Reviews for How Bianca Got her Name
dragonmactir chapter 1 . 6/7/2017
Somehow I think I've read this before. This is a story you had posted to your previous account, right? I didn't recognise the name, but my brain melted a couple of years ago, and Hatshepsut is sort of my favorite historical figure, kinda taking precedence. When I say the brain melted I mean pretty thoroughly. I love the crazy, funny stories like this one. There aren't enough of them. We all take DA so seriously, but it's good to step back once in awhile and inject a little levity in your world view.
Aurora Felle chapter 1 . 9/4/2015
I loved it! I nearly died from laughter, I mean..."Bi Unca"? Oh my...
it was great, and I really hope for more onseshots!
BlueRubyBeat chapter 1 . 11/21/2014
Very funny! But yes, you are a stinker...though I would have used a word that shouldn't be uttered in polite company...or around small children. :/ Loved the story regardless of how I DO NOT KNOW HOW BIANCA GOT HER NAME!
Alpenwolf chapter 1 . 11/15/2014
Certainly, that you are ... not telling us how the crossbow got it's name, but the ideas in the one-shot are quite good.
MRTL85 chapter 1 . 11/12/2014
This was awesome! I especially love all the fantastic banter that you come up with! Andraste's dandruff, hehehe!
Melysande chapter 1 . 10/11/2014
You know, I'm rather glad it's still a secret. It was fun to read Hawke's speculations.
shom chapter 1 . 10/10/2014
That was so much fun! I don't remember ever reading it but I'm glad to have had the chance.
Shadowfire RavenPheonix chapter 1 . 10/9/2014
Bi unca.


Gets me every time!
redrosemary chapter 1 . 10/9/2014
God, this is one of my favorites among your works!
Garden Child chapter 1 . 10/9/2014
My morning emails make me smile.
This one is fresh for me.
Reminds me of a gag reel, almost. Your characters are very theatrical, and conversations are cinematic. The Hanged Man playing cards section had me laughing, not just for Varric's cuteness factor, but it's truly a delight to read (might as well say "see" since it feels like short clips from a movie) these characters that we love so much having a good time and enjoying themselves. So while the piece is short, and doesn't have a really grounding plot, it doesn't need it to stand.
I'm a fan of your longer fictions. But I find entertainment in these shorter pieces as well. They are great exercises in character, and don't have to be confined to journal pages. One of the reasons I love fan fiction in the first place.
Wish there was an actual answer to the question the whole story is based on. What else did I expect from you? You get off on torture, you saucy terror. I should have you pegged down by now.
Anxiously awaiting more opportunities to send you love and adoration.
All the best! 3
ElyssaCousland chapter 1 . 10/9/2014
Oh you hag! :). That's just mean, that is.
Tayhlia chapter 1 . 10/9/2014
Lol! I love it.
Enchantm3nt chapter 1 . 10/9/2014
This was lovely! I had a good chuckle from it. The 'three years line' in particular made me smile. Typical Hawke. She reminds me of a Hawke from a prompt I read recently where the Seekers keep following leads to 'Hawke' after the events of DA2 but they don't believe that this crazy pantaloon loving, joke cracking nut job could be the Champion. So they leave to continue searching. :P

Such a cute story, my dear. And a lovely update for me to wake up to. If there was a way for me to wake up in the right side of the bed (there's a wall in the right so can only use the left ;)... Although if I slept the other way around...) then this story would be it.