Reviews for Loss of Control
Guest chapter 16 . 6/3
This is my first time reading your stories.
This story is wonderful...beautiful written.
Chapter-15 ending was weak.
Chapter-16 ending was epic.
CupcakeW chapter 16 . 5/17
Really Troll pedofile you don't know why nobody likes you. You are out of your mind. Yeak! Can find how Eric just have an erection with that toxic witch.
CupcakeW chapter 10 . 5/17
Oh C suenas tan lindo cuando dice que se emociona por cada cosa que logra con Ana. Sweet.
CupcakeW chapter 8 . 5/17
Seamos justos, el no la violó fue violento que no es lo mismo, pues ella consintió en que tuvieran relaciones. La falta de experiencia de ambas partes creo una situación más difícil. Si Ana no se hubiera desangrado, hubiera sido una primera vez muy desagradable por el echo de que C no sabía hacer el amor o sexo vainilla y no hubiera sido diferente a lo que Kate le contaba a Ana de las primeras veces dolorosas y desafortunadas. Lo que fue ofensivo y por falta de confianza de parte de CG fue ir a ayudarla enviando a Taylor. Porqué incluso luego llegó al hospital, solo que se asustó. Así que la disculpa debe ser por no haber ido con ella y apoyarla. Pero Ana, igual pudo preguntarle a Taylor si el Sr. Grey podía verla y Taylor debió preguntar también. Lo juzgó sin saber realmente que pasó.
CupcakeW chapter 4 . 5/16
Yes. In the EU is the same.
And is "Of course he did."
limtse1978 chapter 1 . 5/11
It's my second time reading this story and I loved it very much! One of my favourites
DoloresDeeHowe chapter 16 . 5/9
Thank you for this chapter. Eric really does hate Elena. He likes younger woman. I loved that Ana and Christain came to Eric's place for dinner. Would have loved to been a fly on the wall to watch Elena try to hold it together. Thank you.
DoloresDeeHowe chapter 15 . 5/9
I loved this story thank you.
DoloresDeeHowe chapter 13 . 5/9
Great chapter. I don't feel sorry for Elena you reap what you sow Elena. You did this and probably worst to the young boys you had. Sorry don't feel bad for you.
DoloresDeeHowe chapter 12 . 5/9
Elena is so over the edge. She seriously thinks that Christain is going to come rescue her from Eric. Keep dreaming Elen never going to happen
Love this story. It is great
Munkeyfump20 chapter 16 . 4/9
Wow thanks for the very good read.
Guest chapter 16 . 9/9/2019
Please continue this story.
JoulesGrey chapter 16 . 7/12/2019
Good story!
Kim972 chapter 16 . 4/28/2019
Hoping for more please like Christian reaction to the pregnancy wedding not all but their POV and more suffering for Elena
Kim972 chapter 15 . 4/28/2019
Hope you will add more
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