Reviews for White Demon, Red Scribe, Black Nightmare
Shadow Spears chapter 44 . 4/8/2017
Guest chapter 43 . 3/30/2016
Normally I'm not into yullen or crossovers , but I saw the pictures on your tumblr and I had to read it. My heart may be broken but... wow. This is amazing. The ending hurt, but I love how you were able to incorporate so much from both franchises, and I love the assassin armor designs...
All I can say is bravo.
I'm bookmarking this to read it over and over again.
Reality Slap chapter 43 . 2/26/2016
Definitely one of the best if not THE best fanfic I've ever read. Jesus Christ the last chapter made me cry so much I couldn't breathe. I totally love all of the AC games and DGM so this fanfic was a blessing really! Your writing style was amazing, the plot and dialogs were excellent as well. I couldn't have asked for a better AU, it had everything! Angst, humor, action and even romance.
Also another thing I'd like to point out is that everyone was in character and that made me sooooo happy! So.. You know, extra points to ya :)

I honestly wish I could have supported this fic earlier, but it took me a while to find it and I read the whole thing in -like- two days..

Such an amazing job! Bravo!
Cutiepie120048 chapter 43 . 1/6/2016
Dang. That was very beautiful. The flashback made me cry!

Keep Up The Goo Work~!
etude chapter 43 . 10/7/2015
that was a beautiful fic thank you so much for writing it! endings all wrapped up and decorated neatly with a bow don't always work but that epilogue was my favourite chapter. I love how everyone aged and grew
lavis breakdown broke my heart harder than finding out Allen died
Dream Bound Nightmare chapter 1 . 7/7/2015
Revelations! I swear I half expect Ezio to jump out from the wings and start cursing Allen out for stealing his spot light. Oh! Does that mean the Noah are the Abstergo to the Order's Brotherhood? Oh! This is sooo exciting! Well I'm off to the next chapter!
BloodySilverKitsune chapter 43 . 6/22/2015
All in all, this story was really awesome- Hell, it was amazing. I've never played the Assassins Creed's games, but it sounded like a lot of fun from your story. The Epilogue is one hell of a troll my friend, but the story made it worth it. I'm glade i deiced to read this and i look forward to you guys going on with 'Of Swindlers, Butchers, and Wyrms'.
GSFEfan25 chapter 43 . 6/7/2015
Ahhhh! That was excellent! Thank you for the feels... T.T I can't believe I read this all in one day... *high fives you both*
Shadow Spears chapter 43 . 6/7/2015
Awww poor allen and kanda. I'm glad that they were still close with lavi.
nothingheretoseedeletethisacct chapter 43 . 6/6/2015
Sometimes I think I'm too emotionally attached because something like this just breaks me. It's wasn't unexpected, though, and thank you for not dragging their deaths out, and thank you both for a well-written, very entertaining story.
wystery chapter 43 . 6/6/2015
I had left my monstrous review for what I thought was the last chapter, but reading this, I can't resist reviewing again! (Although this time I'll try and keep it more essay-lengthed than novel-lengthed ;D) I was surprised to see this fic updated when I saw the alert in my email, and pleasantly so when it was an actual chapter. This final installment really left me with the feels! It was a realistic ending- I mean, it would have been a deus ex machina if Allen had actually lived happily ever after with Kanda, though Lavi leaving him was already bittersweet enough for me. This was the best way you guys could've ended it, probably the most suitable to the nature of the fic and the characters themselves. Even so, Allen and Kanda... *cries*
Lavi's breakdown was also well-written and perfectly in character. It's nice to know Allen was so important to him that the grief of his death would break through his life's practice of remaining neutral to all. And now he even has a little apprentice of his own! That was cute, and I like how everyone has moved on from the decade prior, while still treasuring the times from long ago. The pendant being passed on to Lavi? Awesome move, so at least Lavi will have some reminder of his time with the assassins. Very bittersweet and sentimental of Kanda. The very last part where Lavi tells Daisuke about the trio was so full-circle with the title and all, and very satisfying. The last thing Lavi says pretty much sums up everything in a nutshell, and I am so glad no loose ends were left or it would've haunted me for the rest of timmmmmeeeee
Again, fantastically written and a suitable ending to WDRSBN! I am definitely going to follow your new fic on shaerahaek's account and look forward to more DGM awesomeness.
Panda Master X chapter 43 . 6/5/2015
Mr. Magic Mushroom chapter 43 . 6/5/2015
Silver-Snow-77 chapter 43 . 6/5/2015
Dammit Shae...I should have known you'd go for a tragic ending. It was still beautiful and well developed, but...ugh. I need to go read something happy now, I only JUST finished reading a book where my favs all died and now this...this fic was damn good, though.
wystery chapter 42 . 5/20/2015
Wow, I think it is safe to say that this is one of the best fanfictions I have ever had the pleasure of reading! To begin, the integration of both authors' writings is so smooth; I had no idea it was two different people writing this masterpiece! I love the whole idea of Kanda and Allen as assassins and Lavi as a Bookman, and the story so well-written I could see everything play by play in my head, yet it wasn't like detail overload. Love how there's a real plot, and the entire Lavi-Allen conflict broke my heart even though I am a die-hard fan of Yullen. I like how the fic was told through Lavi's perspective mostly as well, a refreshing change that allowed better insight on his genius mind and reasoning. Lavi was definitely my favorite in this fic, and the ending makes me wonder if he changed at all deep inside or if Allen was only a detour (Somehow, I think it's the latter). The suspense was so thick too, some of those cliffies had me ripping my hair out. Many of the plot twists were totally unpredictable, like I did not expect Faulklin to be helping the Templars at all! The icing on the cake is that you guys managed to finish the entire thing, a feat well done! I wouldn't have the ending any other way; it was so bittersweet when Lavi finally let Allen in on his true thoughts, and that last kiss...! I always had trouble telling if Lavi was more 'Bookman' than 'Lavi', and I think in the end he's Bookman to everyone who knows him except Allen and Kanda, who see a hint of the inner Lavi. And also, thank you for not stretching the plot out longer than it needed to be! When I was reading this, it never felt draggy, but it didn't lack development chapters either. Sorry that this is a massive review, but I feel like such an awesome fic needs loads of love! This was so epic I cleared 25 chapters in one sitting because I couldn't stand not knowing how it would all play out. This was such a wonderful read; thank you for writing WDRSBN! Hopefully you guys have more awesome things planned.
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