Reviews for A Father's Love
Guest chapter 23 . 1h
Great to see you writing again. I can't decide wether I like this or the reading version more. Hope you keep updating these and your other stories too.
Dievalgo84 chapter 23 . 2h
cant believe that you updated this if really have lost all the hope, wasnt expecting that at all, i was checking your profile, and you have some really amazing but unfinished stories, hope you update and finish all
Guest chapter 23 . 3h
Guest chapter 23 . 4h
Ficou legal man, finalmente haha, espero que volte com mais frequência.
Aris Krem chapter 23 . 6h
I would think that Zeus would be a little cold to Aphrodite because even if she married Hephaestus, let's not forget that Hephaestus was thrown off a cliff by Hera and Zeus did nothing in the mythology to stop it.

Though I probably am biased because of all the dumb hate Zeus stories I've read.

Thank you so much for the update ️
YMCM chapter 23 . 6h
Glad to have you back!
Guardian of the Inheritance chapter 23 . 7h
Good job keep it up
reno.roderiquez chapter 23 . 8h
LET'S GO glad to see this story is still being worked on can't wait to see what happens next with this and your other stories.
NineYetis chapter 23 . 8h
This is great.
demoncreater2002 chapter 23 . 8h
This was a good chapter, please post soon especially on the “The Return” I enjoyed reading that story as well.
biob1 chapter 23 . 8h
Nice job
rescue 007 chapter 23 . 9h
Good stuff
Kelabu109 chapter 23 . 9h
thnx for this awesome chapter
18Andrew chapter 23 . 10h
Great chapter!
The Phantom Keeper chapter 23 . 10h
What a sweet chapter, I am glad that you released this. I am excited to see what else you have planned. Please keep up the amazing work, I look forward to when you next update.
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