Reviews for Rise of the Champions
Red Alfa chapter 23 . 6/27
Great chap and awesome fight scene. Well hopefully chaos will save aria. And it came down to the last 2 and to make it even more exciting a battle of mega evolution. Lets see who comes out on top Aeden or kei.
reven228 chapter 23 . 6/21
Oh man, just when I think everyone has achieved their level of power, Mega evolution is brought into the story, and thus changes the game beyond what we thought was possible. AMAZING job! I can't wait to see more. keep goin and stay golden
KaijuFenrir chapter 22 . 6/16/2019
This is a very nice chapter and I really love learning about Kei.
reven228 chapter 22 . 6/11/2019
Hey, LOVED the chapter, especially the attention you gave to Kei. I'm loving the huge fight going on right now and I'm excited what comes next chapter as it looks like things haven't finished yet. Anyway great chapter, keep goin and stay golden
SunMoon6798 chapter 2 . 6/11/2019
Hey, welcome. So look a warning given you are writing a Pokemon story. Farla, St Elmo's Fire, Talarc, Spencer841, Handle Criticism Maturely, and a few others are known bullies on this site who review only to destroy stories and promote drama.

They will push their believes down your throat, demand you redo your story to fit their wants and no, they are the super minority and hated by the fandom. They also tend to post pms publicly so responding to them is ill advised.

They start off with a disclaimer about honestly thinking it would help. It doesn't they want you to be screwed over as they complain about trival nonsense that got their panties in a twist.

They think Pokemon is slavery. That you should capitalize the way they want, fyi Pokemon names are not species names and that's been officially recongized in modern English. So yes it's correct to capitalize Pikachu for instance. Oh, and they give out false dialogue formatting (It's "Hello," She said dialogue is a seperate sentence). Spend time putting out a text block of non issues that are not going to help you. Don't get me started on Arceus.

What's worse is they all try to pass it off as them being critics in their reviews. Any review with it in the begining should be ignored if you get it.

Oh and if they say that they are being bullied. Know that they are lying as they been doing it too this fandom for years now and are just pissed that a group are working to stop it. The admins told them to knock it off.

If that's not enough on my profile is proof its utter nonsense. oh and if there is a guest reviewer titled "Take Down Hybrid" know that is's actually Handle Criticism Maturely the biggest of all of Farla's supporters and an utter troll who only doing this shit because Hybrid gave her criticism. The girls gone off the deep end and into complete insanity.

Best to remove it.

Speaking of them they had twice agreed to stop but don't. Even after being told to stop by the admins, their friends, and even random strangers. Right now they are somehow convinced that Hybrid, a woman, is a man.

If they claim they have proof don't. Its all utter nonsense land they been told by the admins to take it down.

As for the users you need to block and how, you block by heading to heading too the toolbar were you posted a story. Click on account and you should see the option to block users. The add their id numbers.





Ghost132 chapter 22 . 6/10/2019
Such an Intense chapter! We learned more about Kei and how much of a badass he is. Jun withdrew from the match and gave an awesome speach that shocked everyone.
The Renegade Kingslayer chapter 21 . 12/25/2018
This is quite the Holiday gift. Glad to see my favorite storyteller hasn’t lost her skill in the slightest. There were a few spelling errors here and there, but it didn’t mess with the pacing or the image you were trying to convey. At the rate this is going, either Aedan is going to become the champion or we’re in store for a big surprise.

I do have a few rhetorical questions: who’s the main cause of this evil being or is it a mixture of the negative auras from Xentus and Chaos? Does Aedan have a trick up his sleeve against mounting odds? Could Xentus and Chaos split and still be healthy enough to put up a fight? Just some food for thought
Black Falcoln chapter 21 . 12/25/2018
Sweet this was a great chapter and i was really excited when i saw this get an update and man we got an awesome fight of blair and sora and saw how blair became the champion. Than just when you thought the fatal 5 way couldnt get any more chaotic as everyone fought and clawed their way to become the champion we saw a monster being born with chaos and xentus fusion. Cant wait for part 2 and i think it will be aeden and kei as the final 2 in my opinion. Well looking forward for the next update and also wishing a happy new years.
reven228 chapter 21 . 12/20/2018
Man, that was one he'll of a fight scene. Everyone's pulling out their best to get the top spot and now we have someone with a crazed God complex loose. I can't wait for the next chapter, keep goin and stay golden
KingBishop chapter 20 . 11/28/2018
Black Falcoln chapter 20 . 1/11/2018
Well first of glad to see this story get updated and i only have two words for this chapter and that is intense and awesome. So all this time eve was evil and im actually curious to know what happened to her did she just dissapear or died? Then it seems nero lost his title by accident to kei. Now we get a fatal 5 way fight for the title of champion.
Ghost132 chapter 20 . 1/6/2018
How have you been? Been a while since you updated. I hope life hasn't been too hard on you.
reven228 chapter 20 . 1/6/2018
Holy crap... THAT was a fight! Great chapter, all around. And what a way to kick off the next arc. I can't wait to see what'll come next! Especially when the next fight is a 5 way brawl between the school's strongest. Keep goin and stay golden
BlackGeneralNocturna chapter 20 . 1/6/2018
Wow well this chapter was very intense. It's hard to tell whats going on a bit with how much goes on but your writing quality is far from getting worse, I'm jealous at how much you can write for the same story XD I mean this is probably long enough it could be a full fledged novel if it wasn't fandom based heh
Red Alfa chapter 19 . 4/25/2017
Well first of this was a great chap and sorry for the late review. Well where to start huh so lacy is a queen that makes thing more interesting. Well dang it looks like both Hector and Nero have to earn their titles. But looks like blair orbs have been taken by victor. Then we got a group of 6 who are about to enter the academy so it looks like stuff are about to get more epic.
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