Reviews for Opposite Sides
Kiraling chapter 1 . 7/29/2017
Loved that! :)
WeasleyObsession chapter 1 . 6/29/2017
Sorry. Autocorrect. I meant fics
WeasleyObsession chapter 1 . 6/29/2017
It was great. I want more Arthur/Lucius but there's hardly any fucs out there
deletes chapter 1 . 12/18/2014
Omigosh. I could see this way more than I thought I would! It definitely has to be one of the strangest pairings I've ever read, but you made it work, which is super impressive. I really like the way you twisted canon details such as the Ministry of Magic scene in light of the Arthur/Lucius relationship, and the way you tied it all up with a flashback at the end was very effective.
TheNextFolchart chapter 1 . 12/13/2014
I really really like this! Their relationship makes a lot of sense - of course it has to be a secret because of society/the war/Malfoy family honor - and it adds a whole new layer to their rivalry we see in the books. It's not something I ever thought I'd ship, but you've totally converted me and I want to write it now.
LiviaHyde7 chapter 1 . 12/4/2014
A lovely fic and quite a rare pairing too. I love how you hinted of a possible future for them and showing over the years how Lucius was torn between the two sides. A nice story thanks! :)
Jemennuie chapter 1 . 11/24/2014
This was cute, and I like how you ended with a bit of a flashback to when they started going out. It's both poetic and serves to have the one-shot end on a bit of a bittersweet note.
Rayniekinnz chapter 1 . 11/13/2014

I REALLY liked this one too! It had a very similar feel to the other one, which I found very nice and consistent. I especially liked that Lucius didn't fob off his family like he does in some fics ; n ; that makes me sad. When they undermine the importance of Draco and Narcissa I'm immediately put off :/ Sure, they're not exactly the cuddliest family around, butt...

So kayute, too! w [flails] Someone spread the kayuteness, dammit!
wujy chapter 1 . 11/5/2014
I... would have been completely dismayed to get this pairing. I would never have ever been able to pull anything like this off.

I still feel weird about it, but I find myself rather surprised that I... think I liked this. lol. I think this was a great piece, and certainly a great way to go about writing such an odd duo.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/4/2014
Ginny-Fairytale Detective

Haha. It's really, really strange.
HallowRain8587 chapter 1 . 11/4/2014
Nice story, well told.
BreathingStar chapter 1 . 11/4/2014
To answer your question, no, it doesn't seem strange at all.
I loved reading this. It's amazing. How can you make me feel this way about Lucius Malfoy, and Arthur Weasley paired with him? This is an amazing example of great fanfiction.
The scenes are beautiful, it's neither too much nor too little, the dialogue is very good. I love how you make us see behind the Death Eater that's depicted in Canon and listen to his thoughts, understand his feelings, and learn to love him. At the same time, there's of course still the side of his character that sometimes stops us from loving him (killing Muggles and all that) but after this fic, you don't keep that in mind. It's everything else that stays with you.
It was incredibly well done to have the scenes (mostly) in chronological order, and then to return to the beginnings once again, back to how it all started...
Thank you, thank you for writing this. :)
MissingDublin chapter 1 . 11/2/2014
Not at all! I really enjoyed reading it. I know it's corny, but it reminded me of the Fox and the Hound. They were inseparable when they were young, but growing up and duty got in the way.