Reviews for 6 Picking apples
kaaterina petrova chapter 1 . 11/3/2014

It's fantastic - it shows exactly the brotherly love I absolutely adore in Supernatural!
Mystical Jellybeans chapter 1 . 10/18/2014
This was so adorable! I love how you threw in some of their past with Dean taking care of Sammy into the story :)
Mendai Decovrii chapter 1 . 10/16/2014
Okay, I somehow missed /why/ you're writing a whole series of numbered fics. BUT I absolutely LOVE the sudden flood of cute fics in my inbox! It's awesome! They don't take long to read, and don't have a lot of angst and drama - perfect for a quick study break. ;) This one is my favorite so far: the boys bickering over apples, and Dean pulling out picky kid Sam stories, and them snarking at each other... it does the heart good. 3 I hope you have more of these planned!
ArduisVigetVirtus chapter 1 . 10/16/2014