Reviews for Where Nightmares and Darkness Meet
Guest chapter 19 . 5/11
Another interesting story really hope you finish Burn the world and right more about these characters one day
m chapter 19 . 8/17/2018
I wish they had kept bae...
randomdork11 chapter 8 . 1/19/2018
I was wondering when the sneaky fairy would come in.
Guest chapter 19 . 2/15/2016
A very good story, you did a very good job with this.
D.C Joyce chapter 3 . 2/7/2016
I don't like that fact that Regina and Emma think Gold might be using Henry, that's his grandson he had every right to see Henry really Regina shouldn't be around his she is the EVIL Queen who slaughter Villages whereas the Dark One NEVER lied a finger on a child
detectivejigsaw chapter 16 . 12/14/2015
Go Belle!
Though I can't even imagine how traumatic it must be to know that you just killed someone, even in defense of your family.
detectivejigsaw chapter 6 . 12/14/2015
I kind of like this better than the canon, with the truth coming out sooner and Belle and Rumple talking about it, rather than Belle shoving him out of town and leaving him with nothing.
detectivejigsaw chapter 5 . 12/14/2015
Yeah, Regina went too far there.
detectivejigsaw chapter 3 . 12/14/2015
Oh dear, now David's having the dream; except for him, Rumple's guilty. That's not a good sign.

I loved when Henry went to Rumple's house, at 3 am, just to see if he was all right. I wish they'd have stuff like that in the show.
detectivejigsaw chapter 2 . 12/14/2015
This is so adorable! I like how Rumple is surprised that Henry wants to spend time with him and is concerned for him. It's lovely, as is the idea (which they should have had in the show) that he wouldn't want to kill his grandson's mother. I'm excited to keep reading.
TheChel chapter 1 . 1/23/2015
I just finished reading this fic and I gotta say I'm impressed. I really can't find many good fanfics for this fandom just yet, but yours is fantastic. Story wasn't boring or too character-centric, you managed to stay somewhat canon with what you had and your characterizations are near perfect. All in all, great work! I'll be looking forward to seeing more of you.
SomeKindOfFan chapter 19 . 1/5/2015
This. Story. Is. Awesome!
The plot is very good! And you found a way to bring someone back from the dead that made sense again! And you describe Belle like an awesome person instead of someone who can't do anything exept being sweet (as too many other writers do ). And Maleficent! I love her! (At least your version of her. Not sure about the OUaT version)
And you didn't describe Hook like an asshole, like most writers do if they don't ship him with Emma. And he also didn't die to make the story easier!
And it was also very funny! You are a really good writer!
EbonyWing chapter 19 . 12/19/2014
I love how you write these characters-I always get so excited when I see you have a new story up!

Brilliant! ;)
Grace5231973 chapter 19 . 12/17/2014
I am sorry to see this end! I am going to definitely read the other ones! Thanks for this story!
sudoku chapter 19 . 12/14/2014
I'm sort of glad Rumple didn't kill Magnus. It's a bit more good for his soul. I agree that Magnus did bring Bae back despite his reasons. And Belle understood.

Rumple gave Bae the apartment at the end was sweet. And of course the Tallahassee at the end for Emma, Bae and Henry.

I will be away from this Friday so most likely I may just read your new stories when I can but I will be back on 7th, just in time for Agent Carter and continue reading your stories.
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