Reviews for An Accidental Intimacy
imgoodbackup chapter 1 . 11/17/2018
Wow. I love this. Wonderful job capturing Tom's thoughts on the chemistry and bond growing between them, and the internal struggle it brought about.
tea-induced scribbles chapter 1 . 5/4/2015
Beautiful, I love reading POVs from the characters and their thought processes to how they come to their decisions or deal with situations that the show doesn't have time to give us fans. I feel you're so in tune Tom's character and I like how you acknowledge the emotional conflict he has been facing. Good work and Thank you!
AliceW chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
Thank you for this story.
starfoxtwin chapter 1 . 11/21/2014
I just reread this writing of yours. You are such an incredible writer. The way you described this was just beautiful. I really hope you update your latest story this month. I miss you. wanted to read this one again. It is such a wonderful challenge describing his feeling for her and hers for him, when the loyalty factor plays into it. I am at the point just before the Trials, but what a struggle they are having. I have a long way to go to even begin to match your skill. I loved your reviews of my story and it really helps me keep on track. I now have written 7 chapters. I so respect your viewpoint and that you see what I am trying to put across as well. I put in two more chapters. Have a lovely Thanksgiving. Cheryl
Scousedancer chapter 1 . 11/19/2014
I still love reading this story - you paint the emotions boiling away between Tom & Rachel so very well. I wish this story wasn't a one off, as I would happily read many more chapters of this. Thank you for writing it.
jag389 chapter 1 . 10/26/2014
Good tag.
Kz4 chapter 1 . 10/14/2014
You have a way of writing that pulls you in. You captured Tom's. POV so well. Nicely done :-)
The Mistress Snape chapter 1 . 9/25/2014
This was so lovely. So beautifully written. Intense and utterly overwhelming. Good exploration of the chemistry and thus the unspoken but felt intimacy.
shepweir always chapter 1 . 9/24/2014
Oh this was just incredible and so in tuned to the characters. I agree that there was something very sensual about that moment. When she gave him the vaccine there was an energy between them. A pull that had to be broken before it went too far. I think he would have kissed her if he didn't still have Darien on his mind. Though I have never felt he had any heat or passion with his wife. There is more sexual desire in the scenes with Rachel than with her. I don't know if tptb had always planned to kill the character off. But I am glad they did. There just wasn't a strong enough connection, no believable emotional bond between the captain and Darien. Where Rachel brings out something in him that goes beyond anything else. She is his everything. I mean there has to be more than one reason why he turned the ship away from VA. I think a lot of his decision was based on his faith in Rachel. His belief in her caused him to lose his wife. (That is what he will think) Not really it was actually her stupidity and a ridiculous story line. I find it hard to fathom that Darien was less than 10 feet from a rotting corpse and she didn't notice it. I am sure the disgusting aroma would have knocked her over when she entered that electronics shop. I look forward to many more tags and multi chapters fics from you. well done...
StarTraveler chapter 1 . 9/23/2014
I am so in love with this fic I am a big rachel/tom shipper and you captured the emotions perfectly I love that scene you can feel the longing between them next season we'll hopefully have more moments between them
JOYS chapter 1 . 9/23/2014
Great "tag" story! I hope you'll tag every Tom/Rachel scene!
Perfectisneverperfect chapter 1 . 9/22/2014
this was so great i love your writing and this scene was so perfect i love them a little too much! hope for more!