Reviews for Outfoxed
Cranky Monkey 699 chapter 10 . 12/12/2019
This is awesome. Not the best exodus scene I’ve read but still pretty good. Please continue this
Cranky Monkey 699 chapter 5 . 12/12/2019
Oh I really hope you take this up again soon
Cranky Monkey 699 chapter 1 . 12/12/2019
Nice start. I hope this is only on long hyatus though. I hate abandoned fics
Lord Kyuubi chapter 10 . 4/9/2019
Shit makes no sense. You've got ex machines on ex machines and random offscreen power ups. Random hatred from supposedly intelligent characters. Lots of skipping over important stuff without proper explanation. Plus Naruto went from getting toyed with by Orochimaru to apparently no sweat dancing circles around Jiraiya in a month even though in the two months of dedicated training he got with Kakashi he barely changed.

Plus he's pulling random Kekkei genkai out of his ass with either no explanation at all or the weakest ones I've ever heard.

For some reason you also seem to think high levels of elemental manipulation suddenly turn you into a bender able to just manipulate the elements at will without any kind of jutsu. Not to mention how dumb it is that Naruto apparently passes for and wind natured chakra though the seals on the Raijin no Ken which convert all chakra to lightning as part of their matrix but for some reason come out as an op hax blade of three natures.

This story started great when you had an interesting idea for a change to canon where Sasuke dies early and you examine the results but as soon as you started shoving every fanboy idea in your head into the story it turned shit FAST.
Monster King chapter 10 . 3/6/2019
Great job please continue
BrownEyesAngel chapter 10 . 4/21/2017
Looking forward to any updates if you choose to continue this
Atomsk the Pirate King chapter 1 . 11/25/2016
No matter what anyone said you got to finish it.
sagar hussain chapter 10 . 6/8/2015
Awesome chapter. Please continue.
SevenD7 chapter 4 . 3/29/2015
Kakashi and Naruto are being somewhat unlikable in this chapter with regards to how they treat Tsunade. Not only that but your Tsunade is also being really stupid about how she chooses to defend herself (i.e. not at all). instead of mentioning how unreasonable it would be expect her to immediately know Naruto held back. How would she have known, having never met the guy (yet still being able to be stupid enough to call him Minato?)? If the answer is that she is a Sannin and she should know these things, the counter argument would be to actually make her also smarter in the other points that a Sannin should know.
Basically, you can't just pick and choose here since it seems that Tsunade was only here to a) spill the secret about Naruto's father and b) give the sword and the Uzumaki/Senju relationship some background.

Sorry if this comes off as too harsh but Naruto's whole "thing" is to be a charismatic hero and Sasuke's death alone should not change that, hence it looks way OOC/jerkish. Hope this is just a one time thing and I'm going to continue reading for now anyway.
Exultation of the Gryphon chapter 10 . 3/28/2015
This is a fantastic story arc. I did not see any of this coming. Wow, you concealed the fox thing very well and I never even imagined Jiraiya and Tsunade and the forth, of all people, all hating and wanting to kill Naruto.

Thinks he's a human, thinks like a human, grieves like a human, loves like a human, and of course they don't know, maybe they think it's an act but Naruto seems human to me, no matter what he was before. I look forward to finding out how Naruto feels about things now though. He really didn't have time to feel and reflect on things during all this action.
Jaerskov Tempestwing chapter 10 . 3/20/2015
Evil Jiraiya is evil! But it's the first time I've ever seen him evil, so I'm very interested in this story. Please continue!
lucavento chapter 8 . 3/1/2015
i don't like it
lucavento chapter 7 . 3/1/2015
nice lv keep it up
lucavento chapter 6 . 3/1/2015
nice to bad about the 4th Homage i will like to see how he interacted with naruto.
PS: is he going to get a Rinnega
lucavento chapter 5 . 3/1/2015
love it
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