Reviews for Strong
Purestrongpoem chapter 1 . 4/1/2015
Great story!
SweetLittleOldLady chapter 1 . 11/9/2014
Well! I can't review this - I simply don't know enough superlatives! However, I must mention ."but not out of hatred" I think a gentle homage to roxypony's take on touch amongst all the frustration, impotence and near-hopelessness. Your skill astounds me.
Roxypony chapter 1 . 11/8/2014
Why would you hurt me like this ugh I thought we were friends

But no really I would like to thank god and also jesus for how well you write my babies, this is perfect and I love you so much

obviouslyincognito chapter 1 . 11/8/2014
Haha, poor Darren. Although it was funny how in Allies of the Night Larten left briefly and came back to find that he'd recruited Steve and told his girlfriend everything after getting attacked.

Mika and Arrow are so in character here, I always wonder how it would have been back at the mountain. Hopefully you'll write more like this :)