Reviews for Every Now and Then I Fall Apart
anunleashedmind chapter 1 . 4/6/2018
Great little story
PianoAndKeys chapter 1 . 11/16/2014
Great story! Please update your others!
BuffyAnne chapter 1 . 10/23/2014
AHHHH This is so exciting! You know, I saw you following all my stories a couple of weeks ago (thank you by the way), and thought maybe it's a sign that you were coming back and you did! This was a wonderful story. You could feel the pain that they were both going through, and Will was so sweet with her. At the same time, this was very hot. I know it's only a one shot but I could totally see them giving in again, multiple times over her years at McKinley and you know, maybe turning into something else. :) I like that it's left open like this though and so beautifully written. I'm so glad you're back! When I see Will/Rachel stories posted, I get the inspiration to work on my own, so thank you for still writing! I've missed seeing you around here.
DoubleBubble96 chapter 1 . 10/22/2014
Great job! I'm happy to see you writing and can't wait for your other updates. I know how hard it is to get back into writing as I myself have been taking some time to get back into it. Anyways, look forward to reading more from you!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/17/2014
I'm so happy to see you writing again. This was great and much needed as stories have been lacking on this board. Can't wait for an update on December too!