Reviews for Problematic
emmetttschmmettt chapter 1 . 12/15/2016
this was really great. thank you for writing it. its well written. I like how it seemed to call out fan culture and aggressive shippers.
MooneyMaddie chapter 1 . 10/20/2016
Amazing! Love it!
stereotypes chapter 1 . 6/5/2016
apparently dan doesn't need light to make cereal

this is a revalation
ThatNewAuthor chapter 1 . 5/19/2016
This was absolutely hilarious. I'm going to go for the buffalo option, except that Dan and Phil are airlifted out along with all my other favourite youtubers.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/21/2016
This is one of the best phanfics I've read! And REAL :D your writing style is very catchy. I enjoyed this immensely. You're an amazing author. Keep going 3
brittanysdolphin chapter 1 . 2/21/2016
Dear Bethany,

I think I am in love with you.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/21/2016
This is flawless!
Phoenyx634 chapter 1 . 12/24/2015
I'd like to think the phandom is made up of people who genuinely like and respect Dan and Phil for who they are (not who you wish they were) and would respond sensitively if something like this actually happens. Of course, the crazies do exist, and they're quite... loud... but yeah. Out of the many fandoms in the world, the phandom seems generally quite cool. Comments on youtube are really positive and everyone is friendly to each other, and the fact that it is really hard to find the notorious "video that shall not be named" on the internet is further proof of phan respectfulness to Dan and Phil.

I really enjoyed reading your fic!
The only thing I'd say is I totally expected Phil's reaction to be harsher. And I feel like disappointed-angry-Phil is probably the worst thing in the universe. Dan seems to be the dominant one in conversation and constantly rags on Phil about everything, but if Phil ever got really angry with him he'd probs melt into a pile of apologetic gloop (you wrote that part spot on, hehe). Anyway, it was awesome :)
MehLikey chapter 1 . 8/23/2015
Obviously the second one! That sounds great! So glad I don't live ANYWHERE NEAR London!
emygrl99 chapter 1 . 8/10/2015
Personally, I like ending 2 :3 this is a great story though, very in-character, if I may say so :p but I liked how you touched on some of the deeper parts of the Phandom without having arguing and rude people fighting and Dan and Phil being all augh and basically with no head-to-head confrontation. Very well done (:
Ffcbft btfnvtfnt chapter 1 . 6/4/2015
The 2nd one
Deactivated - Ohhhhhhh my godd chapter 1 . 3/13/2015
I like both endings in the A/N
I love this!
thefanwhogotfedup chapter 1 . 2/20/2015
I started reading this around midnight and didn't put it down until I'd finished it. I can't get over your writing style, it's realistic and it just pulls me in. I'm spellbound till the last word. This particular fic had made me realize how much I love the idea of Dan and/or Phil secretly participating in their own fandom, wether reading or even writing their own fanfiction.
You kept them both in character so well. A very believeable fic. :) Can't wait to read more from you!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/1/2015
I really enjoyed this one shot, thank you so much for writing it. It was very subtly hilarious- I adore your sense of humour. I thought it was extremely insightful and you pick up on everything about the phandom and just make it so amusing. I honestly can't get over what an incredible writer you are!

I also loved the ending- the fact that Gracie was happy enough to say nothing and I appreciate your comment about the 'subtle manipulation in the community'. I think it's definitely relevant, not just with Dan and Phil but pretty much all well-acclaimed Youtubers, although I completely agree they're not purposefully trying to be manipulative. I guess I just thought that was another very insightful and important point. It also kind of irked me that Gracie had to sign off with 'yes we exist' in reference to her being a respectful fan. That's not an issue with your writing, I think it's exactly what a fan girl would say- it just kind of bothers me that he/she/whoever would have to say it. To me 99% of the phandom (and tbh I think that this is relevant for all fandoms) are absolutely respectful and understand boundaries. Fangirls, I personally feel, get such an unnecessarily bad rep; in my experience they are some of the most incredible, intelligent, talented (just look at this piece of writing), hilarious people out there, and yet they're constantly having to defend themselves. Don't get me wrong, I totally accept that there are a few fangirls out there that invade the privacy of their favourite actor/band member/youtuber etc. However I feel that when this is the case they are likely just an ill-informed 12/13 y/o that just simply doesn't know any better and I don't think it's never meant maliciously. Moreover even when this does occur, the relevant fandom is always quick to point out their mistake (though I often wish that they were nicer about it). I'm not for the whole 'we pay your bills, you'd better love us' argument because I view it as an exchange of services, but I do wish that youtubers (not D&P as such, they're usually pretty good) would show an equal respect for the fangirls, stop fearing them so much and just think of them as fellow humans.

Idk what I just said, I'm so sorry for the overtly long, rambling and likely incoherent comment, your fic just kind of struck a chord, y'know? Anyhow, none of that takes away from what an amazing piece of writing this is and thank you so much for sharing it with us. You're so amazingly talented, seriously wow!
rarities chapter 1 . 12/9/2014
i am soooo in love with it is just wonderful and my favorite phanfic ever
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