Reviews for A Pet's Teacher
Guest chapter 9 . 10/4/2017
Are you going to continue this story?
Guest chapter 9 . 11/23/2016
Update please?
Goss chapter 9 . 9/2/2016
Please update
kodaistherawr chapter 1 . 9/9/2015
Uh oh... Why are the first 2 chapters from a teachers pet? chapter 9 . 7/11/2015
I wait on pins and needles dear author.
wiseyetharmless chapter 9 . 6/12/2015
I hate to be childish, but...
No, but really, I totally called it. Toooootally called it. I've never been so proud in my entire life, which makes me question my priorities a little.
Thiiiiiings are happening! Kev is gonna break. I mean, I always thought he would, but now I can picture it. He's so alone on this one, and there is nothing he can do. I feel like he's gonna start yelling at no one in particular at any moment.
Edd, on the other hand, looks like he's in a trauma induced coma. Dazed and frazzled, if you will. He's unraveling and it won't be long before he loses it completely.
Coach can't stop it.
Brooke can't stop it.
Cassandra, oh queen of the brew, ant stop it.
I don't even think Kevin can stop it.
Edd has to do something drastic, and fast. Or I don't know what will happen.
Update soon!
*hugs and kisses*
Missdellusion chapter 9 . 6/8/2015
So I'm assuming that Elijah is the culprit. Of the missing files and all that jazz... How have people been unawares for do long?

And Kevin. Kevin is under a lot of pressure. From school, football, and with Eddward. Damn...

And Eddward being all secretive and shit. Communication my friends! It is key
Missdellusion chapter 8 . 6/8/2015
Ah a bit of
EnvyYou chapter 9 . 6/4/2015
"Well that spot is reserved for someone special in your life. They're too good and too bad for enough of both to keep you going and to keep you on your can irritate you to no end and they can love you to infinity. Just enough of both"
I honestly feel like you just gave me the best advice in the world. I'm sorta going through what Eddward is going through and just those three sentences made a huge statement to me and I thank you for that.

And also, good job on the chapter. Got me hanging on that cliff there. XD Can't wait for more :D Take your time though!
wiseyetharmless chapter 8 . 5/29/2015
Alright alright alright!
This is a beginning... this is something, is it not? I'm hoping, begging, pleading this will be the be start of a new chapter for Edd. That through the counseling, the medication and with honesty (dangit Edd) he will start to improve. At this point it's urgent that he get better, yknow?
Update soon!
*hugs and kisses*
EnvyYou chapter 8 . 5/28/2015
Oh god, I need more. XD So exciting and sad at the same time. Can't wait for the next update. Good job with school, and i would love to read your other fanfic.
EnvyYou chapter 7 . 3/21/2015
Loving all of this soooooo much! Can't wait to see what happens next!
Missdellusion chapter 7 . 3/18/2015
This part made me lol:
Kevin looked at his witch watch.

Anyways on to serious matters

This is coming along so wonderfully. But virtually maybe some grammar and spelling? Not to say it's bad but at times it's a bit Distracting and confusing like this part:

"Hi I'm Eddward Vincent. I'm here to see Dr. Pullman." Eddward said speaking to the receptionist. She shook her head.

I think it would work better if she nodded her head...
Shook her head Sounds a bit condescending and makes me imagine her bring a bit bitch to be honest

I'm pretty sure that's not the reaction you want the readers to read. You know.

Everything works great it's just the flow that is a bit choppy when small mistakes occur.

Please update soon! I his find out what Double Dee is going to go...

Also I don't like this Elijah guy.. being all sneaky stealing paperwork... smirking in the shadows. It's not cool. Is he going to end up being Rebekah's brother? Or something oh lawd update soon please!
Missdellusion chapter 6 . 3/18/2015
Wait wait wait. Oh Double Disturbed what's happening to you darling?

This is excellent Eddward is perturbed, I mean I don't mean to say I'm glad he's perturbed. But I do appreciate the fact that he is at least showing some symptoms. Like not allowing Kevin to go out for a run. Not eating. Fear of getting intimate with Kevin. Getting caught up in day dreams and such. The lying though about Double Damaged's whereabouts is the most telling I think

Makes it seem more real. But at the same time devastating.

There has been major damage done here by Rebekah and to a degree by Double Delectable. Her for attacking him and himself for trying to keep it together and not releasing that potent fear and emotion.

Keep going what you go update soon!
wiseyetharmless chapter 7 . 3/18/2015
Ohhhh Jemimah! Two chapters this quickly? Honey, honey look at YOU! Dang! I'm way impressed.
And this chapter really packed a punch! It was really nice to hear something from Kevin's point of view on all of this... he almost sounds like he feels responsible for Edd's condition. Which could be dangerous, if Edd gets worse.
And Edd! He's a wreck. Straight up. He even hinted at breaking up with Kevin...! I'm glad he was opening up and had Emily there, but good heavens. She can distract him, but for how long? Getting him up and out of bed can help tremendously for Edd's type of situation, but given Edd' reluctance to accept help I'm not sure if it will have any effect. Poor thing.
Seriously. That dude.
Anyway, amazing story and brilliant characters. I'm dying to see what happens next!
*hugs and kisses*
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