Reviews for Dead Man's Hand
TheStrategist40k chapter 67 . 11/25/2018
Also, if this is any indication of how fucking crazy Ava is, Arcade and his Enclave family better get the fuck out of there.
TheStrategist40k chapter 67 . 11/25/2018
Ava PISSES me off, other than that, good chapter.
Baslias chapter 67 . 11/24/2018
Great job! always think that this should be the fate of BOS in Mojave. Bunch of idiots.
TheStrategist40k chapter 66 . 11/20/2018
So I have been binging this, and I must say this is pretty good. Don’t like Ava, but love Knox. Also, to be honest, Knox has enough resources for New Vegas to be a power house. Especially any technology that comes from Big MT. Though if this means that Knox is going independent, then hopefully he can still recruit the Brotherhood onto his side.
Fallout2281 chapter 66 . 11/19/2018
Yesa yes yes yes yes yes independent Vegas time down with house also I can't remember did ava kill the entire chapter or not.
BenRG chapter 66 . 11/19/2018
So it was that Courier Six chose his own destiny for better or for worse. The problem was, of course, that House just simply couldn't stop trying to play the man like he was a pawn. Even when doing so would be most likely to just turn him into an enemy.
ohdeer2016 chapter 1 . 11/19/2018
Just stumbled upon your works by chance and I must say they are damn good.
SquireDan chapter 65 . 11/12/2018
Honestly, I had forgotten Knox was a badass.

A great chapter as always. I look forward to see where the next goes and yet I also fear for when this story finally ends. Maybe don't take so long to continue? I miss your stories and I hope you are well.

SquireDan chapter 64 . 8/27/2018
Need Moar.

But seriously, superb as ever, even this small chapter has me marvelling at your abilities.
Aren serathy chapter 64 . 8/26/2018
...That was remarkably

Also amazing!

I think I need to go read something warm and fuzzy now.
Fallout2281 chapter 64 . 8/25/2018
I know the brotherhood in Mojave isn't but not all of them are bad plus they right about house he just gangster ruling new Vegas thsts why knoxs should go with the 4th option, No House,NCR not Caesar legion cause the only good Mojave is an Independent Mojave led by good people.
SquireDan chapter 63 . 7/19/2018
boi. I need more. This is honestly my absolute favourite story of fallout new vegas. Keep up the amazing work.
Leo the zodiac chapter 62 . 3/13/2018
I would really like to see know doing some game changing hit seems that he's being ignored in favour of ava.
Incarnate Firefly chapter 62 . 1/4/2018
I like Knox much better like this. I imagine his friends do as well. I'm also glad you're going to explore why Veronica is always so protective about Ava, outside of her profound loyalty as a member of the Brotherhood, I mean. As eager as I am to see how the Battle of Hoover Dam will play out in this story, this is definitely a character arc I'd like to see first. Still I wonder...will the story end with the gang united and steadfast, or splintered and uncertain if they did what was right? And will they all survive?
Incarnate Firefly chapter 61 . 12/29/2017
Dayyyyyum. So much badassery in one episode. Cass with her quick thinking, Raul with his practical instinct, Knox with his sheer determination, Boone's deadeye precision across a long, windy canyon, and Ava's ability to punch someone's jaw off in 5 seconds flat. I like how she ordered the Khans to fight for New Vegas, which was never an option in the actual game. But except for Knox's cover now blown with Caesar's Legion, things went well, all things considered. That idiot Kimball's still alive, which I guess is good for the time being.
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