Reviews for Diary of Catherine Morland
VlightPhase chapter 47 . 3/10/2017
I started reading this a few days ago, and were it not for RL obligations, I would not have stopped. I love how you expanded the story, giving Catherine more character, adding adventure and action, the effect of which puts Catherine herself as more of a gothic heroine.
I am so very glad you expanded on Catherine's character. In the original she is naive, honest, and a major fan of gothic novels. Here she is all those and a horse expert and it's easier to see her grow less naive over the course of the story. I also enjoy how Henry and Catherine played off each other here, with Catherine misunderstanding his jokes at first (which fits more with her naive beginning) to understanding him as teasing. The only trouble I found with this was it made Catherine's ideas concerning the General and his wife at the beginning of her stay at the Abbey less believable.
Henry's expanded character does make him more alluring and mysteriously attractive.
I wasn't sure about the inclusion of a new character, Sir Harry, at first, but now I'm glad you included him and expanded Thomas Brearly. Sir Harry's initial attraction to Catherine makes the most sense of her suitors, although even with his time at Northanger, I don't think he spent as much time trying to woo her, and he started his attempt late compared to the other two. I do appreciate his lesson of honesty in a relationship.
I felt the action scenes were a welcome addition. Everything from John Thrope leaving bruises on Catherine's wrists to the bandits gave the story more risk for our heroine and consequences should she fail to navigate her season coming out. I like how Catherine is a strong smart individual in the action scenes. She knows her limits, but also is willing to take action.
The conclusion of the ending is a bit rushed, though admittedly that is also true of the original. The last line manages to tweak a pet peeve of mine; musk oxen are large wild animals that live in the arctic, oxen are castrated male cattle who are trained as draft animals. Henry and Catherine might see and use oxen, but I highly doubt they would encounter any musk oxen.
Overall I thank you for this expansion of Northanger Abbey, I have found it very enjoyable. Do you intend on expanding the ending, or is this the end? Either way, thank you writing.
Charlotte chapter 47 . 2/7/2017
I had read and reread your story several times. Today, I was very pleasantly surprised to find it updated! I love it very much indeed. Only the ending seemed a little rushed compared to the beginning of the story. I would have liked to see the conversation between General Tilney and Henry, but I understand this story is solely from Catherine's perspective. Though in the original Northanger Abbey, the ending is also quite rushed. It always left me somewhat dissatisfied... It would be nice to see the wedding and how they fare afterwards. What happens with Sir Harry, Isabella, James and Mr. and Mrs. Allen.
405968 chapter 18 . 6/19/2016
What an amusing story! I like it a lot :)
RoyaleisiaTheStrong chapter 9 . 5/18/2016
I'm enjoying your writing style; it's a very sound impression of Austen's. Catherine's character is true to the way Austen portrayed her but also much more fleshed out, and whilst she was always one of my favourite Austen heroines I like her even more now. :) I hope you'll update again soon!
Kakcal chapter 4 . 1/23/2016
Really liking this story-it's nice to see an adventurous Catherine. Can't wait for more!
Lady Francesca Pendragon chapter 1 . 5/11/2015
Hi,I have read the first chapter of your story and I really enjoyed it. The characters are like the originals and the regency style is well done, it must have been had trying to capture the feel Northanger Abbey, which is in third person, in a first person story but you have done it well! I also write Northanger fan fiction and I have often considered writing some sort of romance involving sarah so I think that was interesting. I like the last line, and I agree that Catherine is a very good heroine, she's definetly one of my favourites. Thanks!
Countess Of Grantham chapter 2 . 11/28/2014
I really enjoyed this story and it's a good impression of Austen's style, though I did think it sounded a little more modern in the second chapter . There were some very sweet little Catherine things in there like how she said she was getting too big for her reading tree !
Thank you !