Reviews for Fulfilled
TheFreakZone chapter 1 . 8/16/2016
I-I think you killed me ;w; WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO DO THIS?!

I have to say, I'm impressed you wrote this in just two days o.O I enjoyed it a lot, it's so well-written and the story flows wonderfully. I also loved the not-so-hidden references to Louis XVI and Geroge Washington— that was a good one ;) It doesn't make up for the heartbreak, but it's something.

Keep up the great work! (Not the murder though— pretty please.)
ArkieR chapter 1 . 10/21/2015
…Oh my godddddd.

Oh my…

I just… don't have words…
Em chapter 1 . 5/4/2015
Oh my god.
This was amazingly well written! Poor Arthur!
kittykatrocks12 chapter 1 . 4/24/2015
Amazing story. I feel like crying so bad. I may not like FrUK but I Loved this
Maniac-Elle chapter 1 . 11/16/2014
Oh wow, I think this might be my favourite fic of yours! It was just amazing, and the ending killed me. I totally thought he wasn't going to fulfill the prophecy but he did and it was awful and brilliant and left me gobsmacked. I particularly loved the beginning which had a different meaning by the time it reached the end.

I can't believe this only took you two days because it was fantastic and beautifully written. I loved Arthur not realising and not understanding he was in love with Francis and Francis' infatuation with Arthur's freckles, especially the way it led to the true meaning of the prophecy. I also thought the prophecy was well written and worded and I totally did not guess the true meaning behind it until the moment Arthur did.

All in all this was awesome and definitely a favourite FrUK fic of mine!
queen-sheep chapter 1 . 11/3/2014
Oh my god. Oh my god how could you do this to me. Seriously though, that plot twist was amazing. And the way you set up the story to look like Arthur wasn't gonna kill Francis by giving us that segment in the beginning was brilliant. I still have mixed feelings for this story.
SouthParkKyman chapter 1 . 10/24/2014
You! I hate you! I'm crying so bad right now! Very well written and the plot is amazing! But still!
fan chapter 1 . 10/21/2014
So, Athur is suppose to be the next king right?
because, if Francis was yhe person destined to be killed then Arthur is destined to be king.
flippantfillet chapter 1 . 10/21/2014
Wow. I'm at a loss for words, as M. Night Shyamalan would put it, what a twist! You really know how to toy with my emotions...
fierysuzaku chapter 1 . 10/20/2014
*chokes down a sob* I knew something was wrong... I knew something was going to go wrong. It was one of those foreboding stuff about prophecies interpreted wrong. I expected him to run away but I didn't expect him to kill him... oh, Arthur. Poor little forest man. *continues to mourn for imaginary people*
faithfultomonsters chapter 1 . 10/20/2014
You've killed your readers. Who gave you the right to play with our hearts!? No, it's cool. By all means, carry on. Beautiful, as expected.
zerstoren chapter 1 . 10/20/2014
Marinoa, love-

I just talked to you a few days ago about how much I love your writing, but this story goes beyond that. The descriptions that you wrote near the beginning are so whimsical and feel almost magic, and the setting was developed so well and added such a magnificent feeling to the story. And then there's that moment right near the middle, that one instance when the reader realizes all at once that everything is horribly wrong... Words can't describe how well this story was put together. Well done, friend. This is gorgeous.
FujoshiRanger chapter 1 . 10/20/2014
Wow. Congratulations, you evil author. You made me cry. That was so well written and heart wrenching and I actually cried for a few minutes after reading it. Also, I did not see that plot twist coming.