Reviews for Stormfronts
Msdib chapter 19 . 8/22
Terrific story! The dialogue between Tony and Gibbs was great. I loved how you had their relationship evolve, while still being true to the characters. Thanks for writing!
Hainbuche chapter 19 . 5/16/2019
eine der besten geschichten die ich seit langem gelesen habe. lf hayne
IAmCayj chapter 19 . 10/22/2016
my only issue the entire story was that tony acted like a girl at parts, his mannerisms and reactions were too feminine for my tastes at those parts I mean. but otherwise this story was absolutely breathtaking! I loved it! great work, you two were born to write together and I hope to read more of your work in future
IAmCayj chapter 9 . 10/21/2016
CH. 9I'm soooooo glad Tony called! it made my night I swear its just a basket of adorable lol Tony's character is a bit too emotional and sensitive for me (he's cried like 4 times, didn't actually count but you get my point) but otherwise this story is brilliantly written so far and I'm excited to see where else it goes
lizzievee chapter 19 . 7/27/2015
Excellent, excellent! This is why I love reading completed stories - it had me emotionally involved since the first sentence. I was not disappointed! I thought, though, that Gibbs might have run into Brian and their might have been a hint of friendship or something there. I'm so glad I found this story - you guys should collaborate more stories in the future! Thank you for the great read!
Guest chapter 19 . 7/19/2015
Fantastic. Loved this. Loved the tenderness and growth of both throughout, your details mixed with movement of story and plenty of dialogue... In perfect combination. Great read.
Cackymn chapter 19 . 7/8/2015
Aaahhh! Wonderful epilogue! Such a lovely glimpse of the future, an emotional look into the past, (totally loved the tears in the basement) and a call to the present. Masterful! Makes it so easy to picture their life together going forward. I have much to think about. The beautiful new home is a treat in itself. Also it will be Gibbs' turn to bottom at some point. With their insecurities mostly laid to rest they can become more themselves even as they become new people. It will be glorious! Thanks again and again!
Cackymn chapter 18 . 7/8/2015
Beautiful chapter. You two have given us so much, each reaching deep into your gifts and creating a story to remember and to be read again. I dearly love it.
I liked the construction of this chapter too: Gibbs' walk and his thoughts, the flashback, the (awesome) gifts, the big talk, and the thrilling, emotional consummation. Yep. I love getting emotional (and hot) for them. Thank you!
Guest chapter 19 . 6/24/2015
Great story!
combatcrazy chapter 19 . 6/1/2015
Awesome story. The ending was perfect. I'll miss this so much. Great job.
NCISVU chapter 19 . 5/16/2015
This was the perfect way to wrap up the story! Tony's last line especially! I loved their argument over the money and the way they resolved it. Feelings. Jethro cares enough about Tony and Tony's feelings that he could no longer fight him on taking the money. That says a lot about how far they've come and where their relationship is. This was a wonderful story, guys! Thank you so much for putting your heads together and sharing your creative genius with us!
Caprigirl60 chapter 19 . 5/16/2015
Loved this story. It was intense and funny, romantic and sweet, and sometimes frustrating (sexy upstairs neighbor). I loved seeing new chapters posted. Really enjoyed it.
PhoenixRising360 chapter 19 . 5/13/2015
Fantastic epilogue. Loved this whole story. I definitely want to see more stories by you two. You're a great team.
LAG0802 chapter 19 . 5/12/2015
Hi Ladies, great job writing together, u make a great team, your styles blended seamlessly. I'm sure this was a lot of work, so thank you for taking the time to write this and sharing with us. :) LAG
tonysmel chapter 19 . 5/12/2015
That last line...Perfection!
Kind of teary-eyed now. But what a wonderful ending. I love how you brought them back to the house, and how Tony referenced that this was where it all began, bringing them, and the story, full circle.
And what a ride! This was such a great fic, from the heart-stopping tension of the storm and it's after-effects, to the complicated, layered relationship that formed along the way.
So much to love about this story.
I can only imagine how complicated it must be for two writers with very different styles to collaborate on a story. But you made it work and meshed your styles so seamlessly. I'm really amazed and give you both huge props for this. I hope you'll join forces again.
Thank you so much for this. I love the idea that they will be together, in their new home, soon, and that they get a happily (even if rocky at times) ever after. I hate to see it end, but it's been an amazing adventure. *Happy sigh*
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