Reviews for The Consequences of Free Will
Samira Sky chapter 11 . 12/5/2019
Was machst du denn hier? Holen Sie sich vor- (German): What are you doing in here? Get out before I-

Better: Was machen Sie hier? Gehen Sie bevor ich-
For the second sentence on can also use: Verschwinden Sie bevor ich- (Leave before I-)

I like this story so far.
Vivian Simone chapter 11 . 1/9/2019
I really really like your story, one of my favorite fics so far and I've read a lot. Seeing the last time you updated was a few years ago I really hope you haven't abandoned this story, it still has so much potential! The only thing I would like to point out as a native German speaker is that your translation is not completely correct. I expect Google translate is to blame for that. The correct translation of 'What are you doing in here? Get out before Iwould be "Was machst du hier drinnen? Verschwinde bevor ich-". Basically what you wrote translates to "What are you doing here? Take yourself forOtherwise amazing job. I would love to read more.
MionePadfootLover chapter 12 . 10/12/2018
I adore this story. I do hope you will update soon please!
NatalieLynn chapter 12 . 10/10/2018
What a truly wonderful story so far! My guess is that it is Luna calling. I can't think who else speaks in such a manner. At any rate, I see it's been a very long time since you updated it last. I hope all is well with you and that your muse returns soon inspiring you to continue this.
KimiAshinhurst chapter 12 . 11/27/2017
Absolutely adore this. Fingers crossed for an update!
917brat chapter 12 . 11/12/2017
I like this and would love to read more of this so I hope you decide to update this again soon.
Anira De'Ember chapter 12 . 12/30/2016
Luna! I was wondering when she would show up
TashaLee2476 chapter 12 . 10/11/2016
So who does Potter end up with?
Shatteredxo chapter 12 . 10/6/2016
I love Ari's friendship with Wild Thing! I've never read a fic where she gets to be anything other than a druggy, which is such a shame. That's one of the reasons I love your story, you give us a different side of pretty much everyone.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/15/2016
I think your story would be a lot better and flow a lot more smoothly if you didn't do the flashback scenes so often and in such a large chunk. At the moment, it's rather tiring to switch back and forth. You should settle with the present first and slowly work you way through the flashbacks.
Guest chapter 3 . 2/4/2016
This deserves more attention. Your writing is excellent and really refreshing to read considering whats normally lurking on this website. Thanks for sharing.
Psyka chapter 12 . 12/28/2015
Wow oh wow awesome I love it please please please update again soon please awesome
Ataraxia chapter 12 . 10/5/2015
I am so very happy to have found this enchanting story updated from the previous time I had read it through! I started from the beginning, to refresh my memory and look for the little details I might have forgotten, and am so very much in love with your story.

I must admit that I find your characterization to be wonderful, Ari is quite a bit like what I imagine an older female Harry to be like. I think everyone has a mind to forget how cheeky and sarcastic the book-verse of Harry actually was, so seeing your Ari emulate those parts of her male counterpart is truly refreshing.

I must also admit that I adore your world building, the small pieces of insight that we get into the life of Ari when she used to be Ma'at were very informative if you actually pay attention. I cannot wait to delve in and find out exactly how the little Witchling came to be so important to the Mikaelson clan, back when they were mortal.

Speaking of the Mikaelson clan, I do happen to read the authors notes at the beginning and am quite amused at the end result of your decision, a Niklaus/Ari/Elijah pairing is going to be undoubtedly equal parts entertaining and complicated in turn.

Damon is wonderfully described and his reaction to Ari is so spot on to what I imagine his character would actually feel and respond to Ari had she truly been in the show. I also like the comparison to Sage, perhaps that is why Finn took such an interest in her to begin with, because she reminded him of the Mikaelson family's Witchling?

Beyond that, it has been over six months since this beautiful piece of fiction was updated, I do hope to see another chapter soon. I cannot beging to explain my desire to find out what happens next! Will Vicki be turned in your story and subsequently die? Will she be turned but live as a vampire because of Ari's intervention?

I must also admit that I'm smitten with Sheila Bennet, her interaction with Ari, and I'm going to endlessly cry should she end up dieing. I was also so amused by their reaction and opinions concerning the Ancestors. Also, your version of Stefan is so very refreshing and almost impossible not to become extremely fond of.

All in all, I do believe I'm in love with your writing!
Shadow Wolf 15846 chapter 12 . 8/2/2015
Nice really nice! Can't wait for the next chapter.
Wicken25 chapter 12 . 6/7/2015
Is it Luna? I actually wouldn't mind some more mikelson playing with. For example klaus or Elijah calling up the other and asking if they had a visitor that vanished to see if they truly were crazy. Perhaps a shared dream of a younger Ari looking up at them and asking them to play as she runs away in the trees playing tricks and showing them visions of where she might be
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