Reviews for Never Give Me A Marriage Law Challenge
SerpentGlass chapter 7 . 5/1
I sort of agree with your description of Molly. She's a good person but doesn't have her priorities straight, like Dumbledore (though I like bashing Dumbledore more). But she's also a hypocrite. In Book 4 (GoF), she goes off on Amos Diggory because he's mad at Skeeter for not talking about Cedric, therefore sort of believing Skeeter. But then Molly turns right around and believes Skeeter about the love triangle. I still love your stories. Keep up the good work!
radix chapter 14 . 4/13
Was hoping for something about Millie... She was nice... Love padma and George...
Lisiane chapter 13 . 4/7
Nice one
Mitsuky chapter 14 . 3/31
Nice story, I like reading it.
Arjayess chapter 14 . 3/7
Just finished re-reading this. I enjoyed it both times.
Also read the unfinished boat-trip story.
In both H&H travel into the med before stopping at France to view the Louvre.

You DO realise Paris is closer to London than Edinburgh, the Scottish capital, is? Even in a 'fantasy'/'fan-fic', stopping at Calais or Le Havre and a 1-2 hour train trip makes more sense than Marseilles or Nice and a 4-5 hour one.
Ame's world chapter 14 . 2/17
I really like this Ron .
Thanks a lot
gginsc chapter 14 . 2/2
It is a shame Milly is retreating into herself. I guess the rejection hurts too much even if she wasn't in love. Nice story.
G the Headmaster chapter 11 . 1/6
It’s ice when the Queen gets into a story!
G the Headmaster chapter 7 . 1/6
Your analysis of how Molly is treated in fanfiction is spot on!
G the Headmaster chapter 1 . 1/6
Good start. I like how you have laid out the rules.
EP chapter 14 . 1/2
DONE394 chapter 7 . 1/1
I am inclined to agree about that. I don't like either of them. Molly has a tendency to mother people who aren't her own children too much and as for Dumbledore... he has what I call an "only child complex" I'm sure someone who has a properly functional brain can think of a better term for it but think about all the singletons he harmed in canon... or nearly harmed... Tom Riddle - left to rot in an orphanage, Severus Snape lost his best friend because the Marauders embarrassed him... again, Draco Malfoy, didn't get help before it was nearly too late, Harry Potter, raised by abusive muggles. Hermione Granger bullied and ridiculed in Gryffindor for having a brain between her ears and being able to think for herself and Luna Lovegood bullied and ridiculed in Ravenclaw for having different ideas about creatures that may or may not exist. I am an only child myself that is how I figured it out...

I am special needs and I was mainstream UNeducated, in a catholic school, where I was treated like crap for being special needs, being an only child, being the byproduct of an abusive marriage, being abused by my father and being the byproduct of a divorce. fabulous story so far.
Kira Potter Jackson chapter 14 . 12/17/2019
I fell in love with the epilogue.
Ron taking out his inner lion and facing his mother was very good.
The queen put the batteries.
Fred is a moron.
Kira Potter Jackson chapter 7 . 12/17/2019
I find the law interesting, although a bit cruel.
I love the changes you made regarding what happened in previous years.
Ron and Millicent's partner is good to be developed.
noylj chapter 7 . 12/11/2019
Molly’s not polarizing—she is an overly-opinionated ignorant harridan who should have been drowned at birth.
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