Reviews for To Chase a Hart
Caver Floyd chapter 18 . 5/16
Nice chapter, if short, but it wouldn't be right if the bad guys didn't get a whole chapter to themselves. I look forward to the next one.
Dracus6 chapter 1 . 5/15
Corrin x Azura
TheFreelancerSeal chapter 17 . 1/26
Glad to hear you've gotten your hands on Three Houses. As I'm sure you're well past the prologue by now, which house did you choose? I went with the Black Eagles my first time, and I'm working on a Blue Lions run. But so many games (and etc.) so little time.

Anyway, on to the review.

Well, in a few words, that escalated quickly. I mean seeing this chapter start of with an improvised tea party and end with a wrestling match was something I never expected. And you did it all exceptionally well, but really that's the norm for this story.

I enjoyed every minute of reading this chapter. Given that the Feroxi are portrayed as barbarians, I had to chuckle at the state of the guesthouse. Like Robin, I sure hope no one threw their underwear around, but somehow it wouldn't surprise me. Something tells me their parties end up becoming brawls on a regular basis.

I did admit to holding my breath when Virion started mentioning his viewing of Plegian artwork. I thought he was about to put two and two together, even with Tharja's spell to disguise Robin. At least he bought it. Still, I do wonder how much longer she can keep this up before people realize just what she's hiding.

The wrestling match was also well written, as per the usual. I even winced when Sully decided to head-butt Robin. It really sounded painful. Also, if I were Robin, I wouldn't count on this extending to the next summit, not unless she intends to pound their heads into the table. Just a little joking on my part.

Well done as always, and I'm looking forward to your future works.
RoastedButter chapter 17 . 1/23
Olivia's little crush is pretty cute. Too bad for her, her feeling is one-sided. (Was Robin seriously that dense and don't realize WHY Olivia "invite" her for a cup of tea?) Unless she somehow manage to repel that crush to the real Darean later on, but that'd be a little bit too perfect.

I'm hoping for more stuff regarding whoever this mysterious malicious figure is, but this is still a solid chapter. Get some more reinforcement of Robin's past action, Olivia being Olivia, and Robin showing off her badassery.
Caver Floyd chapter 17 . 1/18
Nice chapter
TheFreelancerSeal chapter 16 . 12/9/2019
Well, this took longer than I would have liked, reading and reviewing. But between my own writing or attempts at it I should say, the mental exhaustion of my job, and the people I have to work with, this was the best I could do. But anyway, better late than never.

First off, I have to say that made me smile when you said you'd sneak some Chrom/Sumia into this, but truly, you don't need to do that. I'm flattered, but if it doesn't serve your story, you don't have to do that just for me. :)

Anyway, on to the review proper. I must say, I had to cringe and wince and worry a lot in this, which shows you did your job. Seriously, that really sounded painful, the extent of Daraen's injuries. The broken toes and torn ear especially sound unpleasant. Then again, the entire ordeal sounds unpleasant, so I'd call that a testament to your writing skill. I also can't blame Kellam for being squeamish about watching Marion do her work. Heck, I'd be pretty queasy myself.

Also, I have to appreciate how tasty you made the seafood broth sound. I'll admit, it's a minor thing, but the way you described it reminds me of bone broth, in that it has the tendency to warm you up from the inside. So, yeah, it's a minor point, but it's just another one of those moments that incorporates all the senses, which I think is an excellent touch.

I also can't help but laugh a bit at how, once again, Kellam just goes by unseen. Yeah, the joke gets a bit overplayed in game, but still, it's part of his character. I myself even wondered who this gentle giant actually was, and then I had to think a bit on who Kellam was. Of course, that's more my lack of playing Awakening and devoting my mind to just a few characters. But I digress.

And it looks like for Daraen, in the words of a song, if it weren't for bad luck, he'd have no luck at all. It looks like it's not getting any better too. I do wonder what Marion and Kellam are talking about, but it probably won't be good. As was said, his hair is a dead-giveaway to his heritage and now they know he's going or was going to Ylisstol. So yeah, I don't imagine this is going to end well, especially if news about a Prince Daraen already being there has spread out to wherever they are. News traveled slow in ye olden days, but it still got around.

And as for cliffhangers, let's just say I find them to be the bait that keeps the fish biting, and I'm definitely biting. As a reader, I hope it doesn't take too long, but as a former student, I understand that your thesis comes first. Good luck with it.

And as always, well done.
TaraTolmney chapter 16 . 11/12/2019
I was so happy to see the notification for this! I do love your words and work, and all the effort you put into making this tale better than just "fine". It is beautiful, and I am so grateful for it all. I like the introduction of Kellam! He's one of my favorite characters. Stay safe and happy, and thank you again for sharing this with us.
TheFreelancerSeal chapter 15 . 10/14/2019
It's always a treat to see this story updated. I've probably started many a review with those words, but seeing how many stories I've seen go unfinished, it really is a treat.

Nothing wrong with a dialogue heavy chapter either. After all, talking is usually what ends up moving things along. You've definitely described the changes well from the merriment of the feast to the tense and probably boring atmosphere of discussions and politics. Of course, in this case, it's more like trying to squeeze as much blood as possible from Plegian stones, and poor Robin gets to calculate it. Man, four or five years of farming just to feed the victorious nation; even as far as reparations go, that's excessive. I also find myself thinking they discussed a lot but accomplished little, which I think fits this first scene well. Whether or not that's what you intended, I hope that came across as a complement, because I intended it as one.

Nice to see Frederick is still his normal self. I know he's only got Chrom's best interest at heart, but boy, he makes himself a bit unlikable at times.

One minor thing, in chess, it's the king that is danger of being put in check or checkmate, not the queen. Nothing big, but I can be a bit of a sucker for the details. But I digress.

I also like the chit-chat between Robin and Chrom. Yes, even the ardent Sumia shipper I am, he does have chemistry here. And if I didn't like Valentine before, I really don't like him now. That apple was born rotten, and it seems nothing has changed either. I also like that you have Chrom actually showing some emotional intelligence. I mean, yes, he is dense but he's not stupid either. Well, at least I don't think he's a total fool; I've even been described as dense, but an idiot that does not make me. So, I like that Chrom shows he doesn't have sawdust in his head.

And I couldn't agree more - he will have a wife by the end of the year, and my money is on Robin. Well, it seems like a safe bet.

Well done as always. Looking forward to the next update, whenever that will be.
FallenRaindrops chapter 15 . 9/25/2019
Wah you're back! And with some Chrobin moments to boot! These kids, dancing around the fact that they're def noticing each other more romantically - what will we do with them? Robin can't help but fall for his puppy dog charm and Chrom can't help but think she's so cool hehe. The old men in the meetings are being quite frustrating but I believe in you, Robin! A battle of wills! Oh but speaking of battle, I'd like to see a "training spar" between Robin and Chrom. Nothing like the thrill of trading blows in close quarters to get their hearts pounding, eh?
Guest chapter 14 . 8/17/2019
Please update soon! You're killing me
TheFreelancerSeal chapter 14 . 4/28/2019
Short, but oh so impacting. So, I presume that Daraen is still alive, if this can be considered living. I mean, great that Robin's brother is alive, but based on the description of his situation, it sure doesn't sound that great. I'd say that's a testament to your writing skill because boy, even reading it made it hurt. Glad help came for him.

So, now I'm caught up again, and I hope to see more really soon.

Well done as always.
TheFreelancerSeal chapter 13 . 4/28/2019
Well, I'm not about to even attempt a guess about these two, but one thing is for sure. There's dirty work afoot. I do like the air of mystery about these conspirators, and I do find the the situation interesting, seeing as how whoever this paranoid person is, his worries aren't entirely unwarranted. Bear in mind, I'm not excusing it or his judgmental attitude, but let's face it, Plegia has done a lot to Ylisse. Oh, they've done a lot to Plegia as well, and I'm probably about to land myself in trouble if I go on this tangent. But basically, I find this interesting, since even though they may be talking peace, it goes to show that it really goes only as far as the royalty. Most probably don't want peace with their enemy.

So, the suspense is definitely building, and I can't wait to see what happens next.

Well done.
TheFreelancerSeal chapter 12 . 4/15/2019
And we're back to the usual backroom shenanigans, so to speak. I still have to laugh at Olivia, trying to find out about "Daraen." I mean, we have the benefit of hindsight, but she sure doesn't. Gaius is ever the charming one. I really like the dialogue you wrote for him. I mean it really does make him sound like someone with his character would sound. Since we've had quite a few chapters with the noble folk, it's a bit jarring to hear someone speak so crudely. I don't mean that in a negative way, mind you. I just wanted to tell the little punk to mind his manners, such as they are.

I also really find the look into Olivia's thoughts rather interesting. We rarely see characters in Fire Emblem thinking about others in, how shall I put this, more sensual ways. I mean, we get declarations of love and appreciations of beauty, but never anything quite like that. I mean, we don't really get to see characters thinking about other characters in quite that way. I mean, Olivia is clearly smitten, and she likes what she sees with "Daraen." Actually, I think what I find most interesting about the situation is how she doesn't want to admit where her mind is going. In a game where everything seems more idealized, it's interesting to see someone this human. Of course, I also find myself snickering, wondering how things will be if she ever discovers her prince is a princess.

Chrom's meeting was every bit like I imagine his life to be once he takes the throne. One can really tell how much this life doesn't fit him, but he's forced to fit into it. It feels like watching someone force a square peg into a round hole, except they have to cut away some of the peg to make it fit. I mean, you have the dull meetings, not to mention the backstabbing nobles. I think that would get on his nerves quite a bit, knowing these people smile at him only to badmouth him when his back his turned. But such is a royal's life, I'm sure. I do have to smile at the camaraderie he feels with Robin, even if he isn't the bro Chrom thinks he is by a long shot.

Another solid chapter. Well done.
TheFreelancerSeal chapter 11 . 4/14/2019
Well, in between writing my next chapter (who knew something less than 1K could be so much trouble), I figured it was about time I read some of more of this, especially since you had four chapters in the time it took me to post one; a fact I am both impressed and envious of. But I digress.

When you said lighthearted, you sure weren't kidding. I was grinning from ear to ear for half of it and laughing my head off for the other half. I can't make up my mind what I thought was the funniest moment, Tharja turning up the charm for Libra (and doing a good job of flustering the poor monk), her and Henry's banter with Robin or Chrom taking a bite out of an orange without peeling it. Good a man he is, he's is dense. Not necessarily stupid, but I can imagine with a fruit he's never seen before, he'd assume you could just eat them right there.

I admit, I am now hopeful that Tharja and Libra will become a couple. What can I say? I think they make a nice couple, and let's face it, a woman like her could get anyone, even a monk to rethink their vows, even if the seductress bit was all an act. Still, it was a darn effective one. I also really enjoyed the little back-and-forth between the three of them, and Tharja's real self did make me laugh, especially with just how brusque she sounds. "Don't care." She sounds like how she is in game. Well, at least Robin's disguise will be much easier to keep up, with her spells and all.

The feast and the speech were excellently written, but that is no surprise from a story of this quality. I can't wait to see what comes next, but I don't expect will be as lighthearted and reasonably carefree as this one. Well, they all can't be like that.

Well done.
Jinx333 chapter 14 . 4/13/2019
Daraen! Oh my goodness, so happy he survived but sooo going to swing things into chaos. Olivia just might lose her mind, you know, if Robin doesn't first. Or Chrom. Or anyone, really. Love it! I wonder if Daraen will be searching for Robin after he recalls everything that happened, or if it's going to be an amnesia case. So many possibilities that I cannot wait to read more :)
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