Reviews for The Past and Future War
Guest chapter 19 . 9/13
I'm loving everything about this story so far. It was very sad when I realised theree was no next button at the end of this chapter. Hopefully you'll write more in future
slowest chapter 19 . 6/30
Intriguing story!
BridgeBurn100 chapter 19 . 6/11
This is a really great time travel fic. I do hope you will come back to it at some point.
AJ Granger chapter 19 . 4/24
I like this story. I like Bill's intervention and when he does it. Not so happy about Harry in Gryffindor, but it works with part of what Bill was hoping to achieve. It's a little sad they don't get to talk and I almost expected a book from Bill to arrive for Harry at Hogwarts even if he didn't say it was from him. I like this Harry and Neville as well. It's nice to see Dean being brought in to the training.

I also appreciate the bringing in of Sirius and Remus.
Larenars chapter 19 . 1/2
I really enjoyed this. I've never seen a Bill time traveling fanfiction. I hope you get back to it sometime.
Darksnider05 chapter 19 . 11/18/2018
Harry's inability to master the magic that goes into pranks is kind of sad, along with his general misunderstanding of what actually went on during Hogwarts with his father. He's got a very narrow view of what goes into learning magic and it's hurting him.
Darksnider05 chapter 13 . 11/18/2018
Really wish he'd of made the Quidditch great way for him to get to make friends with some older students. Kind of feels like we could be getting more on character interaction as we already know Harry is good at magic.
Darksnider05 chapter 3 . 11/17/2018
Should probably go into what it means to master a spell even if it's not possible to make it to silent casting for a few years, knowing it can be done would just tempt students to try. But being able to do it correctly verbally first would be so much more important as I can't imagine trying to correct silent spells would be something any teacher would want to attempt.
George1892 chapter 19 . 3/6/2018
Really enjoying this so far.
George1892 chapter 3 . 3/5/2018
Enjoying the story so far. Interested in how the Hogwarts integration will go but happy to go through a training montage.
Lyssasoulless chapter 19 . 9/25/2017
Cbf logging in Sorry.
This story was amazing! I really hope that you're still writing it! I've read quite a few time travel fics but never any with bill so it puts a nice spin on it! The method to catch Peter was fabulous and new as well. I really enjoyed reading this and sincerely hope that you will update in the future 3
corrinlone77 chapter 19 . 11/21/2016
Good chapter.

IDM chapter 14 . 11/13/2016
A time-traveling tale where the time-traveller is NOT one of the Golden Trio and in fact is Bill Weasley?

Ok, I'm loving this, especially the bits where Bill is trying to fix things as a responsible adult and deciding SCREW THE TIMELINE, THE FUTURE IS A MESS!

I especially like the fact that Bill deals with things OUTSIDE of Hogwarts. And I really loved the flashback to that time when he fought with Fleur at his side and his love for his amazing wife. I wouldn't mind more of that or even little glimpses of Fleur right now or things like that (as you can see, Bill/Fleur is one of the few cannon pairings I really like).

I kind of like how you portrayed Slytherin as a proto-court and how any Slytherin who survives has to play the game. That being said, considering that Draco will take some hits, I wouldn't mind seeing some other Slytherins being fleshed out. Maybe some who are half-bloods like Millicent Bullstrode or Tracey Davis. Or maybe even some purebloods who are, if not supportive of non-purebloods, at least neutral on the blood war and care more about things like future jobs or future profit. It'd make for a very interesting mentality and characters.

Also, GOOD FOR SUSAN FOR CALLING HARRY OUT. I mean, yeah, I get it, he's the "hero" and generally a decent enough person, but he still has a lot of moments (in cannon and fannon) where he's just an unpleasant individual and never gets called out on it. I liked this moment A LOT and that really established Susan as a very sensible and nice character who nonetheless does not let people, not even famous celebrities who are almost always supported by the "Light", walk all over her. I wouldn't mind seeing more of Susan and the other Hufflepuffs, maybe even Zacharias Smith being the guard-dog and side-eyeing the kid who tried to pull a "cultivate the DMLE Head's niece as a valuable contact" game and just being the wall between him and Susan or other potentially influential Hufflepuffs. His abrasiveness used as a shield at someone who has earned it. Or Susan being all dignified and just not giving Harry much due or attention for his jerk move.

Loving this, keep up.
spawn1237 chapter 19 . 11/10/2016
Really cool story. Like Bill Weasley's training of Harry. If we get Lupin and Sirius involved I think training with them out of Hogwarts would be very interesting
dianaanne chapter 19 . 11/5/2016
Awesome idea to have Remus work with Bill. Glad you updated.
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