Reviews for For Now
Kierstyalice chapter 15 . 8/24
Just binged the story and I absolutely loved it!
CC chapter 15 . 2/3/2018
Ughhhh! Sooooo good!
lala3366 chapter 15 . 11/30/2017
I can't believe it's done.:(. But it was very satisfying and you have answered my questions! :) I'll make sure to check out any new material you work on because you are that good of a writer and I enjoy your writing style. I really do love this story and will definitely reread it. I'm happy they ended up together, I know they don't have the best relationship but they fit together and I ship it.
TumblrBroughtMeHere chapter 15 . 11/29/2017
Wonderful; such a lovely read. I'd say those bands gave you just the right inspiration, this filled me with fuzzy butterflies, and i couldn't help by smile at certain parts because it was so darn cute. I'm happy that everything, well most of everything, worked out for them. You are a truly gifted writer, and I am sad that this is the end to this great fic. Please feel free to spam my email with new story alerts!
XxxoxoxxX chapter 15 . 11/29/2017
I’m so glad this was updated during my break, ITS SO BEAUTIFUL. The Joker loves her, he really loves her! The whole feeling between their family was just so cuddly and warm, and home-like. And the song “Crimson & Clover”, red and green right? You meant it to be about them? So cute.

I gotta say, we’ll done with the story overall. I’ll definitely miss seeing the notifications for updates. I’ll be waiting for new material from you!
Gemstar24 chapter 1 . 11/29/2017
Love it! So beautiful. You did a great job with this story! Hope you do more JxHQ in the future!
Guest chapter 14 . 11/13/2017
I like it
XxxoxoxxX chapter 14 . 11/1/2017
I really liked the fluff at the end, it was cute. And I can't believe the end is near... Nooooo! But I am happy to get answers. Please update soon!
Gemstar24 chapter 14 . 10/31/2017
Yay you updated! Can't wait to read the end!
TumblrBroughtMeHere chapter 14 . 10/31/2017
Very nice chapter! Super excited to see what's in the next chapter. I hope to see how their little family carries along and how Bruce reacts.
It's Scarecrow that says that right? I haven't seen the movie recently, so my memory is not up to date. I have this strange little obsession with him, almost to the point to where I'm completely infatuated with him on the down low (and he's not even my type lol).
lala3366 chapter 14 . 10/31/2017
I loved this chapter! I'm so happy you updated. I can't wait to see what happens next! How would Bruce feel about this? How is the joker going to interact with Lucy? Is Harley really done being Harley Quinn in public? How will Lucy be raised? As always great job and write to you next update!:)
Tillyman chapter 14 . 10/31/2017
LOVE IT! Please update. I want to see his reaction with Lucy. I thought the breastfeeding was hot and cute at the same time
Tillyman chapter 13 . 10/29/2017
please update
XxxoxoxxX chapter 1 . 10/26/2017
Im not logged in because I've already reviewed every single chapter.

I just got done rereading what you have posted so far so I wanted to give a bit more because this is such an amazing story and you are a very different writer compared to most others I've read from. I mean I'm no writer so I'll just list out what I really like about this so far.

1) The characters are well rounded. I've sympathized or have felt something for each character, each time they're in focus.

2) The characters are in character! Most importantly, the Joker is. Although Harley wasn't in these films, but your characterization of her fits in very nicely in this world of Batman.

3) It's believable/realistic, it really is. Well, as believable as things can be in The Dark Knight movies. And, I'm pretty sure most readers want that.

4) Descriptions are heaven sent. I'm not even exaggerating. Did you take special courses or something to write like that? Because you could be describing the same idea (?), but each time it's unique rather than repetitive, and they don't drag on either, they give the readers something new to think about.

5) You provide extra background in the author's notes, for those of us who didn't understand your direction. There's been times where I'd been caught off guard or a bit confused because not everyone's mind is alike, but it'd be okay because you'd explain it in the author's notes.

6) You engage with your reviewers (not really related to your good writing but it's a bonus . because many writers don't do that, which is fine, but...)

7) The songs chosen for each chapter fit in perfectly and tie into the story. I think the mood within the songs also add to the drama.

8) You update quite often (again, not really related to your talent, but it's another bonus. You're dedicated!)

9) I think it's versatile, in which it could go from sort of fluff to angst real quick or vice Vera's.

10) It leaves me wanting more. I want to know more about the others in this little universe you got going on, like I'd like to know how It'd go if Catwoman was in the same room as Harley since she doesn't like her in this story. Like, I'm legit gonna be waiting for any new stories coming for you.

I'm sure there's more reasons as to why I love this story so much, but that's all I can think of at the moment. I hope I wasn't annoying, though I really doubt that because as you've stated many times before, you enjoy reading reviews. Anyways, I'm really looking forward for the next chapter!
h e l l b r o k e chapter 13 . 10/26/2017
Please post another soon
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