Reviews for Kicking The Bucket List
Rakiah Baker chapter 24 . 8/13
Even though I kinda like Spamano,the Spain x Italy moments were cute too (being an Italy multi shipper).Hope this gets continued.
Guest chapter 6 . 4/15/2019
Okay, I'm sorry to finally say something about these type of fanfictions in 'third person'. When writing in third person, you do not write how the character acts.
1. Describe what he/she is thinking or feeling
2. NEVER write how the character acts
I always get s when people write their fan fictions in third person but giving it the feel like we are in the character's mind. That would be first person. I'm sorry if this doesn't make any sense! I really suck at explaining things to other people. I just know how to write and I know to do's and don'ts
Guest chapter 3 . 12/29/2018
shrEk Iz lOvE shrEk Iz lIfE
lol chapter 16 . 4/26/2018
i feel sad...i like spamano but while reading this fanfic, WHICH IS AMAZING BTW, i think i prefer scotmano in this story... it's just that allistor is being so nice with lovino while antonio is being a jump shifter and all that but ahhhh whatever~! this story is awesome as it is anyway, with it keeping me edge of my seat wondering something funny or intense is going to happen! I also love the puns keep at them!
Guest chapter 24 . 4/15/2018
hahh although you're probably not into hetalia anymore, but i just wanted to say that i love this story, your style of writing, the amount of emotions this story gave me in two hours (;;), and everything elseee
hikiisavage chapter 24 . 3/21/2018
Can you please finish it? I so desperately want this to end in Spamano. I'm very unhappy. But the fic is so good?
Anja chapter 24 . 12/6/2017
Ahhh, so sad to see I’ve come to the end! Thank you, author, for such an amusing, surprising Spamano fic. I’ve read more than I care to admit, so it’s always really special for me to find something like this one- I think the way you write Romano is very interesting! I love the dynamic between the Italy twins, and... Romano and Scotland. I never thought I would consider it, but I love it. XD Sad to see there’s no more, but thanks for some excellent laughs so far!
firerose132 chapter 24 . 6/23/2017
Aww you have to write more it was soo good - its scary how much lovies and fellies relationship matched my and my brothers! Although only the begining is relatable, but ugh why did lovi have to lose his virginity to scotland nd not spain boohoo XD i kinda wonder how u plan to play it out nd break scotlands nd lovis relationship ha but its really good dont abandon it XD
gazal.blirf chapter 24 . 5/26/2017
Are you still going to make it a spamano (you know for someone that ships spamano to death I want it to end in Scotmano I don't know if your that good in writing or I'm a pushover)
thestartledcat chapter 24 . 4/15/2017
I love this story soooo much! I tell literally all my friends and not even a joke, it's just rare that I find a fix I like this much! I mean I stayed up until 2 in the morning on a school night (day,morning?) reading this! So much character development and I just love Lovino to death omfg... He's just so adorable and a wonderful character. I am a spamano shipper through and through and am so not happy about the whole scotmano thing but I get why it's there. So much more interesting than the basic 'Spain you bastard, take my virgin ass!' or the classic, 'I'm so depressed no one loves me or ever loved me, oh wait hold on a sec, I spot a troublesome Spaniard, Antonio you bastard, take my virgin ass' and I love the idea that Lovino has a first love that isn't Antonio, it's just so new and I'm exciyed for where you are going to go with that. Even though when I read scotmano it makes me want to squash my eyes so hard it makes jelly and tear out my guts as I simultaneously combust. I'm also looking forward about where you're going to go with Antonio's mother, and if Lovino gonna have like a thing with Antonio about that? Somehow anyway... I lowkey don't want Antonio to be too sad even though a part of me wants him to crippling depression or something similar. My poor dads. Anyway I hope you update soon because I am so exited for some quality literature! Cheers :)))))))
Rising from the Ashes YOLT chapter 24 . 2/27/2017
Antonio must really be down in the dumps!
Frozenvenus chapter 24 . 2/27/2017
I was waiting patiently for the update last year and kinda lost the link of your fanfic. Now, I finally got to read this story again~~~

The wait is really worth it... I kept reading from the first chapter until the latest.

I will be waiting patiently again... Hope to see you soon~~~~
undercelestialstars chapter 24 . 1/20/2017
Your writing is gorgeous as always!
Chameleon Incognito chapter 24 . 12/29/2016
It's been so long since I've got caught up on this!
I think this is (one of) the longest hetalia romance facts I've read. And, from the way it's going, it seems as though there's still a lot of story left (not that I'm complaining). It's nice to finally know what Allistor was hiding from Lovino. For a while there, I thought he was cheating or something along the lines of that. I was almost hoping he was because, by this point, I am PAST ready for Lovino and Antonio to get together! But they're not, so I understand the pacing.
Per usual, great chapter! I egarly await the next update
Noobz chapter 24 . 12/28/2016
Oh how I would like to thank you so much for not forgetting the story this is one of my favorite love triangle (if you would) storys thank you and keep up the good work cause I have no life and love to read. ~noobz
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