Reviews for Bannon & Zevran Bk I: Origins Ch4: Friends and Lovers
Ventisquear chapter 50 . 8/23/2019
Okay WHAT is with that ending? WHERE IS THE HONEY JAR?!

But. Shale. I just want to hug him. But he'd squish me, so I won't. Although... he doesn't care for the Wardens?
Ventisquear chapter 49 . 8/23/2019
Wow your Bhelen is an ungrateful *******! Was he drunk? Or did he really think he could've won without the Wardens? But, I like Bannon's practical solution of sending Harrowmont's men to Redcliffe. .

And I was touched and glad about what Bannon said to Ruk's mother. And he didn't even want a reward. I'm proud of him. :)
Ventisquear chapter 48 . 8/19/2019
Lol Morrigan really was racking up the points in this chapter! I always enjoy the banter you write, it's so in-character and fun. :)

But the best part of this was the end, where Alistair was making a big decision. And his final thought that it didn't matter how awful his choice was anyway, - lol, Alistair. I was about to say that he should learn from Bannon, but... tbh I think that's something Bannon would say, too. .
Ventisquear chapter 47 . 8/19/2019
It's one of those chapters, where if I wanted to quote every part I loved, I'd have to copy-paste it all. :) Shale's decision to be 'a male', Alistair/Morrigan banter, elven small bladders, and then the ending.

Ah, the ending. The way these two dance around the truth, making all they can to ignore it. *sigh* I loved Zevran's little jealousy scene (but really, Zev, *Morrigan*?) and the fact he slept all the time in the Bannon's bedroll.
Ventisquear chapter 46 . 8/16/2019
"I was squishy here?" Shale grabbed his chest.
- that line always gets me.

This is such a great chapter, perfect blend of fun, fight, and a bit of philosophy. :) I liked Caridin and Shale's talk about the other golems, and Shale's wondering if they are aware, deep inside, just unable to respond or do anything, like she was when she was a statue. That and Oghren's inability to kill Branka (and how she knew it and used it) were my favorite parts.
Guest chapter 46 . 8/16/2019
"I was squishy here?" Shale grabbed his chest.
- that line always gets me .

This is such a great chapter, perfect blend of fun, fight, and a bit of philosophy. :) I liked Caridin and Shale's talk about the other golems, and Shale's wondering if they are aware, deep inside, just unable to respond or do anything, like she was when she was a statue. That and Oghren's inability to kill Branka (and how she knew it and used it) were my favorite parts.
Assan-Mahariel chapter 46 . 3/4/2019

Kinda sad I didn't take Shale to meet Caridin now, hadn't met Shale yet. But now I have the image of Shale squishing Branka. Ah, that makes my day. I'll keep the image for a sad day.

Also that last golem just yeets itself off the cliff. Did it have some semblance of control over its own mind? Maybe. Seemed to be the only one, thoughGreat chapter, as always! :D
Assan-Mahariel chapter 45 . 3/4/2019
Branka, ever an odd one (does she irritate Bannon as much as she irritated Assan?)

You've got her bitch aura just right
Assan-Mahariel chapter 44 . 3/4/2019
Having deep roads flashbacks
Great chapter, have to catch up, not much time to review. Onwards!
ShebasDawn chapter 50 . 2/16/2019
Aww, the boys listening to the story like kids was so cute! Great ending to the 'chapter' book. xD
ShebasDawn chapter 48 . 2/16/2019
LMAO "arrow to the knee" xD

"Tess of Tevinter" and Pride Demons and Prejudice"! Classics! I love the humor in your stories.

Leliana's description as being like a washerwoman eager for gossip made me smile.

I'm so glad Bannon gave the choice to Alistair. He needs practice making hard decisions like that if he's going to be king!

Awesome chapter!
ShebasDawn chapter 47 . 2/14/2019
Awww cute ending!

Bannon said to everyone, "Look, Shale wants to be a 'he,' and since he's a large machine of destruction with anger management issues, we will do as he wishes."

"Sort of like Morrigan," Alistair quipped.

"Do you want your head on fire, Alistair?" She raised a hand nonchalantly.

"And there's my point!" Alistair grinned in triumph.

Morrigan looked about ready to wipe that smug look off his face, so Bannon said, "Children, behave! Ugh, isn't this Wynne's job? Wynne, make them behave." Delegation! That was the key.

Wynne said, "Alistair, apologize."

"What? Me?"

"Or else Morrigan is allowed to set your hair on fire. Just his hair," the matron added with a stern glare at the witch.

"What did I do?" the Templar protested.

Bannon said, "You purposely antagonized the witch with anger management issues."

"Keep it up, Wardens," Morrigan growled.

"Hey, I was just supporting you," the elf explained.

"Alistair...!" Wynne said. "I'm waiting."

"Oh, all right. Morrigan, I'm sorry I called you out on being a heartless bitch."

LMAO Loved that! Classic! :D

Wow, Zev thought Bannon and Morrigan were a thing? Why not Alistair and Morrigan? They're always picking on each other. xD
ShebasDawn chapter 46 . 2/14/2019
Wow, this was really good! i loved Bannon's method of waking up Shale by ordering her around! xD Pretty cool hints about Caridin's and Shale's past, too.

Great work!
ShebasDawn chapter 45 . 2/14/2019
ooh, good ending! :-)
ShebasDawn chapter 44 . 2/14/2019
Yeah, I vaguely remember this one...
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