Reviews for Pirates of Konohagakure
immortal godess chapter 11 . 9/2/2016
This story fucked me up so bad. Its amazing but some of the characters piss me off. Shikamaru gets me mad because he betrayed his crew and I don't tolerate detrayel. But I love his relationship with Kankuro. So im torn between liking him and hating him. Also I dont like the way Iruka and his crew play the blame game with Kakashi. The thing that makes me really mad is that everyone is betraying Kakashi. I cant stand people that betray their friends. He basically took care of them and treated them like family. You cant tell me they felt nothing when they left. I was honestly kinda happy when they were getting tortured. For some reason I hate Danielle and Anko the most. And im starting to dislike Iruka now. I dont normally leave reviews on stories but this is a really good book. Sorry for the long ass review
dancibayo chapter 6 . 7/20/2016
this fic is so good I can't stop reading it
Anonymous123456787654321 chapter 3 . 4/20/2016
oh boy surprise pairing lol. never saw that coming
Anonymous123456787654321 chapter 2 . 4/20/2016
It's a bit weird to see the American name in there among all of the Japanese names. Did you do that on purpose? Well it's not a big deal, it just doesn't fit in. I don't think you really need to rewrite the same chapter in different perspectives because you spill all your secrets right away instead of waiting for later. However it's still keeping me interested in what's going to happen... My other question is why did Kakashi speak like a pirate at first but now he doesn't?
Anonymous123456787654321 chapter 1 . 4/20/2016
I'm surprised how lax Kakashi is in this. He is never lax in the manga. I am also surprised he wasnt more on his guard after being betrayed right before that and killing those people... It's a bit strange but I am still interested to see if he catches Iruka.
Kyoko95 chapter 12 . 4/13/2016
Please update this! I need to know what happen next!
Toshiro with love chapter 12 . 3/1/2016
I love being a pirate in this story!
I want to read more! I want to know What's' going to happen to Naruto... and everybody else!

Read ya soon!
Kyoko95 chapter 12 . 2/4/2016
Wow, this was acutally really amazing! although i wish you had updated have me so antsy waiting for a new chapter! Please update soon, if you need to give more background info for certain characters...because if for one would like to know exactly how Kisame faked his death...
Brenna chapter 11 . 11/13/2015
I love the whole story! :) Please continue to update I love how you twist the story around when it comes to betraying part! :)
Kyoko95 chapter 11 . 11/13/2015
O.O who is the female? I figured the other male is Gaara...please update!
Guest chapter 10 . 10/11/2015
I really like the story and the plot and pairings. However, Kakashi is getting the short end of the stick every single time. When it comes to the end, will everyone on Kakashi's crew just forgive and forget the people of Iruka's crew who hurt them? Will there be no repercussions? It just seems like everyone who Iruka meets just falls at his feet (i.e Shikamaru) and no one in his crew seems to be in the wrong for their actions (i.e hurting Sai (just because lover is apart of Tsunade) and Lee (needling him to almost certain death)). Yes I know that is probably the pirate way of life to be brutal and carry on with happiness the next day, but can't Kakashi get the upperhand on something, have a secret spy, or just do something to counter Iruka with? I know this is a lot of writing, but I am just trying to figure out why Kakashi would want to be with someone at the end of the story, who has hurt them deeply by injuring crew, having spies everywhere, destroy his ship, and nothing bad happen to Iruka (killing Mizuki does not count since everyone hates him)?
Kyoko95 chapter 10 . 9/3/2015
O.o please update soon! I want to see what else my character does!
Toshiro with love chapter 10 . 9/3/2015
It was ... diferent... but we had to get trough it.

I can't wait till chapter 11. I want to know what happened to Naruto!

Wel keep it up.

Read ya soon!
Kyoko95 chapter 9 . 7/29/2015
Kisame! I just know it!
Darkminx chapter 9 . 7/12/2015
Kisame! And if you bring itachi into thus flick I will love you so much more! Plus I was wondering when naru/garra pairing was going to come up you've thrown me for a loop by having them together already!

One of my favorite flicks! Keep up the good work!

-minx :3
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