before Dotty and the boys see her. They will be overjoyed she is alive. Her return with red hair and being pregnancy will be plenty for them to absorb. Lee and Amanda must tell the boys they are married, mustn't they?
Truckee Gal chapter 3 . 3/8/2018
Diabolical Dmitriev, the Soviet planted doctor and the bored thug are all in custody and that's a relief. Deporting them is both too kind and too risky; that three-some and any others involved should be executed or in a maximum security federal prison serving a life sentence. No parole and no visitors.
Truckee Gal chapter 2 . 3/8/2018
Bless you for not making us suffer endlessly! Amanda, gone nearly 5 months, has a whole new look: blue eyes, short red hair, barefoot and pregnant. She waited patiently and got her break. At least Lee believed her! Dotty, Phillip and Jamie have to be told. What a roller coaster ride this is!
Truckee Gal chapter 1 . 3/8/2018
Oh no! This cannot be happening ... not to Lee or Phillip or Jamie or Dotty.
Guest chapter 5 . 8/17/2016
I hope you continue this series!
NLambert chapter 5 . 3/2/2016
I just love the way this story unfolds. Can't wait to read the sequel.
JennyBeeAMDG1 chapter 5 . 12/21/2015
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this fanfic! It is probably the 3rd or 4th time I've read it.
Am I mistaken or is there a continuation? Where is that listed? I didn't see it on your page? I always love a great SMK fanfic and your's fit the bill!
Pamkins86 chapter 5 . 8/23/2015
I love this story. It is a touching story of love between Lee and Amanda as well as Lee and her family. Can't wait for the next story. Awesome job. It's a different tske on what could have happened. As readers and fans of the show, we can't know exactly hoe thry would resct in every situation. Great job
MeriSalope chapter 5 . 10/12/2014
interesting premise. you are an engaging writer although some of the happenings presented here are quite impossible. i'm a bit disappointed that a writer of your experience didn't take the time to do some research or reach out to a beta reader before presenting the finished piece. to my experience with fanfiction, your audience is far more exacting just for the simple fact they love these characters every bit as much as the author does and when the characters are put into unrealistic situations and react decidedly against their inherent nature, we as readers notice it immediately. while yes i do agree this is certainly an Alternate Universe tale, unfortunately it completely misses the mark for characterization. there's fabulous potential here for a great story and i do hope you continue to write, but i also hope you reach out to the betas available in this fan'verse to keep you better on track.

Guest44 chapter 5 . 10/3/2014
Enjoyed your story very much and am looking for next adventure
spying eyes chapter 5 . 9/28/2014
I wasn't sure if this was a story that I wanted to read. Lee without Amanda too sad. I am glad that I finally decided to read it. This is a fantastic story. I loved it Well done. I will be looking for the continuation.
Guest chapter 5 . 9/18/2014
Very good! Looking forward to reading your next installment! Thanks for sharing!
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