Reviews for The Alexander
Hikari Nova chapter 3 . 10/18/2018
interesting if rushed and confusing to try and follow
mathwizard1987 chapter 9 . 7/4/2018
Peter pan
Guest chapter 1 . 3/15/2016
I have no fuckinf clue what's going on. Seriously, what the hell's going on? No, don't answer that, I could barely care less. I have no interest in reading further.
agnar chapter 1 . 2/28/2016
I gotta ask, are you drunk or high when writing these things? Or do you ever proofread them, or anything?

There is just so much wrong. Just a tiny for instance, how the hell would Luna have classes with Angelina? Luna is a 3rd year in GoF and Angelina a 6th year. There are NO classes that have kids from different years together, and most especially not a pre-OWL student mixing in the class with a NEWT level student.

I just gotta wonder what your intent is, you produce vast numbers of fics that generally have 3-6 shortish chapters before you post more new fics that'll never be finished. And most of those short fics are incredibly random and sloppy, veering all over, making little to no sense, getting some really basic canon things wrong without any rhyme or reason, like people the wrong ages.
Silvergate chapter 9 . 9/25/2015
Enjoying the fic, the non-continuity just adds to the story. Anyway, how hard is it to get a peter pan reference?
EliteShadow chapter 9 . 6/19/2015
cool story love it please update more soon!
MWRANDOM chapter 3 . 4/29/2015
Sorry to say this but up to this point this story is a mess. Why would Dumbles need to bargain with Harry? How does Harry know about his lordships? Who is in a relationship with who? Why is Harry Captain America and Master Chief at once? What sort of costumes wasa Ethan selling and how did combinations occur? Who is everyone else? Was the costume party consisting of only their group? Ten people or so seems a bit small for a costume party, especially when a single person gets all the costumes. It seems odd that they would dress as people/things that they are likely not even familiar with given their different backgrounds and aren't choosing their own costumes. I'm a big fan of BTVS Halloween fics as well as The Ship of the Line challenge so I'm used to reading stories of this type, but this is just a confusing jumble of random scenes and ideas that don't have enough explanation to make sense. You even have a space battle against an invading alien force had the potential to be interesting and you write: "That was when Jaffas got on to the ship and they started to fight. The Alexander crew had defeated the Jaffa, but before they left Harry grabbed one of them.!" That was simply terrible. You don't explain how they get there, have the ships do anything, or even show any of the combat. Your ideas seem interesting but your execution is simply BAD.
Smokeing chapter 9 . 4/12/2015
Very good funny at times very few spelling mistakes that I couldn't comprehend why you would miss him thank you for writing it keep going
Akasha Drake chapter 9 . 3/21/2015
the second star quote is from Peter Pan, as well as Hook and probably all derivations of the J. M. Barrie book/books
thunder18 chapter 9 . 2/27/2015
Great chapter Update soon
The Phenomenal 0ne chapter 8 . 2/22/2015
Hey Arsao cool chapter. On another note. Didn't you say that harrys outfit looks like captain americas armour?

sd328 chapter 8 . 2/22/2015
if i am not mistaken (and i doubt i am because i saw the movie) "third star to the right and straight on till morning" is from peter pan
thunder18 chapter 7 . 2/18/2015
Great chapter Update soon
paladin3030 chapter 7 . 2/18/2015
If you want to get into Mass Effect go to youtube & pick Mass Effect (num 1,2,or3) walkthrough no commentary & you will see exactly that a walkthrough of the whole game.

They have them for both male & female Shepard's.
thunder18 chapter 6 . 1/28/2015
Great chapter Update soon
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