Reviews for After the calm
TheOddManOut chapter 10 . 3/29/2015
Nice one my dear!
WolfOfHiddenMoons chapter 10 . 3/28/2015
Glad to see you back although it does make me laugh that this was based upon getting rid of Ray! Ray seemed quite arrogant in this which matches huim quite well. I find him too smarmy and such in general both in the show and in fanfic.
Angeldolphin01 chapter 10 . 3/28/2015
I love it.
alayneni chapter 10 . 3/27/2015
I loved this! Its perfect.
mjf2468 chapter 10 . 3/26/2015
Sure love Ray's parting shot to Oliver! How very true, especially about someone being okay with being second choice.
Guest chapter 10 . 3/26/2015
welcome back! i've missed your post! _
StygianOmadaFan chapter 10 . 3/26/2015
Yay! You're back. I missed you!
You said a big truth. Ray didn't stand the slightless chance w Felicity if oliver hadn't stepped back. I like Ray, even when I really hated him yesterday. He's charming, funny, is willing to do what the stubborn oliver isn't! But right now I just want Ray gone and oliver taking his head out his butt
kenyancougar chapter 10 . 3/26/2015
I love this chapter... Especially when Ray asks about Oliver's last kill.

LOVE, LOVE, Love it! Now, can Ray Palmer just go back to his hidey hole and leave Olicity alone please!
Redlioness62 chapter 10 . 3/26/2015
Thank you, because last night episode hurt my heart. And it is true, she didn't choose anyone, Ray was all that was left and that must hurt. She will never leave Oliver because she is happiest when he is in her life.
darklou chapter 10 . 3/26/2015
Bravo ! I want this to happen on the show !
WolfOfHiddenMoons chapter 9 . 2/13/2015
I have finally seen this episode so I can finally review without relying on tumblr to know what going on!

I liked the progression in Felicity's section where she went from wanting nothing to do with it to wanting to go back and even though she left because of Oliver it was also because of him she can e back.

Diggle parts was quite sad as he has lost his direction that was Oliver and I know that he has his family now which is something I am really thankful for but it is not the same. His part at the end talking about how he couldn't protect oliver in the show was so sad!

I love how you made the three sections end in the small e place as it really brought the whole thing together. Shame you are not writing anything for the BC episodes but I suppose if they do focus on her as much as I have heard and you don't like it they would be quite hard to write for! Anyway yes nice to be reading/reviewing your stuff again!
shepweir always chapter 9 . 1/26/2015
You are such a great writer that sometimes I just am truly overwhelmed by your incredible skill. The scene at the end literally made me cry and I kept thinking that it was so intense and moving that the team was back where they all should be. There is such a completeness that each member feels when they are alongside their partners that makes me want to smile at the inner joy that radiates from all of them. The strength, the hope, the dedication, the belief in what they are trying to accomplish is not just magnified 3 x. But actually 10 x because as a unit their power and force is nearly unstoppable. Without Oliver they will have to change some of their old strategies and rules to live by. However they will still be a mini army that will fight to protect the residents of Starling City. As a united force they will truly change the world for the better. Felicity will now be the one to lead them all to make the city safer and a better place for the beautiful children like baby Sara to grow up in. The manner in which you conveyed how fragmented and lost each of them felt broke my heart. Without one another they would all suffer and lose spirit, have no faith in themselves, and would not know which way to proceed in their lives. Yet when they come together all those questions are immediately put aside or answered. It is the team's goals that take precedence and are what each of them focuses on. Your portrayal of all the Arrow family was so well presented that I really wish you could get a job with the show. With you as a series writer we would get all the Olicity we need to help us fans with our insane addiction to these two amazing and unique characters.
Let's hope that our show does even half as well as you did at making this time without Oliver so remarkable and
LightningPrincessR chapter 9 . 1/24/2015
Very insightful interpretation of each Team Arrow member's perspective I think in the aftermath of learning of of Oliver's death. I'm glad though, with time they came to realize the importance of what they do and that they weren't themselves if they try to make Starling City a better place.

I truly liked that Felicity came to the realization that Oliver was her light as well. That he taught her many things and helped her feel alive and truly happy despite the horrors they faced every night as team trying to bring down criminals.

I'm glad that both Felicity and Diggle came back to where they belong. Now, Roy isn't alone again.

Still, I would love to see the entire teams' reaction to the appearance of an very much ALIVE Oliver Queen.
lullabelle84 chapter 6 . 1/23/2015
I REALLY hope we get to see Oliver train Felicity at some point!
Angeldolphin01 chapter 9 . 1/23/2015
I love it.
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