Reviews for Broken Pieces
CynderJenn chapter 26 . 2/28
Work had me behind in reading this but I couldn't let it go by without a review. I love how our trio settled into a happy little threesome. I can't wait to see what you bring us next.
mille libri chapter 26 . 2/26
Lovely resolution! I look forward to seeing what they all get up to with the Inquisition if and when the muse moves you to write it!
deagh chapter 25 . 2/8
I was really afraid of what you were going to do with Anders/Vengeance. But I'm good with this. :) Yeah, right, her participation in the mage emancipation would be enough. My butt. And I'm glad she realized that.

Also, thank you so much for not making everything hunky dory at the end. It makes it so much better that all their problems aren't fixed.
deagh chapter 24 . 2/6
Ouch...yeah. Just...ouch.

I really do like what you're doing with them, though. This is just all kinds of messed up, and they can't just have sex and all is good, or just have a 5 minute convo and all is good, and you're making sure that we know that. Of course "all kinds of messed up" can pretty well describe all the characters in...all the games. Except The Iron Bull. He's got his head on fairly straight. But then he's the only one that's actually had therapy, so there you go.
mille libri chapter 25 . 2/2
That made so much sense! Several plot threads tied up neatly with lovely bows in this chapter - I love to see carefully laid out plots come together.
mille libri chapter 24 . 2/2
Ah, Fenris. So much pain of so many kinds and so little ability to explain or talk about any of it. I like to see them coming to an understanding of each other and themselves. It's been hard-won, and is well-deserved.
mille libri chapter 23 . 2/1
The sense of peace in Sebastian has been hard won, and it feels right for him at the moment. He's achieved the contentment he was searching for, and Fenris has come a long way toward his. I'll be interested to see if upcoming events stir all that calm back up again!
mille libri chapter 22 . 2/1
There was a great deal in this chapter that I hadn't anticipated - or at least, not so soon. Particularly the ending moments, which were so bittersweet. Healing, in an odd way. This was a really thoughtfully done chapter, and it worked just beautifully.
MoonPrincess623 chapter 26 . 1/31
Of course Hawke lived happy ever after with Fenris and Sebastian.
MoonPrincess623 chapter 25 . 1/30
Yes. Together. It's always about choice with him. Before, they couldn't control it, but now, he freely gave to her.
Its different now.
MoonPrincess623 chapter 24 . 1/29
My heart aches for Fenris.
deagh chapter 23 . 1/29
Well, *that* hadn't occurred to me. But then I tend to forget that Justice and Anders were once not the same thing, and so don't have the same history.

I do look forward to seeing what they have to say.

I also like how you're not making everything all hunky-dory since they did the deed. Even if they're mostly ok, there's no way it's not gonna be at least a bit awkward, and that comes through. This is one of the better triangles I've read, and I've read a LOT of them.
mille libri chapter 21 . 1/29
Varric is perfect here, uncomfortable with reality depositing itself at his door again. And poor Violet, whatever's pursuing her in her dreams is pulling just the right strings in her. I worry for her sanity!
MoonPrincess623 chapter 23 . 1/27
What if they bind Hawke for sexy time? Sorry it has taken so long for me to read. Life sucks lots right now. I barely have me time to do school work (I am the stupid person who went for another masters) and none for writing or really reading.

Thank you for writing this. It has meant a lot to me since I read the first chapter.
deagh chapter 22 . 1/27
Well, that I really commend you on that. I really struggle with sex scenes, and this was not awkward except when it was supposed to be. I can picture it, and I often can't, as the whole thing just devolves into this weird jumble of limbs, so I often just TL:DR out of sex scenes, but I read the whole thing this time, because it all just clicked and made sense.

And yes, it would be nice to kill Danarius again.
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