Reviews for Hunted
vlnelson55 chapter 24 . 1/31/2015
Wonderful story! You capture the love of the Durins the way I'd like to believe it was. And, I also cried at the scene between Ril and Fili. Fili would have been an awesome king!
KiliDragonFriend chapter 24 . 1/29/2015
Wow, that was awesome! I seriously love this story! Great job! :D
Celebrisilweth chapter 24 . 1/16/2015
Really enjoyed this story. Thanks for writing.
bookaddict123 chapter 24 . 1/16/2015
Love this story and the last chapter just completed it perfectly! And I have also read your other story and think a sequel would be fantastic though I'm already trying to think of where your going to go with it
Stardurin1217 chapter 24 . 1/16/2015
Congratulations on making yet another beautiful story :)
Yet again I was deeply In love with this story just as I was your last. I hope you are planning on something new for us to read soon I look forward to it :)
sorrellkaren chapter 23 . 1/14/2015
The talk with Ril was a surprising and well written moment in the story. I really liked it and I would have never thought that guilt was what was really wrong with Kili and not fear. You have a real talent for this kind of story. Looking forward to the last chapter. Till then...
sorrellkaren chapter 22 . 1/13/2015
I nearly cried over Kili's pony not being in her stall and knowing she was dead. Losing pets is the worst. My cat was 20 yrs old when I had to put her down and I will never get over it. I am glad you could see battle of the five armies and yes I cried like a baby when Thorin was dead on the ice and the company knelled before their King one last time. I am depressing myself so anyway this was a good chapter and I look forward to the ending however you decide to do it.
sorrellkaren chapter 20 . 1/13/2015
I have been reading your story and it is great! Really like the Dwalin parts and the Fili and Kili brotherly love. Also want to thank you for making time to entertain us with your busy college life and all. I remember those years whew! I am reviewing because I just love the next to last sentence on the authors note above. Yes like warriors with capes and swords and yes we will love Jesus and of course cats. I think we have a lot in common. Anyways sending lots to thanks and hugs your way:)
Celebrisilweth chapter 23 . 1/6/2015
Poor Kili. Glad Ril talked with him.
Stardurin1217 chapter 23 . 1/5/2015
I can't wait to see how this ends. I have loved this story very much and cannot wait to see what you do next. :)
jaymzNonoel chapter 22 . 12/30/2014
Oh my goodness graciously this story was absolutely, positively, intensely amazing! Really excited for more! :)
tolkieknight chapter 22 . 12/29/2014
But i dont want your fic to end :c
The chapter was so heartwarming
Your fics just give me heartaches you know ggahhh

BOTFA IS EPIC! But i really didnt like their death scenes. It was sad but i didnt like how they died. Fili and Kili shouldve died in each other's arms. I hate that kili died defending tauriel and thorin not knowing that kili died too. And fili! Fili was totally forgotten after he died that is sad! They were suppose to die by defending thorin.. And i didnt really felt fili and kili's brotherly relationship in botfa save for the part where kili avenged fili when he died..i mean if you compare it to the last two movies PJ showed us how close they were so i was really expecting that they would die in each others arms

Haha sorry for the rant
tolkieknight chapter 20 . 12/15/2014
Ooh! We're the same! Im also in my 2nd yr of college :) love the chapter as always i so love your fics dude have u seen BOTFA?:)
Celebrisilweth chapter 20 . 12/14/2014
Glad Kili is home and mending; but some of Oin's prognosis doesn't sound very encouraging.
TaliVarda100706 chapter 19 . 12/10/2014
Hi, this is a great story and I can't wait to read more!
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