Reviews for Invasion
Vadercat chapter 1 . 6/15
Almost like he wanted Tony to read him, but without the accompanied violence.
EmeraldBabe chapter 1 . 12/4/2016
That was gorgeous. Smut, but with heart and soul.
JENTWCSINYFAN2 chapter 1 . 12/30/2014
Wow yowza which means I can't speak so good so good
cindythechef chapter 1 . 12/11/2014
Sweet loving smut :) LOVE it. I like what one other person put "Smut therapy" tehe
Fluffybird chapter 1 . 11/16/2014
Well. Always liked a bit o' passion, me. Smmmmmut is good. Smmmmmut as therapy for the characters is just double good.
Feels like I haven't found one of your stories in a while. And I look. Here and abroad. Glad to find this one. Will be looking for more. Yep. Been watching Longmire. Yep. I think you might give it a go too. Just a thought. Yep. Gonna go mention it to Squares too.
Rjones308 chapter 1 . 10/9/2014
I loved it. The Hotness factor was off the charts! I love when Gibbs is the one losing all control for
Tony. An extra layer of Hotness. Please add more, it was that good.
NCISVU chapter 1 . 10/4/2014
I love this as a one shot but you captured the deepness of their relationship in a way that totally leaves me wanting more! There were far too many perfect words, statements, thoughts and descriptions to repeat here... I'd be copying and pasting the whole story :P I loved the need and the surprise, the roughness that came from desperation, the fact that Jethro could barely control himself and Tony's reactions during the whole thing and his battle with what he wanted vs. what he thought Gibbs needed was brilliantly done. This is a masterpiece!
summersquares chapter 1 . 9/28/2014
One of my all time favorite birthday presents. I can’t believe I got such an intense, moving Tibbsy world built just for me. You say something at the end about it not having a deeper meaning, but I think that many of us know that it is deeper meaning that makes the difference between a story that is fun to read and one that satisfies, that touches on something real and deep. Hell, I don’t know about meaning, I guess, but I know from deep. That Gibbs would not allow Tony to touch him and that Tony would misunderstand the reason why (that most of us would!) but that the real reason is that he is freaking Hoover Dam and one touch, it all comes crashing down. Now that, that is just lovely. It is intimate, and personal, and hints at walls that cover up pain. And you n’ me, how we love us some hurt Tony, hurt Gibbs, and devising a way for them to find their very masculine ways back to each other.

I apologize for the delay in writing. Last weekend was horrific and this one not much better, and a wild week between them. That said, everyone is busy and I could have found time to write somehow but by the time you posted, I had started writing something too, and if there is anyone who screws with my creative head, in the best possible way, it is you, so then I couldn’t reread it or write about Invasion for fear of messing up Inscrutable which now that I think of it is a one word-title starting with I. Probably not a coincidence, but who knows. So now Inscrutable will post in a little while but before it does, I can indulge and reread this story again.

Thank you for the present, are welcome everyone else! Look what my birthday brung!

10 of the most wonderful things about Invasion and Kat.

10. Wordliciousness. Aliteration: “slick slide” and “pounding pressure” and “dangerously demanding” and the Sandwich version “quick careful quiet” and “thunderous purr of tenuously”; oxymorons “feel the heat of an ice blue gaze” and “pleasure-pain” and ultimately, “the sated heaviness that’s still living in his limbs.”

9. Tony and Gibbs imagery that hits me where it counts. Casual mentions of Tony’s bare back, his muscles, sun-warmed, a little sweaty

8. Competency. So sexy, people who are good at what they do. I understand comic relief, I guess, but I am so much more interested in the ways in which each member of the team is good at what they do. I am openly unhappy with those who paint Tony as a buffoon. Tony’s ability to sense Gibbs, however delayed, is hot.

7. That you think that Tony loves the “impassioned pressure of the restraint that may or may not mark him.” Ugh. Right to the gut.

6. The way that really, really truly, after everything...there is only one rule. That they are together. Oh, and no touching. Two rules I guess.

5. And the fact that there is a rule just. for. Tony. Again, the control that Gibbs is asserting, but all to protect against his own lack of control. So hot. Ugh!

4. The fact that Tony broke his rule because he needed to. Needed Gibbs. And that the story part of this was in italics. Dreamy and internal and strong with its open acknowledgment of need.

3. Gibbs’ voice. I love the way you write Gibbs. Very strong, with every word meaning something but not taciturn, which he has a reputation for but isn’t always. “You don’t have any idea what you do to me.” Oh. My. And “I fucking scare myself.” Jesus. “...sometimes I’m afraid I won’t be able to stop. That it won’t ever be enough.”

2. What Tony Doesn’t Say. The way you write Tony’s physical responses, the fact what he says is said “brazenly” because it doesn’t matter what he says, but that he uses his voice like a caress, a weapon, a stroke of a feather down a naked back. His defiance. So effective on Gibbs. And even after Jethro screws him for all he’s worth and doesn’t let Tony come, it is Gibbs who is “undone”. That is effing awesome. And that Tony not only wants to, he wants to WATCH. That he knows Gibbs needs him, but to hold him too, would be too much. God, what Tony knows.

1. What you say. The things you see that they don’t...that Tony misunderstands, that Gibbs is drawn to Tony’s whole way of being, that if anyone is circling anyone it is Gibbs circling Tony, that Tony can sense things in Gibbs’ voice that he doesn’t understand...but you do. I absolutely adore your vision of them, and how you take something so small, every time, and make it a whole world. One touch, one rule, one small transgression. But it means the world, it means everything. Also in this category is the way you acknowledge that Tony is a bigger man, physically. Awesome.

And a few to grow on:

0. That there ISN’T EVEN A CATEGORY for what Gibbs and Tony are doing. Damn, yes. That insight is brilliant!

-1. That Tony isn’t kissing, only being kissed, and that he has never experienced this before.

And then finally, it can’t have a number because it is in its own fucking category, that what Gibbs saves for last, the penalty, the curse, the desperate price that is paid is Tony taking Gibbs. Gibbs giving himself to Tony. That the secret to the rule is that it takes everything for Gibbs not to beg Tony. That Gibbs wants everything, even if Tony doesn’t want to give it. And Tony will give it, even if he doesn’t want to. Is bound to. I can’t help but feel humbled by what you can do. This was amazing. Extraordinary.
Ziver69 chapter 1 . 9/21/2014
I think the meaning was pretty damn deep as is. Dialogue is great, yes, but the way you wrote this it definitely was not needed. In fact, I think more dialogue would have taken away from this piece. Considering the tough case, their newish sexual relationship and the natural character tendencies of these two, I think their actions more than spoke for them. Excellent!
Azucar chapter 1 . 9/19/2014
I loved it! You mean thus is the first time Tony ever was in Gibbs? No, their equals, it should ALWAYS be like this.

LaiaJambalaya chapter 1 . 9/21/2014
that was so... HOT! but deep! possessive, not just smut! guh u do give good smut. i can't get Tony fucking Jethro out of my head & don't wanna either. AWESOME
megamom2 chapter 1 . 9/20/2014
Wow! Depth of emotion, the complexity of their relationship, the burden of their individual pasts...and hot sex! Impressive!
tonysmel chapter 1 . 9/20/2014
Reading this was like welcoming back an old friend; oh how I've missed your writing.
Your smut is always a special treat, but what makes it so great is that it always comes with a big helping of those complicated and amazing Tibbsy feelings.

"...he doesn't fucking care who the unclaimed creature is who's wearing Jethro's skin." Loved this.
And: "Because Jethro needing sex is one thing but Jethro needing him..." Favorite line. Both quotes come from such different places but together they connect the two men so undeniably. Beautiful.
Loved everything about this:the raw need, the intimacy, how vulnerable a rarely vulnerable Gibbs is, the bond they have, and how much they say to each other in between the words.
Perfect. Welcome back!
Kundry Athalia chapter 1 . 9/19/2014
VEry very good!REally enjoyed it!
4depthoflove chapter 1 . 9/19/2014
Well...the smut was delightful...a tasty treat to begin the week-end

but...I hardly think it is without 'deeper meaning'.

Few people on earth have the ability to communicate without words like Tony and Gibbs...and their actions and expressions in this story spoke volumes...need, distress, desire, trust, respect, passion, pain, comfort, fear,'s all in there, with more meaning than most can muster after hours of talking.

love it!

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