Reviews for Slowly, All At Once
Klarobass chapter 1 . 11/22/2014
Loved this, and thank you to contributing towards limoversary. Loved how the children replayed the moment Chuck and Blair fell in love with each other. I also love Henry and Julia, and how their relationship has similarity to Henry's parents.

Also would love it if you could update Midnight in Moscow. I found that story really intriguing and interesting. I hope you deicide to continue it :)
Trosev chapter 1 . 11/8/2014
Becca, i LOVED this! I can't even say I had a favorite part because really, I just loved all of it. From Henry & Julia, to the kid's movie, to, of course, our Chuck and Blair moments. I'm very excited about your wanting to write more because I enjoy your fanfic so much! Thanks for posting! I will follow you so that I don't miss any posts :)
MzFangtastic chapter 1 . 11/8/2014
Everything about this is just so many levels of perfect. I love it & thanks for writing this :)
Myrel chapter 1 . 11/8/2014
I miss those times too! That was so exciting. The height of my fangirling experience on social media. This fic... this is sooo adorable. With rhe Bass kids re-enacting the Victrola night. Such a fun way of re-telling that magical moment. Loved the Henry story too :) xo
Cosmokaramel chapter 1 . 11/8/2014
This was so cute and lovely Becca! Thank you for writing. I adored the Bass family you have created and what an interesting thought to make them prepare a vid for them and whole night :D Everybody celebrates limoversary yay. On the other hand Henry's SL made me weep! Awwwww.

Also I loved how Chuck said at the end they don't use a script, very very beautiful line!

Happy limoversary!
Kara chapter 1 . 11/7/2014
Great job!