Reviews for Monomoth
oxBlueBlossomxo chapter 2 . 1h
Re-reading again because I’m WEAK and can’t move on! This fic is everything
r chapter 1 . 7/30
I feel sorry for Sakura. I hope she finds a way to combat her exhaustion.
GenjuSen chapter 13 . 7/21
I know it’s been a few years, but any chance we’ll see the end?
Alisha Chaudhary chapter 1 . 7/17
Ahhhhh. I keep coming back to read this. The pain is so much. They are all so broken.
SatanHat chapter 5 . 7/8
I kind of want Sakura to get with Susumu, if only for a good olde friendly fling, he sounds fun and slightly less damaged?
oxBlueBlossomxo chapter 13 . 7/5
I can’t put into words how much I love this fic. I know you’re crazy busy and thank you for sticking with the story. I wish you the best and can’t wait to read more!
Nursebaymax chapter 1 . 6/22
Holy crap this story is so amazing and beautiful I can’t get over it. Your writing is so gorgeous it gave me goosebumps. And yes I’m also a Susumu Stan now
SaNdEr-ThE-rUbBeR-bAnDeR chapter 13 . 6/23
I like my fanfictions like I like my coffee: dark, bitter, and warm. This one checks all the boxes!

A lot of things that were on my mind since the beginning of the story were resolved in this chapter. You're a brilliant writer and I look forward to reading more of your work! (At your convenience, of course.)
Guest chapter 9 . 6/8
Reading about the creature makes me imagine the Mass of Souls from Dark Souls... How delightfully creepy!
Precarious chapter 9 . 6/5
Your writing is BEAUTIFUL. The madness is written so well, I love how you mix the present and past! As sorry as I feel for Sasuke gotta say I’m totally a sasumo x Sakura fan!
May chapter 5 . 5/18
I'm rereading this story for the n-th time and it only gets better with each read. Hope you are doing well in this time. This is one of my favorite FFs. If you ever get the time, please do update! This story is phenomenal.
cherryjubilee chapter 13 . 5/18
Thank you for the update and for sharing your immense talent. Wishing you all the best and stay safe.
beta vulgaris chapter 13 . 5/12
Hi! Just wanted to say that I love your story. Such a gorgeous character study and I love your analysis of Sakura's relationships. (Also - OCs are not Mary Sues for having good qualities! I'm really enjoying the ones featured in this fic.) I frankly have no clue where this story is or was going, but I think that's a good thing; this is miles away from anything I've ever seen in fanfiction before, just completely in a realm of its own, and even if you never come back to it I'll remember it fondly. Thanks for a great read!
TheVastEmptiness chapter 13 . 4/28
Wow. I completely just marathoned this story and I am very glad that I finished in the day time. I’m not very accustomed to horror, so I found this very very creepy and a bit unnerving honestly. But it was wonderful! In the beginning I was thinking that everything that was happening was some sort of psychosis induced by the Mangekyo but now it seems like Sakura is having real physical symptoms so perhaps it is a different source of illness.

This story definitely pulled me in quickly. From the first paragraph I was invested and trying to deduce just what was going on. Even now that we’ve been given more backstory there are still so many things that haven’t been filled in yet or that will be left to the imagination and it’s so intriguing. I love these Lovecraftian horrors that have appeared in this universe somehow inexplicably and yet wreaking horrible consequences. I love the saga of pain and fear that you’ve made of Sasuke and Sakura’s relationship. I just really love this freaking story. Thank you so much for sharing it.
kitty.mawe chapter 13 . 4/6
hey there!
what a great story have you created, incredible experience and great characters development. seriously, I haven't read a story like that in so long, it's really good
gotta tell ya, I am rooting for Sakura to be healthy again and I guess that means, far away from Sasuke, he is too dangerous to her.
Susumu is such a great OC. I like him very much, and him ending up with Sak would be nice.
hope that you can finish this story someday, it would be good to have a closurecheers
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