Reviews for The Further Adventures of Spirit the Absol
WaltertheMadGod chapter 6 . 12/3/2018
A nice continuation of A Spirit's Journey! I was a little disappointed that Spirit and Nine didn't have an Absol kit, but hey, not my call. Hearing about Z getting old and not wanting to get in the way really hit me in the feels, though. That was deep. Psi is cute, as always, and Rio feels like a good borderline of slight comic relief and mature young adult. I'm just curious about Fang and Eros, though. What could they lead to, I wonder...?
Nanook55 chapter 6 . 1/24/2018
Please please please come back and keep writing!
Shredder8 chapter 6 . 11/1/2017
can u come back and continue the series please
Braydon chapter 6 . 10/24/2017
I have a... theory. I would think that Fang is a Zoroark? I mean, this is just a guess, but I have the feeling that Fang is a Zoroark and either is or is related to Zorro.
TheReviewer73 chapter 6 . 4/5/2016
I've read the previous Spirit's Journey and it was pretty good. This sequel however is just not as exciting and plot seems made up as you go along. Hopefully if/when the next update comes more consideration is put into it.
LucarioKing1008 chapter 6 . 10/21/2015
Good ch., good story
HgSpartan chapter 6 . 9/25/2015
Woot! Mystery!
ArouraPhoenix chapter 6 . 8/17/2015
Love the story so far! And I love Spirit and Nine's kits!
0r1on chapter 6 . 8/16/2015
are you going to continue this story or are you dropping it I hope you can get a chance to write soon especially since it was a cliffhanger, nice chapter BTW
Zero Lunar chapter 6 . 7/10/2015
Well, I was surprised to see this while surfing through Absol Fanfictions. I really enjoyed the previous Fanfiction, and I'm glad that it got a sequel. I am wondering what Fang is(my first quess is a Zoroark, but I'm not certain about that). Even though this little mission seems to be bigger than it seems(a bit of controversy in that statement), I am wondering if it will be like the last Fanfiction(legendaries, legendaries everywhere...). Syoran and April's relationship also interest me. Needless to say, I can't wait to see what this story will develop
Krominicon chapter 6 . 5/23/2015
this Eros guy seems... creepy? i don't know. anyway, you did a really good job at writing this chapter, the beginning was a little bit slow but it got better.
GameManiac chapter 6 . 5/22/2015
Sorry I'm not sorry that I took a couple of weeks to get to this story. I was busy reading DarkFoxKit's "The Child of Mew" to its completion. But you should know my choice of cycling between stories by now, so I'll move on to the review itself.

If I wasn't so desensitized by the "wonders" of the internet, I would be a bit disturbed by my imagination of Eros' physical appearance. The way you described him made me believe that he was ONLY wearing the ears and tail of a Meowstic. It only hurt me a bit more with Spirit's topic of humans wearing clothing and how Pokémon don't. Too much dirty art warped my imagination a bit.

With that "criticism" out of the way, I quite well enjoyed this chapter. You mentioned why Z isn't a main protagonist, and it's bittersweet to say the least. The duo of April and Syoran complement each other well, both with humor and with the general plot. And Spirit's general thoughts are still fun to read, especially when he judges derogatorily about the habits and cultures of humanity.

Hope everything is going well with you. Things are going well with me. Still writing as consistently as always, and I'm actually on the last chapter of my sequel right now.
Guest chapter 6 . 5/6/2015
I get the impression this might be the calm before the storm... looking good so far! remember to check spelling though! you have a mistake near the end!
Jack Storm 448 chapter 6 . 5/6/2015
Breaking news: mysterious circumstances surround the concert, beloved team member Z retires from active duty, and Eros reveals his true nature as a streaker. Stay tuned for more information; if you dare.

But anyway; it appears that our heroes are getting somewhere at last, but I can't help but wonder what they'll discover. There isn't much to say about this chapter, except that it does a nice job of making me curious. I can't wait for the next instalment.
Shadow Snivy chapter 5 . 3/21/2015
Whoa. So many things happened. SO MANY THINGS HAPPENED. Such as the mayor dying by the acts of THE INFAMOUS FANG- *Gives a certain poochyena a suspicious glance* -AND EROS, THE... WHITE AND BLUE FOX. Wait, what Pokemon would that make him? Suicune? Vaporeon? Some hybrid? Something from Naruto? I dunno, but most probably some sort of psychic from that hypnosis trick with the witness of their heinous crime! D: ...STARDUST, IS THAT YOU?!

Soul and Ruby are so adorable. I choke with adorableness, it's just too cute. :3 It makes me wonder if Ruby and Lobo acted like this as cubs... maybe they did... or... probably not... before corrupted by the Clan's ways... or... uh... insert more ellipses here... Anyways, Ruby and Soul ARE SO ADORABLE. That line with Soul being a "rock-type" just killed me, too. xD
Ohp, I know the perfect comparison for them: Star and Fang. x3 Though Starang doesn't tease each other like Soul and Ruby do... NEVER MIND. Soul and Ruby's sibling relationship is one-of-a-kind! I'll leave it as that. :D

Oooh, April. I somewhat remember her from A Spirit's Journey. Hardly, but I do! A little! Just barely! Such a remote memory! I'm looking forward to this partnership, yeeee! .D.
And just before I end this review, I need to insert something with Fang THAT MURDERER OF A POOCHYENA.
*Hands him a pie topped with the fluffiest of whip cream*
Fang: YAYYYY! *Slams his face down without a second thought*
Me: It's poisoned... ;)
Fang: Ahhh... *Falls on his side stiffly* Rrr... worth it... xDx
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