Reviews for Son of the Queen
Chreuns chapter 4 . 8/7
In my personal opinion the girls on circes island deserved whatever the pirates were goin to do to them. As well as in forgotten son of prophecy it was almost just as much kushinas fault he was neglected as minatoes. Again its only m personal opinion.
Harrison Aldrich Emrys chapter 7 . 7/22
What prophesy you know doesn’t rhyme?
Harrison Aldrich Emrys chapter 3 . 7/22
1. She’s a waitress. She’s supposed to call EVERYONE sir/ma’am.

2. It’s common for restaurants to give food for free if the server spilled it on you. She’d get in trouble for making him pay.
Dex Zabeth chapter 13 . 6/25
are you going to make the second part of this and demi deity?
devil556 chapter 13 . 6/19
Best story I've read in 5 months please have new story up soon?
Monster King chapter 13 . 6/7
Awesome please continue
AadenHelan chapter 7 . 3/6
just smack artemis to the ground for a few times
The God of Perverts chapter 3 . 2/2
I'm liking this Aphrodite and Hera.
The God of Perverts chapter 1 . 2/2
Clarisse never gets any love. Most stories describe her with a face even an orc wouldn't love.
Blazeb79 chapter 13 . 11/15/2019
Good story. Naru is awesome.
18Andrew chapter 13 . 9/26/2019
Great story
LordHatredX chapter 13 . 7/5/2019
good story i enjoyed it

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lara5170 chapter 13 . 6/8/2019
This was a good story and I am looking forward to reading more
lara5170 chapter 12 . 6/8/2019
I am surprised that absolutely nobody is trying to fight against him or for support of Zeus
SonicBlast4444 chapter 3 . 5/18/2019
So...cant stay in tailed beast transformations for long. I think u mean except kurama. He can stay in kuramas tailed beast form for longer due to being used to kuramas chakra more so than the others and being more in sync with kurama. Still not very long but longer than the rest though. If im wrong feel free to correct me. But im pretty sure thats how that works. I could 100% be wrong though
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