Reviews for The Secret Affair
Gottahavemyncis chapter 4 . 5/15
I love what Fornell says, "Does my ear deceive me..." made me laugh out loud. I'm re-reading this story and loving it, it is sweet and clever. And I understand it very well. Thank you, I hope you are well and still enjoying Tim & Gibbs on NCIS.
Iniysa chapter 1 . 3/15/2017
Perhaps a beta reader is in order? This story sounds like it could be really good, but I couldn't even get passed the first paragraph. It sounds like English is very much not your first language? Awesome job on learning such a hard language, but you have 13 major errors in the first tiny paragraph alone. So yes perhaps an editor from someone a bit more experienced in the language is luck and keep writing!
Rain of the Forest chapter 20 . 6/30/2016
Why is Ziva thinking of this as their last dance together!?
Guest chapter 1 . 1/25/2016
I'm sorry, I couldn't get past this chapter. The concept for the story is good but your grammar is terrible, it makes it incredibly difficult to read.
marthapreston4 chapter 5 . 8/25/2015
the spelling and grammer is all messed up
Guest chapter 22 . 5/16/2015
Nice writing!
marthapreston4 chapter 9 . 2/20/2015
The admiral and tim hated each other
marthapreston4 chapter 4 . 2/20/2015
glad the chapters got longer
marthapreston4 chapter 1 . 2/20/2015
A few grammer errors but great story concept
Momcat chapter 16 . 1/16/2015
Ahh my fiend, I don't think that you need to be sorry for Abby. It was her choice to brake their relationship, she kept dating other guys, flirted with them in front of McGee, mistreated him whenever he dated somebody elseā€¦so she doesn't have the right to claim him, or feel angry or betrayed, she was the one who betrayed constantly ! I agree with you, she got her chances and blew them all away !
Momcat chapter 12 . 1/15/2015
I love McGiva stories.. Even if they were raised in completely opposite ways, I always believed that Ziva would be a much loving girlfriend/woman/wife for Tim than Abby.. I hated the way Abby treated McGee all those years, she never deserved his love, so I never was an McAbby fan, nor a Tiva fan, Tony and her are too much alike.. It wouldn't work..
Momcat chapter 11 . 1/15/2015
From what I understand, since the Dr really believes that Danny was her son, and they were both born from a C-section, my imagination tells me that the Dr's real son was dead when he was born, then one of Grace's twins were taken from her to be given to Dr Walden as if he were her own son.. It's sad that Gibbs had to loose another child, though.. even if he didn't know that Danny existed until now and that he was an evil !
Momcat chapter 8 . 1/15/2015
Oooh I was wandering why that name seemed familiar to me, then it clicked ! He was the character Sean Murray played in some of the Jag episodes, right ? The evil student who caused so many problems to Admiral Chadwick ! Nice thinking, my friend ! I loved this twist !
Momcat chapter 1 . 1/15/2015
Hello my friend, from what I read, it seems that english is not your native language, so your mistakes threw me out of my element at first; but, you've got an interesting story there and I don't mind the mistakes. Especially since english isn't my native language either, I can understand that.. I'm glad you didn't let that small inconvenient stop from writing a good story. I've read many McGibbs stories and I love them, especially those with the father-son relationship ( I've also read some explicit ones where they are a couple but I always prefer father-son relationships) ..
barbaratakuyaho chapter 4 . 11/20/2014
The joy of the internet, people getting to meet people they would never get a chance to( me th and you all the way on the other side of the world Indonesia.) I appreciate your courage in writing and taking the chance and putting it on the net especially in a different language. I like a Gibbs as some team members Dad kind of stories. It always is interesting to see the different ways it started. Thank you for sharing.
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