Reviews for Artifice
Lourdes chapter 4 . 11/30/2016
Si, solo diciendo hola por aqui! Y a la espera del capitulo cinco! Así que continua escribiendo por favor!
DrUSB chapter 4 . 3/16/2016
Hi there, fantastic work here, getting all the feels, waiting for the next chapter now, is progress still being made? Binary Cookies taste great btw :)
tumma chapter 4 . 11/25/2015
Hmm waiting patiently for the next update. Hopefully it'll be of 100k words and filled with Elsanna, but you know. I'll take whatever you give us :).
ArielApostolos chapter 4 . 11/11/2015
Okay, so I just have to say that you have crafted a painful yet heart-warming story that is literally causing me to break into tiny little pieces of Elsanna-driven emotional fragments that once my will to live. I put off reading this a while back because of the idea of MCD (Elsa dying originally), but after reading this magnificent work thus far I have to simply say that you have wrought a story of such unique story-line, as well as giving us an entirely new angle to view the pairing at. I'm enthralled and enraptured by the story and I cannot WAIT to see where this goes next. I do hope you give us some fluff and pour on the awkward genetic sexual attraction aspect of Elsanna :3 This fic promises to be a most wonderful and treasured story in my book.
Mattnextus chapter 4 . 9/13/2015
Took me forever to read this, but I'm super glad you're still writing! Great chapter, loving all the angst, can't wait for the next!
FreelanceBum chapter 4 . 9/7/2015
I'm taking as long to read it as you are to write it :P

I still love the themes you are exploring, although I feel the anti-clone is getting a bit ad hominem. Although I can understand the trouble of trying to write that viewpoint, as I just can't agree with it.

Anna should never become a debater or a philospher. That was one of the most incomphrensible arguements I've ever read.

It is highly unlikely anyone named Adolf is German, there was been exactly one German named Adolf since 1950, and it was a middle name. A minor point.

As always, can't wait for more.
sirhuntsalot chapter 4 . 8/31/2015
I really do enjoy this story, I think that Elsa and Anna are the perfect characters to explore this subject. I can't wait for more!
Person of no interest chapter 4 . 8/30/2015
This story reminds me of a movie called "the island" it involves human cloning and they also raise the question, what makes a human, human? I am of the belief that if they are capable of emotions and thinking for themselves, then they are infact humans.
The length of the chapters is totally worth the wait,thank you!
david davidson chapter 4 . 8/30/2015
I'm not too bothered on how long your updates take, although it's obviously preferable that they're sooner rather than later.
I'm just glad as hell that you don't intend to abandon this, because it's very unique. the position that elsa's in, and anna trying her best to understand without any proper insight from elsa is an interesting story alone. and it's somewhat fitting that anna would accidentally make a mess of everything with her words.
that's very fitting.
keep up the amazing work.
CanITellUSmThin chapter 4 . 8/27/2015
Ouch. That was a bad time for Elsa to walk into that conversation. :(
Guest chapter 4 . 8/27/2015
Oh my lord why do you not have thousands of reviews this is amazing! Hope you update soon and all that wonderful jazz, Ill be watching the story to see how it unfolds its really so very clever and a new perspective I didnt think was possible, thank you for your contribution to society xD.
wenkan chapter 4 . 8/27/2015
ddrrrRRAAAAAAMMMMmmmmaaAAAAA! let it angst...! XDDD
waxlionmuse chapter 4 . 8/27/2015
I love this fic so much, you have no idea. I think it really tugs on the heartstrings, and the sheer amount of heartbreak going on is killing me (in a good way! I haven't cried reading a fanfic in quite some time 'till now.) Elsa seems to have had another crisis of identity, and her doubt about Anna caring about her as her own person is really at the forefront here. And Anna sure hasn't helped; she had her foot in her mouth throughout the entire chapter, but hopefully Elsa will be found and they can get past the little misunderstanding and maybe even start to develop their relationship on better terms. Will eagerly await for the next chapter and thank you for this little gem :)
wenkan chapter 3 . 8/24/2015
KEEP IT UP! THIS STORY IS AMAZING...its so different and so interesting but yet still so AGHH feels like wow ur incredible! . dont give up!
FreelanceBum chapter 3 . 6/15/2015
I'm glad Adgar said what I was thinking during Idun's rant. Fuck her for saying that, my best friend is an adopted child given at birth from a rape. Not born of love, but one of the best people I know.

If a robot is made that is truly intelligent they deserve full rights, as given to a human. If they are capable of emotions, they deserve full respect as you would a human. I don't believe in a god, I don't believe in souls, but even if you do if someone is alive in all intents of the word, is your god cruel enough to find them unworthy of a soul or at least "do unto them as you would have them do unto you?"

Pointless rant as the fic appears dead, I get the feeling you agree with me, but there we have it. Love it, sad to see it gone. While my opinions on clone/robot/nonhuman created life is still the same, the perspective chapter 2 gave me is really touching, and I wasn't prepared for how emotionally invested I would be in this. So thank you for doing that for me.
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