Reviews for Parallel Lines
Guest chapter 22 . 11/28/2019
Omg amazing and awesome and happy Thanksgiving!
Guest chapter 19 . 11/28/2019
I'm several chapters behind and so hoping there's more of this. Also I now have a new song to learn for karaoke.
Pao Vargas chapter 22 . 9/17/2019
I love knowing that Quinn and Rachel express publicly that they are together, I'm glad to know that Quinn decided to be happy and live her feelings, at least, with her friends and classmates. Little by little you can feel calmer to express them and live them with your family. I guess for that, he will need time and Rachel will know how to understand her. But it would be nice to give us unique, romantic, beautiful and special moments lived by Quinn and Rachel during the summer that led them to decide to have a relationship. Live with them their special moments through memories, but understand how they became brides
gllover22 chapter 22 . 9/16/2019
Fantastic! And now it feels complete in a perfect way. Even Santana couldn't ruin it. Keep 'em coming. thanks
LeaSafarti-DiannaAgron chapter 22 . 9/16/2019
Big thumbs up with this. loved it
bproofmgmt chapter 22 . 9/16/2019
nice :-)
MaliXx chapter 22 . 9/15/2019
Love how you keep writing these.. and love your writing, in general :) I just recently discovered you and been avidly reading everything you posted.. I'm currently at "In The Pull Of Gravity" (going towards the present day), and man am I glad that you're still posting!

Also - who doesn't love Santana? she's awesome (not to mention gorgeous..). BTW notice you don't seem to like Brittany very much :D (I do, but I can't be mad at you for that.. what you do write I do enjoy, it's just that at times I wonder what you'd do with Brittana if you ever were into them enough to write them)

Anyway, thank you for the feast, and wish you all the best!
vicky324 chapter 22 . 9/15/2019
Awww I’m really glad that Quinn wasn’t too much of a closet case! And Finn’s reactions are hilarious
Guest chapter 22 . 9/15/2019
Bugsy1014 chapter 22 . 9/15/2019
Although I haven't commented in some time I have been reading your updates/stories. :) I still really enjoy them and these last five ficlets were great! I'm so glad you kept going after the first one. Thanks for continuing to post your stories!
KalenCaelli chapter 22 . 9/15/2019
I loved everything about this. You have an amazing gift...
LiteratureLover34 chapter 22 . 9/15/2019
I’m so glad you still write Faberry! I always enjoy reading about them in your wonderfully creative universes. Thank you.
KalenCaelli chapter 21 . 9/15/2019
Please, make this a full story. And around the bases we go!
bproofmgmt chapter 21 . 9/15/2019
very nice :-) thanks
fussyviolet chapter 21 . 9/14/2019
It's been so lovely to visit this gentle gleeverse. You're a great storyteller.
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